
Redeemed / Искупленная (by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast, 2014) - аудиокнига на английском

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Redeemed / Искупленная (by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast, 2014) - аудиокнига на английском

Redeemed / Искупленная (by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast, 2014) - аудиокнига на английском

У Неферет неисчерпаемый запас методов достижения власти. Все она перепробовала и ее усилия оправдались, она добилась желаемого, став богиней, королевой темных сил. Называть ее можно как угодно, факт остается фактом, она вкусила победу и продолжит накапливать весь потенциал зла в своей пропащей душе, теперь уже не стесняясь своей сущности. Так и происходит, она обличает себя перед смертными, чтобы захватить Талсу и сделать город стартовой точкой в порабощении всего мира. Что же другие вампиры? Где Зои? Она обессилена. Ее друзья, наставники ищут связи с героиней, но она предпочитает оставаться одаль школы и бывших приятелей. Зои – добровольный изгой. Она сама себе судья. И наказание ее может повлечь страшные трансформации. Происходящие изменения в теле способны спровоцировать старение и смерть. И только любовь родных и близких может спасти ее душу. Друзья и сами нуждаются в ней. Ведь только Зои под силу побороть вышедшее из тени зло и остановить распространяющееся с катастрофической скоростью зло. Она не подозревает, какой силой обладает. Но настало время раскрыть свой потенциал и спасти мир. Ученики Дома ночи уже мобилизировались. Осталось достучаться до Зои.

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Redeemed / Искупленная (by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast, 2014) - аудиокнига на английском
Год выпуска аудиокниги:
P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast
Caitlin Davies
Аудиокниги на английском языке / Аудиокниги уровня upper-intermediate на английском
Уровень сложности:
Длительность аудио:
Битрейт аудио:
157 kbps
mp3, pdf, doc

Слушать онлайн Redeemed / Искупленная аудиокнигу на английском языке:

Скачать текст книги в формате .doc (Word) по прямой ссылке cast_p_c_cast_kristin_-_redeemed.doc [702.5 Kb] (cкачиваний: 59) .
Скачать текст книги в формате .pdf по прямой ссылке  cast_p_c_cast_kristin_-_redeemed.pdf [1.1 Mb] (cкачиваний: 50) .
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(Чтобы переводить слова на русский язык и добавлять в словарь для изучения, щелкаем мышкой на нужное слово).

CHAPTER ONE Zoey I’ve never felt this dark. Not even when I’d been shattered and trapped in the Otherworld and my soul had begun to fragment. Then I’d been broken and battered and well on my way to losing myself forever. I’d felt dark inside, but the people who loved me most had been bright, beautiful beacons of hope, and I’d been able to find strength in their light. I’d fought my way out of darkness. This time I didn’t have any hope. I couldn’t find a light. I deserved to stay lost, to remain shattered. This time I didn’t deserve to be saved. Detective Marx had taken me to the Tulsa County sheriff’s office instead of sticking me in jail with the rest of the criminals who were newly arrested. On the seemingly endless trip from the House of Night to the big brown stone sheriff’s department building on First Street he’d talked to me, explaining that he’d made a call—pulled some strings—and I was going to be put in a special holding cell until my attorney could make arrangements for my arraignment, so I could get released on bail. He’d looked back and forth from the road to my reflection in the rearview mirror. I’d met his eyes. It didn’t take more than a glance to read his expression. He knew I had no chance for bail. “I don’t need a lawyer,” I’d said. “And I don’t want bail.” “Zoey, you’re not thinking straight. Give it a little time. Believe me, you’re going to need a lawyer. And if you could get out on bail, that would be the best thing for you.” “But it wouldn’t be the best thing for Tulsa. No one is going to let a monster loose.” My voice had sounded flat and emotionless, but inside I was screaming over and over and over. “You’re not a monster,” Marx had said. “Did you see those two men I killed?” He’d glanced at me in the mirror again and nodded. I could see that his lips had pressed into a line, like he was trying to keep himself from saying something. For some reason his eyes were still kind. I couldn’t meet them. Looking out the window, I’d said, “Then you know what I am. Whether you call it monster, or killer, or rogue fledgling vampyre—it’s all the same. I deserve to be locked up. I deserve what’s going to happen to me.” He’d quit talking to me then, and I’d been glad. A black iron fence surrounded the sheriff’s department’s parking lot, and Marx drove to a rear entrance where he had to wait to be identified before a massive gate opened. Then he stopped and led me, handcuffed, through a back door and a big, busy room that was sectioned off with cubical dividers. When we walked in, cops were talking and phones were ringing. As soon as they saw it was Marx and me, it was like an off switch had been thrown. The talking stopped and the gawking started. I stared straight ahead at a spot on the wall and concentrated on not letting the screaming that was going on inside me come out. We had to walk all the way through the room. Then we went through a door that led to one of those rooms that look like the ones you see on Law

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