Миллион способов потерять голову / A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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![Миллион способов потерять голову / A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) HD 720 (RU, ENG) Миллион способов потерять голову / A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) HD 720 (RU, ENG)](/uploads/mini/250x325/05/6216e403dfa6c7214912c883b6f791.jpg)
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 42 191
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
39 7396.1
143 178
- Название:
- Миллион способов потерять голову / A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2014
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Вестерны / Комедии / Мелодрамы / Лучшие фильмы 2014 / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Сет МакФарлейн / Seth MacFarlane.
- В ролях:
- Сет МакФарлейн / Seth MacFarlane, Шарлиз Терон / Charlize Theron, Аманда Сайфред / Amanda Seyfried, Лиам Нисон / Liam Neeson, Джованни Рибизи / Giovanni Ribisi, Нил Патрик Харрис / Neil Patrick Harris, Сара Силверман / Sarah Silverman, Кристофер Хэйген / Christopher Hagen, Уэс Стьюди / Wes Studi, Мэтт Кларк / Matt Clark.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Миллион способов потерять голову на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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abandoned able about Abraham absolutely absorbed acceptable accepted accessory accidently act activity actually Addison address adults adventurous advice affection afford afraid after afternoon again aggravation aggression ago ahead aim air Albert alcohol alive all allowed | alluring almost alone along already also altercation always am amazing ambitious America American amicable amount an anal and Andrew angry animal animals Anna annoying anomaly another any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apparently appendix | applies appointee appointment appreciate Arabic are arm around aroused arrested article as ash Ashes ask asked ass asshole assholes assume assure at attacked attention attitude Austen aware away awesome awful awfulness awkward Aye |
baby back backed backwards backyard bad badly baggy ballpark balls bandits barely barn Barnes basically bathroom battles be bearable beat beautiful became because Becky become becomes becoming beef been before begging behalf being belly belt Ben bend bent best bet better between | beverages Bible big bike Bilbee bill bison bit bitch bite bitten Bitters Black Blanche blankets bless blind block blocks blood bloodstream blow blowjob blue body bold bond bone bones book boost booze born boss Boston both bottle bought boutique bowel boy boyfriend | boys Brady brain brains branded brass break breaker breaking breakup breath breathe bride Bridget bring broke broken brother brought browsing buddy build builder building built bullet Bullhead bullion bullshit burden burn burying business bust busters bustle busy But butter buy by Bye |
cage cake call Callaghan called calling calm came camp can candies cannot cans capture card cards care cared Careful cares carnival Carry case cash catch cattle caught celebrate Celebrated celebrating cents ceremony certain cesspool chalk challenge challenged chance change chant charitable Charlie check | checked chewing chews children Chinaman Chinese Cholera Christ Christian Christians church cigar cigarette City civilization class classy clean clear cliff Clinch close closely cloth clothes club clue Clyde Cocaine cocky coffers coffins cold collapsed come comes comforting coming Commit common community company complete | completely concludes confidence confident Congratulations connecting conquers Constipation constitution convention convinced cookie cookies cool cools corners correct costly could country couple courageous course cow coward cowboy cowpoke cradle cramps cream creams creates Creek Cross crowd cry cum cure Curtis curve cut cuts cutting |
Dad daily daisy damn dance dancing dangerous dash date dating day days dead deadliest deadly deal dear death decision deep deeper definitely degree delivering depressing desert deserve deserved despair | dessert devil Diamondback dick did die died diet difference different dirty disappointing disease diseases disgusting divert do Doc doctor Does dog dogs doing dollar done donkey door double douche | doused down dragged dragging drain Draw dress dressing drink drinks drowning drug drunk ducks dude due duel dulled dumped dumping dunk during dust dusty dying dynamite dyspepsia |
each ear early earned earth earthly East Easy eat eating Eddie edge Edward effect either elixirs else Elsie embarrass embroidered | emotion end ends energy English enjoy enjoyed enjoying Enoch enough Enter entire envy eschewed Especially essay Evelyn even ever every | everybody everyone everything everywhere exactly example Except exceptional excited exciting excuse exist existed expensive experiment experts explode Express extend eye |
face facial fact Fair fairy fall falling family famine fancy fangs fantastic Far Fargo farm farmer fart farthest farts fashion fast faster fat father fault favor favorite fear fearless features fee feel feeling feels feet | fell fella fellas fever few Fifty fight fighting fights figure final finally find fine finest finish finished fire firecracker fired first fix fixtures flannel flowers focus folds folk folks Food foods foot for forget forgive | forgot formal Foster fought found Four Foy frail Francisco freak free freedom frenching fresh friend friendly friends from front frontier frozen fuck fucked fucker fuckers fucking fulfilling full fun function funk funny future |
gallery gals game gander Gang gas gave gay general generations generous gentleman gentlemen geography get gets getting giant girl girlfriend girls give | given gives giving glad globe go God goddamn goes going gold gonna good Goodbye gorgeous Gosh got gotta gotten graduation grandparents grant | grass grave graze grazed grazers great greeting grow growing guardians guess gum gun gunfight gunfighter gunfights gunman guts guy guys Gwendolyn |
had hair hairy half halt hand handkerchief handle hands Hang happen happened happening happens happy hard hardworking harmonize Harper harsh has hat hate hatred have having he head heading healing hear heard | heart heartfelt hearts heat heavenly heavy Hell Hello help Helps hemorrhoids her herder here hero herself hey Hi highest hilarious hill him himself hint hired his history hit hits hitting hmm Hodgkins | Hold hole hollow Holy home Honest Honestly honey hookers hoop hoops hope hopeless hoping horny horrible horse horses hot hotels hours house How Howdy huge humor hungry hurry hurt hurts husband Hyah |
I ice idea ideas identify idiot if illustrate immediately important impossible impressed impression | in incredibly Indeed Indian Indians inflammation ingredients inhaling injuries innovate insane insanely inside | intellectual interest interesting intervene intimidated into introduce introduced iron Is Islamic it intellectual |
jackpot James Jane jaw jay jerk jerking Jesus Jewish job John join joke joking Jonathan Jordy joy July just justice |
Ladies lads lady lakes land lantern last lasted late lately later latest laugh laughing lavish lay lazy leads learn least Leatherwood leave leaving left leg less lesson | let letter Lewis licorice lie lied life lift light lighten like liked likely likes Lincoln line lion listen literally little live liver living load loads locals lonelier | long longer Look looked looking looks loose Lord lose loser lost lot lotions Louise love loved lovely loves lovingly low luck luckiest lucky lunch lungs lying |
machine mad madam made maid maiden main major make maker Makes making male man manufactures many map Marcus Marga marital Mark marksman married matching matter may maybe mayor me meal mean meanest meant Meat | medicine meet meetings meets melt members men Merciful mercury message metal Methodist Michael middle might miles milk Millie million mind mine mines minor minute minutes miracle mirror mislead Miss missed Missouri mistake mister Mmm | Mobius modern modest Mom moment money month mood more morning morphine most mother mount mountain mountains moustache Moustachery mouth move moved movement moving much mule murderers Muslim must mutual my myself mysteriously mystery |
nail name nasty Nation neat need needles needs negative neighbors never new newborn newborns news next nibble nice | nicest nickel night nine No noble nobody non noon Nope normal Not nothing notice noun now nowhere nuts |
obliged obviously occurrence of off offer offering office official Oh Oil okay old older oldest on once one ones only open opportunities Or order other others otherwise ought our ourselves out outdrink outfit outhouse Outlaws outshoot outside over overcome overdressed overjoyed Ow owe owes own owner owns |
padding paid pain painful pal palates panicky panned pants paper Pardon parents part Pass pastor patience pay paying peace peck peddler penis penny people pep perfect perfectly performing person photograph photographs | Pick picking picnic picture pictures piece Pieces pig pillow pisses pistols place plain plan plans play playing please pleasures plugged Plugger point poisoned pond ponds pony poop poor popular position posse | possibly pot powder power practically practice prairie prayer prepared prepping President pretend pretty prick pride probably problem procured progress prom promise proper prospecting prospector prospered protect prove punishment pussies pussy put |
quality quarter queen question Quick quickest Quiet quite |
rabbits racist rail rambunctious rampant ran ranch rancher ranking rape raped rational rattler rattlesnake rattlesnakes reach read ready real realize realized realizes really reason | reasons receive recently recite recognize recreational red regular relations relationship relax relief relieve remember remembered reminded repair replaced require required reschedule resilient respect rest | retardation retarded revenge reward Ribs rich ride ridge riding right righteous righty river road roast roof room rope rounded route row ruining running Ruth Ruthie |
safe Safer said sake saloon same sample San sandwich Santa Saturday sauce savage save saving saw say saying says Scalpers scarce scare scared schedule schmucks school schoolmarm Science score scorned Scott screeching screwed screwing seats sec second seconds secret see seeing seem seemed seems seen sees self selfish sell send sense sentiment separate serenade serious sermon service set Settle seven sex sexual sexually shade shadows shall sharp sharpie shavings She shear shed sheep sheepie sheepskate Sheriff Sherman ship shipment shirt shit shithole shoes shoot | shooting shootings shoots shopping shorn shortest shot shots should show showed shows shut sick side sideburns significant silver simply simulate simulation sin Since sip sir sister sit sitting situation Six skin skirt sleeping slightly slit slow small smart smells smile smiled smiling smoke smokes smoking smothered smucks snakes snap so social socks sod soft solid solution Some somebody somehow someone something Sometime sometimes somewhere son song songs soothe sorry sound sounds sour south span speak speaker speaking special specific speeds spend spending spicy spinsters | splash splinter split splitting spot square squash stack stage stairs stand staring Stark start starting stash statement stature stay staying steaks steal stealing Step Stephen stepping stick sticky stiff still stitch stole stomach Stop stopping story straight stream street stress stronger structure struggle stuck stuff Stump stunts stupid Stupidly subject such suck sucks suffering sugared suicide suit summer sun Sunday super Suppertime suppose supposed supposedly sure surgery surprise Surprised survival survive sustained swallow swallowing swear sweet sweetheart sweetie swift switch sync system |
take taken takes taking talk talked talking tall tap target taste taught teach teacher teat teenage telegraph tell telling temperance temporary Ten tender terrible terribleness terrific territory Texas than Thank Thanks that the their theirs them then there these They thick | thief thine thing things think thinking thinks thirsty This Thornton thoroughfare those though thought thousand three threw throat through throw throwing throws thumb Tick tickets ticklish till time timer times timing tip tired tits To tobacco tock today toe together told | tolerate tomorrow tongue tonics tonight too took toot tooth totally touch touched tough tougher town track tradition traditional Trail tree trick tricked tried tries triple trouble true trust truth try trying Tuesday tumbleweed turn turned turns Twain twice two |
uglier uncle uncomfortable under underneath understand Understood unforgiving unload unloading unnecessary unpredictable until up upscale upside us use usually |
vacation vagina venom verb very vicious violent visitor voted |
wait waited waiting waitresses wake walk walked walker wander Wandered wanna want wanted wanting wantonly wants Warm warning was washing waste watch waxes way ways we wear wearing weather wedding wee | week weekend weeks weird welcome Well Wells went were West western What Whatever when where which while whiskey white who whole Whoo whore whorehouse whores whose Why wife wild Wildroot will | win wind winner winter wish with without wolf Wolves woman women wondering word words wore work workday worked working works world worried worry worse worst would wound wow wrapped wrong |
Yeah year years yellow Yep Yes yet you young Your yours yourself |
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