Белые цыпочки / White Chicks (2004) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 63 498
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
25 8375.7
138 251
- Название:
- Белые цыпочки / White Chicks (2004) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2004
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Комедии / Криминальные / 2004 / Подборка лучших молодежных комедий / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Белые цыпочки на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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about absolutely abysmal account acronyms act acting action actor actually Adios after Afternoon again against agent agents ago ahead Aid alert all Allure almost alone | along already always am amazing ambience America an and Anderson Andrew annual another answer Anthony any anyone anything anyway anywhere aphrodisiac appetit apple appreciate appreciating | are armor Arnold around arrest arrived As ask asked asleep ass assignment associates Asswipe at attention Aubrey auction auctioned auctioning aunt autograph available Avenue away |
babies baby babysitting bachelorettes back backup bad badge badges bag bags bald ball bar barely barking Barneys bask Baskin Bastard bathroom battle be beat beatbox beautiful beauty Because become bed bedonkey beef been before behind being believe Bell Bella benefits Benjamins Bentley Besides | best betrayal better Betty Beverly BF bidding big bigger biggest Biggie billies bionic birthday bit bitch bitches bite biting black Blackie blame blankly blend blind blindfold blonde blouse blow blur bogeys boinking bold Bon bone boo boobs boots booty borrow boss both bottle | bought bound bountiful boy boyfriend boys bra Brace braiding brave break breast breathe breeze briefing brilliant Bring Britney Britt Brittany bro broke brother brows buddy Buff Buffy Building bullet bummed Bureau Burton business bust busted busy but buy buying by Bye bypass |
cake call called calling calls calm came Cameron Can cannot Captivated car card care cared career Carmen Carnie carving case Cash catwalk Caught cause caused Cellulite cent challenge Chamberlain champagne Chan Chanel change changed changes channels charity chase | chased Cheapo cheated cheating check checkbook checked checking cheeks cheese chest chewing chicken chicks Chico Chief chocolate choice choose Christ Christmas cigarette claim classness classy Clean cleaned clear climb cloned close closing club coincide coise coke Collagen cologne | colonic Come coming communicate communicating company confirmation conversation cool cop Copeland cops Cosmos Cottontail could couple course cousin couture cover crack cramps crappy crash crashes crazy cream credit crime crowd Cruise curtain curves cushion cut cute |
dad Daddy dairy damage Damn dance dangling Darlings date dates daughters day days Dazs deal Dear death deceived deception Deck declined Def | definitely delicious delivered delivery Denise Denzel deserve desk diaper Diaz dick did died different dined dinner dirty disgusting disturb do does dog | doing dollars Don done door doormat dope Dorfman down downtown dragging dress dressing drink drinks drive drives drop drugs dude dumb Dynamic |
each early Ease East easy eat eight either Electra eligible else embarrassed embezzled emotional Empire end ended enemies Enjoy Enough entire escapades | escort estate even evening ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere evil exactly example Excuse excuses execute exercises exhausted expect explain extra eye |
fabulous face Faces failed fake fall falling falls familiar family Fantasies fantastic farting fashion fast Fat father featured Federal feed feel feeling feels feet fen fence | Fendi Fifth figure filled filming find fine finished fire fired first fit Five flavor flew flirting floor flying focus Follow foot for forever forget forgets forgiven | forgot fortune forward found Fourteen freaking free Freeze French fresh freshen fricking friend friendly fries from front full fully fun Fund funds funneling funny fur furthermore |
gain game games garlic gastric gave geezer generations Gentlemen get getting gig girl girlfriend girls give given gives glass go God Goddamn goes going Goldberg | Gomez gonna good Goodbye Googlestein Gordon got gotta gotten government grab graces Grazie great greatest grown Gucci guess guests guilty gum gun guns guy guys |
Haag had hair hairstyle hairy half Hammer Hampton Hamptons hand handed handle hands Hang hanging hangnail happened happening happy hard Harper has Hasta hate hates have having He head | Heads headshots hear heard Heath Heather Heating Hefner heiress heiresses hell Hello help her here heroes Hey Hi hid hide hideaway hideous hides high higher highest hill Hills him | his hit hitting Hold holding hole holsters Holy home honey hook hooked hookers Hop hope Hors host hot Hotel hottest hour hours house how huge Hugh humbled hunting hurt |
I ice idea If image Immediately impossible imposters impress impressed in Inbreds incredible infection information insane inspiration insufficient Intel intelligence intelligent interested interesting interrupt interview Intimate into intolerant introduce intuition investigative Invitation involved is Issue it Italy |
Jackson jail jam Janet Jay Jeez jerk Jerry Jesus jet jigaboo job jobs join joke Jon Jose Josh journalism Julio jump jumping just |
Karen keep keeps Kev Kevin keys kick kidding kidnap kidnapper kidnappings kids kill killing kind King kiss kitchen klept knee knees knew knight know known knows Kong Kool |
Labor lactose ladies lady last late Later Latrell laughing laughingstock laws lay laziness lead league Learn least leather leave leaving left leg lesbian | Let letter lied life lights like liked likes limo line Lines Ling lip liposuction lips lipstick Lisa list listen listener little live | living Liza loan local long Look looking looks loosen lose losers losing lost lot lotion lots Love loved lucky lumps lunch lying |
mad madam made Magazine make makes makeup Making mall man managed Mandingo maniac Manny many MapQuest Marcus marshmallows Martha martinis max may maybe me meal mean | means meant meantime meat medicine meet Megan Mei melt melting Men message messed messes messing met Michael Midol might miles milk million millions mind mine Minnelli mint | minus minute minutes Miracle Miss misses mistaken Monday money monkey Montauk mood more morning most mother mothers motive Move movies moving much music must My myself |
nail name named nanny nature naughty NayNay Neapolitan need needs Negro nerve Never new News next nice nicoise nigga nigger night nightclub nizzle No nobody noise nonstop nose not note nothing notice noticed Now Number |
obvious Obviously ocean of off offend office offshore Okay old on once one onion onions only onto Oops Oopsie op Open openings operate operation opportunity option Or order ordered orders other ought our ourself out outfit outfits outside over overshadowed owe own owner |
package packing Paco pad page paid paint pair pal Paltrow panties paper Pardon part partner partners party pass passion Pasta pat pay paying pen people perfect perhaps Permanent permission phen Phil | phone photo pick picked pickup picture piece pieces pig pissed place places plan plane play playful playing pleasant please plenty PMS pointers Ponch poodle pooped poopsie Poor pop Porter powder | powdered Prada present pretending pretty previous prints prison private prize pro probably problem professional profile promise promised protection protein protocol proud publicist puff pull punk pure Push pushing put puts |
queen question quiche quick Quiero quit |
rack ransom Raoul rare rash ratio razors read ready real reality really reason received reception record red refuse regret | relationship relax release remember remembered remind renegade Reno report reporter requested respect rest Restaurant revolutionary riboflavin ribs rich Rico | rid ride ridiculous right rings rip Robbin rock rocked Rooftop room rooms Rosie rough routine Royal ruined run running |
said Saks salad Sally same sang Santa sat sauerkraut save saw say saying says scandals Scar scared scars scene school Schwarzenegger Schwarzenegro scoring scrape scratched screening screw season seat seats second secrets security see seeing seem seems seen selfish sell Series serious seriously service set setting settle seven sexy shadow Shamu share shaving She shining shit shizzle sho shoes shoo shoot shooting shopping | shops short shot should show shower Shrek shut sick Sicko side sign since single sir sister sisters sit sitting six size sizes Skank skanks skiing skin skirt sky slack Slayer sleep slept slide slow slumber slums smaller smarter smear smell smelling smokes smothered Snickers Sniffing snowflake snowing so soap social Sold some somebody someone something sometimes somewhere song Sorry sound sounds speak Spears | special Spencer spend spent spinach spot Springer Squeeze stain stall stand star Staring start started stashed State stay steak Step Stewart Stick still stomach stop stopped store story straight Straighten Strawberry street strike strikes string strings strippers strong stuff stupid Suave such Suck sucks summer summertime sun sunny suntan supermodels supervisor supposed sure surgery surveillance suspend swear sweatshop Sweet sweetheart Sweetie swindle sworn |
tab table tables Taco Take taken takes taking talent talk talking taller tamp taste taxes teach team tears Ted Tell telling terrible than Thank Thanks that the their them then There these they thing things | think thinking this those though thought thousand thousands three throat through throw Tiff Tiffany tight time times Tina tiny tip tired Titanic Tito to toad today toed together told tomorrow tone Tonight Tony too took | top Tori Total totally touch touchups tough town track trade trailed trainer treat tree trick tried tries Triple trouble true truly Trust try trying Tucked Tummy Turn turned turnover Turns twice twins two |
unacceptable unaccounted uncovering under understand underwear unemployed Unfortunately United Unless until up us use usual |
vaginae Vamonos Vandergeld Vandergelds Vanilla Vaseline venture verse very victims video vinegar VIP virgin vista visualizing vitamin Voila |
Wait walk Walking walks wall wallets wanna want wanted wants warm Warren was Washington watch waving Way we wear wearing week weekend weight Welcome Well went were | what whatever wheelchair when Where whereabouts Which while Whip white who whole Whoopi whore whose why wife wifey will Wilson Wilsons Wilt window wine wined Winona wish | witch with without Wolfgang woman women won wonder wondering word words wore work working workmanship worried worry worst worth would wrap wreck write writing Wrong wrote |
Yeah year years yeast Yes yet You your yours yourself |
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