Школа выживания / Drillbit Taylor (2008) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 11 126
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
10 2855.7
52 808
- Название:
- Школа выживания / Drillbit Taylor (2008) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2008
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Драмы / Комедии / 2008
- Режиссер:
- Стивен Брилл / Steven Brill.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Школа выживания на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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able About above absolutely abuses accomplish accused accusers Act action activities actually addicted Adios admit Adrenaline ads adult advice afford Afraid after again ahead Alabama Alamo alcohol alert alike All Allow | allowed allows alloy almighty almost alone already also alternative although aluminum always am amazing amuses an Anatomy And angle animals Ankokuji anonymous Another answers Antiterrorist ants any anybody anymore anyone Anything | anyway Anyways Anywhere appeal appetizers appreciate are arm armor Army around arts as Asian ask ass asses asshole assignment at attach attacked attitude attract attracted automobile available Avoidance away awesome |
baby back backfired bacteria bad badass badly bag Ball balls Bang bangers bar Barbara bars bass bastard bat Battle battles be beach beams bear beat beats beautiful became because Beckham become beef Beeline been before behind being believe belong belonged belongings bend Bernie best better biceps big biggest | bills Billy bird birthday bit bitch bitches bite black Blade Bladed blame blank bleeding blend blinding blizzard Block blocker blocking blogged blood bloody Blue Bob body bodyguard bogie bone bonus Boo Boobies booby book bookkeeper books Boom boring born borrow both bother bottle Bottom bowl bowling box Boy | boys brave break breaking breath breathe bribing brilliant British bro broke Brooke Brooks brother brought Brown brutal buck bucks Buddha buddies Buddy bulk bulking bull bullet bullies bully bum bump bums bunch Burger burning burst bus bushes business businessmen busy But butt butterball buy Buzz by Bye |
cable California Call called calling calls Calm came camels camera camouflage camping can Canada canal cannot cans capabilities capable Capone car card cards care cared careers Careful cargo case cash Casper cast castle Castro cat Catch caught cavities cell center century cereal certainly chai chamber chance chances change charge | Charles charley Chase cheap check cheering cheese chef Chenobee chest chewed chicks child childhood choices Chosokabe chowder Chuck church Circle city clap class clean clear climbed climbing clock Close Closed closely Club clubs Coach code coffee Collected college colonel Columbian come comes coming Commence commitment common commonalities commonality company | compared compassion completed completely compliment computer concludes confidence confrontation confused Congratulations consciousness constructed contact cool cops Copy corner correspondence cost Costco couch could country couple course court covert cow crab crack crackhead crackheads crap crawling crazy criminal Crocodile cross Crotch Crunch culprit cup cupcakes currently customers cut cute |
Dad damage Damn dance Dane danger dangerous dark date Dateline dates Dawn day days daytime dead deadly deal Dear death decide decorated dedicate deep defective defend defenseless definitely degree delicious Delta deodorant Deploy deserter deserting | destroy destruction destructive detailed detention detentions device did die died dies different difficult dig dinner Direct direction dirtbag dirtbags dirty discharged diseases disturbing ditch Dixie do doctor does Dog dogging doing dollar Don done donuts | door doors Doppler dork dorks Double douche down dream dreaming dressed dresses drift Drill Drillbit drinking drip drives driving drug drugs drying Dude dudes dumb dumbest dumpster Dundee Dunn dust duty dying dynamite |
each ear early earned earth earthquake ease east easy eat eats edge effort egged eight either elastic elbows else emancipated | Emmit en Enchante end English Enjoy enough enters entire equally Especially even evening eventually ever every Everybody Everyone everything everywhere | evidence exactly excess excited excites exciting Excuse exercise Exit expecting expert expertise explain explosions Express extra eye eyeballs eyes |
face faces facing fact faculty Fagonometry fags fall familiar family fantasies Fantastic fantasy far fast Faster fat father fatter fault favor favorite Federales feed feel feels feet fell fellow felt feudal few fight fighting fights | figure Fil file Filk Filkins filled filling Finally finances find finding Fine Finger fingers fired first fishing fist fitness fits fittest five flagpole flame flawless flew flight flip floor fly folks Follow Followed food foot | footage football for forehead forever forge forget forgot fortunate forward found four fraud freak freaking freakishly freaks Freddy free freestyling French fresh friend friends friendship From front fugitive fun funny fuse future fuzz |
game gang ganging gangstas garage garbage gas Gate gather gave Geek geeks Germans get gets getting Ghostface Gimme girl girlfriend girls | Give giving glad glitter gnaw go God goddamned goes going gone gonna gonorrhea good goodness got government Grab grace grade | grades grandfather grass gravity great grilled ground group grow guarantees guard guarding guess guilty gun Guns guts guy guys gym |
had hair Half hall hallway hamster hand handle hands hang hanging happen happened happens Happy hard hardened harder hardest Hardly Harold Harry harsh harshness has hassling hate have having hazing He head heading heads health | hear heard Heck hell Hello help helping Hendrix her here Heritage hero heroism hesitation Hey Hi hide hiding high highway hilarious him himself hint hip hire hired hiring his History hit hits hizzouse hobbit hold | holdback holding holds Holy hombre home homeless homes honest honestly honey Hong Hoo hop hope hoping horror horsed hospital hostess hot house houses How hug huh Hulk Hunden hungry Hurry hurt hurtful |
I ice Iceland idea idiot If ill Illbit imagine implying important impress improving improvised in Incredible infiltrate infuriated initiation insecure inside | instead insult insulted insults interested interfering Internet into invaluable invisible invited involved Ionely iPod irritate irritated is Israeli issue it its |
jack jackass jacket jail jamming jams Japan Jay Jeez Jerry Jessica Jesus jewels Jim job jog John join joined joking judgment judo Juliet Jump jumped jumping just |
Kanetsugu karate Kee keep Kennedy kept kick kicked kicking kickings kid kidding kids Kill Killah killed kind king kiss kissing kissy kitchen knew know known knows knuckles Kong kung |
ladies lady Lampanelli land landslide lard last late lately later latte laugh laughs law laws lay laying learn least leave left legally legit legs lenient Less | let letting level liar lie lied life lifts light Lightning lights like likes line Lis Lisa listen little live lives living loaded loafers local lock locked | long longest look looking Lookit looks Lopez Lord lords Loser losers loses lost lot Louis lounge love loved low Luckily lucky lunch lunchtime lying |
Madam made magic magnet mainly make makes making male Man mantis manual many map Margarita marijuana Marilyn Mario marketplace marksman martial match Matching matter Maybe mayhem me mean means meant meatball Medic meditation meet meetings | Membership memory men menace mentally mere messing met metal metaphorically mettle Mexican Middle might mile miles Military milk mind mine minor Minty minutes miss missed missing mission Missus mistake Mister mitzvah mitzvahed mix mocked mom | moment momentary moments mommy Monday money monkey monkeys Monroe Moon mop Mordor more morning most mother Mounties mouth Move moves moving Mozart much mud mudslide munchies murder muscular music must my myself mysterious |
nads Nah naked Namaste name names Nano native natural nature near need needed needs needy nerd nerve never new news Next | Nice nickname night nightmare niner ninth No nobody none nonsense north northbound nose not notes Nothing notice noticed now nunchucks nut |
Observe obvious Ocean of off offend Officers official officially often okay old oldest olds on Once one only onto | Oosterhaus Open operative opposite ops or orange Order oriental orphanage other ought our out outdoorsman outpost outside over oversimplification |
pack paid pain painful Panda panicked pants pao paper paradise parent parenting parents part particularly parts Party pass passed passes pathetic pattern pay payback pays Pedal pedophiles peed peeing peeled Penis People Perfect perfected period person phase phone photogenic Photography Physically piano Pick | picking piece piercing pig pill pinky pissed place places plan plane planning plastic platter play playing Please plug plus Poets point poker police policy polish polite poltergeist pooper Pop popular Porn position possible possibly posted postpone pot potent Potter pound power practice praying | Predator prepared President Presidents pressure pretty Priceless pride priest Principal prison Private proactive probably Problem problems proclaim professional Professor program promise promised promote property Protect protected protecting Protection provoke psychopath pull punch punched puncture Punish Punk punkass punks punky puppy pushed Put |
quarter queers question questionable questions quick quickly quit quiz |
rabbit Rachel radio Raging rah raised ramp ran Randy range Ranger rant rap rapper rapping raps rare rat reach read reading ready real really rearranged reasonable red reel | reference reflective refreshing regimen regrets reign relate Relax release remember remind renounce Repeat repelling reporting resolved resource respect responsibility rest retardant retarded returned Reykjavik rhymes ribbons Rich rides | right righteous rip road robbed Robert Rocky Roger Rogers roll Romantic Romeo Rommel Ron Ronnie rook room route rule rules run Runner running rush Ryan rye |
Sackless sad safe safety said salary sale same samurai sandwich sandwiches Sanitizer satisfied satisfying sausages Save saw say Saying says scales scar scare scared scary schedules school scot Scram scream Screw screwed script Seagal seat SeaWorld second Secondly seconds Secret secrets security see seem seen sees Sekigahara self sell sender sending sense sent sentence sentimental serious Seriously serve served Service Services serving set seven sex sexy Shadows shake shaking shame shape she shiner shipped shirt shit shitballs shitting shocked shocking short shot | shotgun should shoved Show showed shower showering showers shut Siamese sick side sign signing silence silent silly Silver simple simulates Since sinewy Single sir sit sites sitting situation sixth size Skeletor skills skin skinny skipped skull slap sleep sleeping slowly slug Sly small smart smell smiling smoke smoking Snap sneak Sneaky So socks sodas sold soldier soldiers solution some Somebody someone something sometimes somewhere son sorry Sort sound sounds spaghetti Spanish spare speak speaking speedster spend spending spin spit Squad squeegee squeezing | stab stairs stairwell Stallone stand start started starting starts starving State states staticky stay Steal stealthy step stepdad Steven stick still stoked stole stolen Stop stopped store Stormen story straight stranger strategic stray strength Strike stroking strong stronger strongest students stuff stupid Stupidest subs substitute substituting such suck Sucker suckers sucking sucks sudden Suddenly sue suffer suit summoned sun sunshine super supplies supposed Sure surprise surprised surveillance survival survive surviving Susan swear sweater sweaters sweet swim swing swinging swipe sword Sylvester sympathy |
table tags tai take taking talk talked talkie talking Tannhauser tardies taste taught taxes Taylor Teach teacher teachers team technique teenager tell telling Ten terrible terrified Terry Testing tests texting than Thank Thanks that the their them then there these they | thieves thin thing things think thinking this those though thought threatened threatening three through throw thumbs ticket tied Tiger till Tilt Time timekeeping times tiny tipping tired to today together Tokunaga told Tommy tomorrow tongue tonight too took top Topic Total | totally touch Touchdown tough tourists Toyotomi track tradition train trained training transaction trap trays treasures trees tremble trespassing trick tried tries Trigger triplets Tripped troopers trouble truce true Trust truth try trying Tupac turd turds turned twelfth twice two type tyranny |
udder Ultimate unattractive Unauthorized unbelievable unconscious uncool under underage understand understanding united Unless unspeakable until up urethra urinal urinates us use used using usually |
valuable value van Velcro very veteran Vice victims video Village violence visible voice |
Wade wait waited waiting Wakisaka walk walkie walking wallet walls wanna want wanted wanting wants War warm warring warrior warriors wary was wash washing waste Watch watched Watching Waters way ways we weapon weaponry weapons wear | wearing weed week weeks weights weird weirdo Welcome Well went were West whack Whassup what whatever wheel when Whenever where which while whiskey white who Whoa Whoever whole why Wiffle Will Wilshire wimp win window wine | wing wingtips winner winners winter wiretapping wise with without woman women won Wonder wonderful woods word Words work worked working works world worried worry worse Worship worst worth would wounded Wow wrist write writing Wrong wunky |
yapping Yeah year yelling Yep Yes yesterday yet you young your yours yourself YouTube |
Zachey Zen zeros zone |
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