К-19 / K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 14 941
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
25 2066.7
52 240
- Название:
- К-19 / K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2002
- Страна:
- Великобритания, Германия, США, Канада
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Военные фильмы на английском языке / Драмы / Исторические / Триллеры / 2002 / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Кэтрин Бигелоу / Kathryn Bigelow.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм К-19 на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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abandon able aboard about above absorption academy access accessible accident accounted achieved across act action Activate activated activation active Admiral advice advisable affect after again against ago agreed ahead air | airlock Alexei All almost alone along also alternate always am ambition ambulance American Americans an Anatoly and Andrei announced another Answer antenna any anymore Anything apartment appears approve Arctic are | area Argunov Armed Arming around arrest arrived arriving as ascent ask asked asleep aspirin assignment assistance assume at attack attacking attacks attempt Attention authority authorization Auxiliary await aware away |
back backup bad balance ballast ballasts band Barents bars base baser batteries be bearing because been before beggars begin behind | being belong below beneath Berlin best betray Between bit Blow boat boats body bone books Both bottle Bow boy boys | Brace Branan branch Bratyeev breach breath breathing bridge briefing Bring broken brothers bulkhead bullshit burden burnout But by Bypass |
cable calling came can canceled canisters cap capacity Captain car career Careful Carry Cars case cases casualties center centimeters Central certain chain champagne chance change Changing charge charges chart Check Checking checks Chemical Chief Circle circuit circumstances citizens civil class clean | Clear close closed closer clothes coal coastline cold combat Come comes Coming command Commander commanding commissar committed committee communication communists Compartment compartments compensate complaining complaints complete completed Comrade Comrades concerned condensation condition Conduct confide confined Confirm confirmed confirms congratulate Congratulations conn | connect connected connections console consoles construction Contact contacted contacting contacts contagious contaminated Continue control convenient cook cool coolant core correct cosmonaut could countermanding counting countries country courage course cr?me crew crewmen crews crime crippled critical Cross crush current cursed Cut |
damage damn dark day days de dead debris decided decisions deck decks decontaminate decontaminated deep deeper defecting defective defend defending Defense deficiencies degree degrees deliver demanding demands Demichev | democratic demonstrators Denied Department depending depth dereliction descent desperate destroy destroyer destroying destruction did die died diesels difference difficult dinner dirt disappointment disaster dismissed distilled dive Diving do | dock Doctor does dogs doing done door doors dose dosimeter double doubt Down drawing drift drill drills drop dropping drown drugs drunk dry Dumplings during duty dying Dyomin |
Earth ease East Eastern Easy Echo edge efficiency eight Eighteen either elections electric electrical elevated else emergency end endangered Enemy Engage Engineer enough enter Entering | equal equalization equipment Estimate evacuating even event Ever every everybody everyone everything Excellent Excuse executive exercise exercised existed expect expected expertise explanation explosion extinguished extreme |
faced fact factor fail failed failure fallen falling falls families family far fast fate father fault fear fears Feed feeder feel few | Fifteen Fifty fight filling finally find fine finest fire fired firing first fit five fix flag flagship fleet Flood flooding flowing foil | food for forbidden Force fork formations Forty forward found four free freighter fresh from fruit fuel fueled Fueling fulfill full fumes future |
Gagarin galley gamma gangway gave Gavril gear General generation generator Gennadi Gentlemen Gently Germany get gets getting ghost girl give given gives | giving glad glass go God going gone Good Gorelov got government grade granted great greater Greed Grigori guarantees Gulag gun guns |
hack hacksaw had hair half hand handcuffs handfuls handle hands happen has hatch hatches have He head heading headquarters headroom | hear heard heat heating helicopters hell Help her here hereby hero heroes Hey high him himself Hiroshima his historic | history hold holding holocaust home homeless honor honors hope hoped horrifying hot hour hours How hundred hungry Hurry Hydraulics |
I ice icons idea idiot If ignition immediate immediately impact impaired importance improving in incompetent increases Indeed individualism indulged Inform initiated | Initiating injured inside inspect inspired Install installed instead instincts insulator interrogated interrogation into irradiating is island Isolate isolated it its |
jackals jackass jammed Jan job jobs judge just |
Katya keel Keep keeps Kennedy key KGB Khrushchev kill killed kilometers kits knew knots know knowledge known knows Komarov kopeck Kornilov |
Land landed last latched later launch launched launching laundry Lay lead leak leakage leave leaves leaving left Leningrad Less | Let Lev level levels lie Lieutenant life lifeboat lights like likes lined lines list Listen liters little live lives | load loaded locally Lock Locked Loktev long Look loop loss lost lot lovely low loyal loyalty luck lucky lust |
mail main maintain Maintaining make Making malfunction man manned manual many married marries marrying Marshal mask masts matter maximum may Maybe Mayen me Measures Meat mechanical | medal Medic medical Medium megatons melt Melts men mention mere merely message meter meters mid might Mikhail mild mile miles million mind mine mines Minister minutes | Misha miss missile missiles mission moment moments monitoring month morale more morning Moscow most motherland motor motors mountain mouth Move Much must muster My myself |
name names navigation Navy near nearly necessary need needed needlessly Negative negro Neither never new news | next nice niece nine Ninety no nobody nominated None normal not Noted nothing noticed Now nuclear |
of off offering officer officers Okay old Oleg on onboard once one Only open opening operated Operation operational or orbited order orders organized other our out over override own oxygen |
pants part parts Party pass passes past patriotic patrol Pavel people perhaps Periscope Permission personally physician picked picture pictures pile pipe pipes piping place plan plane planes Planesman | planets play Please pleased plenty pockets point poisoning Polenin Poliansky police Politburo Political port position possible post posting power Powering precipitation premature Prepare prepared preparing Present president | pressure pressurizer pretty prevent primary primitive private privilege problem Problems procedure Proceed Proceeding progress promised promoted propaganda propulsion proud proved pull Pump pumping pumps purpose put |
qualified quarters question Questioned quick quickly quiet |
radar radiation radio Radtchenko rafts raincoats Raise range rank rapid rate rather rays reach reached reaches reaction reactor reactors Read readiness readings reads ready receive received Recommend recon reconnaissance | reconsider Recycle red reduce Reflux refueling refuse regardless release relief religious Remain remember remove removed repair repairs Repeat replacement Reply report reported reporting reports Representative request require required residual и | respect respectfully responding responsible rest result retaliatory return returned Reverse Revolution Right rights rise rising risk risked rodent rods roll rolling room rotation ruled run running runs rupture ruptured |
sacrificed safe safety said sail sailors salad same Saturdays save saved Savran say Scavenge schedule scheduled schematic scope Scuttle sea Seaboard seal sealed sealing Seasick seconds Secure see seeing seen self send sending senior sensors sent sequence sequencer serious serve Serving set seven shadowing shall shantytowns she ship short shorted should shoulders | show showed shower shut sickness sight Signal Silo Simulate since Single sink sir Sit sitting situation six Sixty skeleton slow Slowly smile smoke So solid solve some something sonar soon Sorry sort sound South Soviet speak speed spies spill spotted spread spy stage Stand standards standing stands starboard stars Start starting state | States station stations status Stay steady steer Steering Stepan still stop straighter strategic streets strikers strontium stuck Subachev submarine submariner submerged successful successfully such sudden suffering suggest suiting suits sun supplied supply support Suppose suppression sure surface surfacing surprised surrendering survivor Suslov suspended sweeps Switch switchboards switchbox sympathetic system systems |
table Take taken takes Taking talk tall tank tanks task team teams technician tell telling tells temperature Ten tender tensions terrible test testify tests than Thank thanks that the their theirs them themselves then | There Therefore thermonuclear These They thick thing think thinner third Thirty this those thought threaten three through till Time times tins tired title to toast today together told tolerate tomorrow tons too took Toolbox | top torpedo torpedoes tours tow tradition training traitor transfer transmitter travel Traverse Traversing treason treatment trees trials tried trim trouble truck true trust truth Try trying tube turbine turbines turn turned turns Twenty two |
under undergoing understand undertake underwater Unfortunately Union unit United units unload unnecessary untested until up uranium urge us use used useless usual |
Vadim valve Vanya Vasily vent ventilation Vershinin versions Very victory VIP Vostrikov |
wait wake Wall want wanted wants war warehouse warhead warheads warmer warmongers wartime was Washington wasting Watch water waters way we weapon | weapons wear wedge week weeks Welcome weld Well went were West what whatever when Where which while who whoever whose Why Widowmaker | will win wine Winning with withdrawal within Without wives work working works world worry worthy would wrap write writing wrong wrote |
yard Yashin Yeah year years Yelstin Yes yet Yevgeny Yevsky York you your yourself Yuri |
Zelentsov zone |
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