Переговорщик / The Negotiator (1998) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 14 314
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
26 8917.3
115 955
- Название:
- Переговорщик / The Negotiator (1998) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 1998
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Боевики / Детективы / Криминальные / Триллеры / 1990-1999
- Режиссер:
- Ф. Гэри Грей / F. Gary Gray.
- В ролях:
- Сэмюэл Л. Джексон / Samuel L. Jackson, Кевин Спейси / Kevin Spacey, Дэвид Морс / David Morse, Рон Рифкин / Ron Rifkin, Джон Спенсер / John Spencer, Дж.Т. Уолш / J.T. Walsh, Шиван Фэллон / Siobhan Fallon Hogan, Пол Джаматти / Paul Giamatti, Реджина Тейлор / Regina Taylor, Брюс Битти / Bruce Beatty.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Переговорщик на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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about above Abraham absurd academy accepted access accessing accident According accounts accusers accusing acquired across action activity actually added Addison administration admit advice Affairs afraid After again against agent Agents ago agree agreed ahead Ahem aid Aim Air airspace | Albert Alert Alerting alive All Allen allowed Almost alone along already also always am ambulance among amount an and angry animals another answer answering answers ante any anybody anymore anyone anything Anyway anywhere apiece apologize APPLAUDING approached approaching appropriate | approved are Area Argento arguing Arizona Army around arrest arrested arrival arriving as ask asked asking ass assassinated asses assessment asshole assistant associated assume assumption assumptions asthma at Attention audio audit authority authorization authorized auto available avoid away |
baby back bad badge BAGPIPES Bald ball BAND bang BANGlNG baptism barge bark BARKING barricades basement basically bastards bathroom be bead Bears beat because BECK Bedroom been beeped BEEPS before beginning behind being believe BELL best bet | betray better between big Bingo biographies bitch bitches blackmailed Blackwell blankets BLARlNG blind Blinds blink blinked block blood blow blowing blown blue blueprints bluff bluffed board body bondage book books BOOMS bore BOTH bought boundary boy boys | brain brains Brandon brave Bravo breach break breeze bring brisk bro broadcast brought Brown bud buddy buff building bull bullets bulls bullshit bunkered burn bus business busting busy But Butch buy buzz BUZZES BUZZING by |
Cale call called calling calm came Camera cameras can cannot capable car card care CARS case cases casualty catch Caught celebrate cell center centers chain chains chance change channel charades charge charged charging Charlie CHATTER CHATTERING CHATTERlNG cheat check CHEER CHEERlNG Chicago chief choice | Chris chrissakes Christ CHUCKLE CHUCKLES CHUCKLlNG circumstantial city civilian claims CLAPPlNG clean clear cleared CLEARS Click client close closed clothes cock COCKS cold color Colorado COM come comedies coming command commander comment common company comparison complete completely compromised computer concern conducted conducting conference confess | confessed congratulations consider conspiracy contain contained continue control conversation convict conviction Cool cop cops Copy corner Corps corrupt cortex cost COTTON cough COUGHING could count couple Course courting cover covered crap crazy creative credit crime crisis cross CROWD cuffs currency curtain Cut |
damn Dan DANCE dangerous Danny Darling dash date daughter day days dead deadline deal dealer dealing death debatable decide decision decisions definitely demand demands department departmental depends | deployed deposit depressed describing desk Despite destroyed development DIAL did die died dies different differentiating dig direction dirt dirty disability disappointed disarming discuss disks Dispatch display disproves | distant distract distracted districts DlSPATCH do Does dog DOGS doing dollar done door Double doubt down drama dress dressing drill drink drinking drive Drop due dumb Dying |
each Eagle earlier ears easy eat edge effort eight either electric electricity electronic elevator elevators Eliminate eliminates else emotion end | ended enemy engagement ENGINE engineer enough ensure enter entering entry environment escort Especially estate evac evaluation even ever Every Everybody | everyone everything evidence Exactly Example exception Excuse execute expect expected expert explains explanation exploit EXPLOSION explosives EYE eyes |
face fact facts Fair false familiar familiarize family fans Far Farley fat father fatigue fatigued fault favor favorite favorites federal feds feel feeling feels few fields Fifty figure figured | files final find fine fingerprints finish finished Finishing Fire firecracker fired FIRES firing first Five fixing flashbangs floor flurry flying Follow food foot Football for forced forces forget formally | Forty forward found four Frankly fraud free Freeze freight frequency friend friends frightened from front Frost Frosty fuck fucked fucker fuckers fucking fucks full fund funeral funky |
GAINES game gas gave generally Gentlemen Get gets getting gig girl girls give given gives giving glad GLASS | gloves go God Goddamn goddamned goes going gone gonna good got gotta government grant Great Green GRENADE GREY | GROANlNG ground GRUNTING GRUNTS guarantee guess guilt guilty gun GUNFlRE gunpoint guns GUNSHOT gutsy guy guys |
had half hall hallway hand handle handled hands Hang hanging happen happened hardly has hate Hated Hates have he head hear heard hearing | heart heat Heh HELICOPTER hell Hellman hello Help helped helpful helping her here hero Hey Hi him himself his histories history hoedown | hog hold holding hole Holy home homebody honest Honey hooked Hoorah hoping horse hostage hostages hour hours house How Hurry hurt husband |
I idea if immunity impartiality imperative implicate implicated important in inch indicted INDISTINCTLY INDlSTlNCTLY infiltration informant information Initiate injured innocence innocent | inside Inspector insurance Intel Internal interrupt interrupted into introduce invested investigating investigation invitation invited involved Iroquois is issuing it itching |
jail jeopardize jeopardizing jeopardy Jeremy Jesus job JOE Join joins joke jokes judge jurisdiction jury just |
KAREN keep keeps kept key keys Kick kicking kid kidding kill killed killer killing kind kinds knew KNOCKING know known knows |
lady lake language lap last late later LAUGH LAUGHING LAUGHlNG LAUNCHER laundered law lay learning least leave leaves leaving left legs less lesson let level |
made Maggie Maintain major Make making manipulating manpower manual many march Marine Marines marksman MARKUS marriage married mass matched mater matter maximum may Maybe | me mean means meantime meet men mentioned merchant met might mile million mind mine minute minutes missed missing mistake mistakes mobile moment moments money | MONlTOR monopolize months Moran more MOREWlTZ most mother motherfucker motive mouth Move movie movies moving much mugged murder murderer MURMURING music MUSlC must my myself |
name names Nate Nathan Navy near NEARBY need Negative negotiate negotiating negotiation negotiations negotiator negotiators neither nervous neurophysiology never | new news next Nice Niebaum Nietzsche night nightmare No Nobody none NORMAL north not Nothing now nowhere number numbers |
objectivity obstruction obvious obviously October of off offered Officer Officers offshore ofjustice ofthis Okay old Omar on once one ones | only opened operation opportunity option options Or Order ordering orders other others our ours out outdated outside OVER overheard own |
PAGER paid pair Palermo panel pants papers paperwork part partner partners party pathetic patronize pay Peel penalty pension people percent Perfect perhaps perimeter period Perpetrator personal personnel pertinent phone | phones PHOTOGRAPHER pick picked piece pig PILOT pipe pipes piss pissed pisses pit place plainclothes plan planted play played players PLAYING plea Please point pointed Police policy poodle position | possibly powder power practice precaution precinct prepare preservation press pretty prevented Prick priest prior prison private probably problem promise promised proof prove proved Psych pull pulled punished put |
question questions quick quickly quiet |
race RADIO RADlO rah raised ran rank ranking Raoull rat rate rather read reading Ready real realize really reason reasons recently record RECORDING | recovered Red regard relationship relax relaxed relay relieved remain remember reopen repeat REPORTER reports requests resolve resort respect respond responded responsibility rest | restaurant retaliation riding right ringing Rio risk risked river RlNGlNG RlNGS road Roenick Roman room rooms rotate RUDY rule rules Run running |
Sabian safe safely said sailor same satellite save saved saw say saying says scared scene schoolgirl SCOFFS Scott scratch screen screw scroll sealed search Sears Second seconds secretary secrets secure secured security sedans see seeing seem seen Semper send sending sent Sergeant serial serious seriously set seven shaft shafts Shane SHATTERS She sheet Shh shine shit shitless shoot shooting shoots shot shots should SHOUTS | show showed Shut side SIGHS sight sign signal signs silent simple since single Sir SIREN SIRENS Sit site situation situations six Sixty ski skimming slow slumped smart smarter smoke sneeze sniper so softball Some somebody someday someone something sometimes somewhat somewhere Son soon sooner sorry Sort sound sounds spanked speak SPEAKER SPEAKS Special specifically speculation speech spend spent split spoke sports spotlight squad stadium | stairwell stand standing standoff stare start started starting starts state statement statements STATIC status Stay stealing steam step steps STEREO still Stockholm stolen stop STOPS story stranger strangers street stripped strong strongest stuck study studying stuff stupid Subdirectories subject submachine submit sucking suggesting suggestion suggestions Sundance super supervisor support supposed sure surprise surprises surrender surrounded suspect suspended swallow swear sweater sweating switching sympathize system |
table Tac tactical tactics take taken taker takes taking talk talked talking Tap tape tapped tapping taps target teach team teams television Tell telling tells telltale tension Terminate test testify than Thank Thanks that the theft | their them themselves Then there Therefore these they thing things think thinking thinks third Thirty This those though thought thousand threat threaten three THROAT through tight till time timing Timmons tip tired to today together told | tomorrow TONE TONRAY Too took toothpick tour tours Tower trade Traffic Travis TRAVlS treat tricks tried trigger troops trouble truce truck trunk trust trusted trusts truth try trying turn turned turns Twenty twice two type |
ugly Uncuff Understand Unit units unless Unlock unproductive until unusable up update upset upstairs us use used using utmost |
valid vent very Vest vibrating Visibility visual visuals vocabulary VOICE voices |
wait waiting walk walking Wangro wanna want wanted wants warn warning warrant was wash washing Watch watching water way ways We weapon weapons wear weeks Well | went were west Westerns Wet What whatever whatsoever when where whether which while WHIRRING WHISPERING who Whoever whole why wide wife wild Wilde will willing window | winning wins Wipe Wires wish with without witnessed WOMAN won Wonder wondering word work worked working works world worry worse worst would wow wrecked wrong |
year years Yes yet you Your yours yourself yourselves |
zero zone |
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