Мертвец детектива Мегрэ / Maigret's Dead Man (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 14 053
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
2 4147.2
6 687
- Название:
- Мертвец детектива Мегрэ / Maigret's Dead Man (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2016
- Страна:
- Великобритания
- Режиссер:
- Джон Ист / Jon East.
- Перевод:
- Любительский (одноголосый закадровый) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Мертвец детектива Мегрэ на английском с английскими субтитрами
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able about Absolutely accident accompanying accomplice accomplices actually add addict address Adele adopt advert afraid After afternoon again Ages ago air Albert alcohol align alive all allow | alone along already also always am ambulance an And andworking animal animals another answer answers Antiseptic anxious any anyone anything Anyway appealing apple approached arches are area | areas armed Armenians arms around Arpajon arrest arrive arrived arrondissement arse As ask asked assistance assisting assured at ate attack attacked attempts attending August available Avant average away |
babe baby back bad bar barges barman bars based Bastille be Beaujolais beautiful because bedroom bee been Beer before being believe | best bets better betting Between big bistro bistros bit bitter blanket blocking blocks Blood blue boats body booked both bothslept bought | Boulevard box boy boyfriend brave break breasts Breeze bring broached broke broken brought bruises bulky burglaries burglary burn burning but By |
Cabana Cadran cafe cafes cage calculated call called calling calls calmly came can candle Canon capacity car card care careful cars case cash cask casual catch cats caught Cave cellar chaise challenge champagne changed Charenton | Chatelet check checked chickens Chief child childhood children chosen circulate citizen Citroen Citroens citron city Claire clean clear clock close closed closing clothes coal coat cod coffees cold Colombani colour coloured columns Come Comeliau comes | coming commercial commit compulsive conditions confidence confirm confirmed confuse connects contact contains continue contract cope Could country couple course cousin crap cream creatures crept crime crimes crowd cuffs cupboard cutlery Czech Czechoslovakian Czechs |
Dacourt damage dark darling dates day days dead death definitely Denis department depend description desk desperate despised details | detectives Did died different difficult dignity dine direction disappeared discarded discover Discretion dish disposal disposition distant Do Doctor | does dogs doing done door doors dope doubt down drank draw drawers drink Drop dropped dump dumped |
each earrings earth east Easy eaten eight either else employment emptied end engaged enjoy enjoyed enough enthusiast | entire envelope even evening every Everybody everyone everything exactly Except Excuse execution expectation expecting experience explain expose |
fabric face faces facing faked family far farm farmer farmhand farmhouse farmhouses farms Faubourg fault favourite Fawn fear feathers feel feeling feels | feet fence fences few field fifth fight File filling film find fine Fingerprints finish first fists fit five flame floor flowers | flush Follow following follows Fontaine for foreman forged forward found four France Francine fresh friend frightened from full fund funeral fur |
gambler gang garlic garments generous gent gentleman gentlemen George get gets girl girls give given go God Goderville going gone Good Goodbye got grandchildren great grey guarantee guest guests guillotine gunman |
habit hacked had haired hairs hand handmade hands happened happy has have Having Havre he heading hear heard | heart heavy held Hello Help helped helping Henri her here Heureux Hey hid hiding high him his hit | Hoax hold holes holiday Holosko home honestly hope hoping horse hotel hour hours house how human hurt husband |
I idea identification identified identify if ill illegal immigrants importance important impossible impression in Indeed indicates indoors infirmary | information inside Inspector Inspectors interest interrupt intimate into investigation involved Is isolate isolated it Italians itas items its |
jacket Janvier Jean jewellers jewellery job jobs Joe joining Jolly journey Jours Judge Judiciaire just |
keep keeps kept kill killed killer killers killings kind kiss Kitchen knew knife know known knows |
labour lady LaPointe last Laurent laying lead leads least leave leaves leaving led left legal Lenoir less Let | letter licence life Light like liked line link list lit little live lived lives living location lock | locked long longer longue Look looked Looking lose lot lots Louise lovely loves low luck lucky lunch |
madam made Maigret Maigrets mainly make makes man manipulate manpower many Maria married master match matches mate May Maybe me | meal mean medicine meet meeting men menus merchants message met mid Middle might mind minutes miss missing Mmm moaning Moers | money Monsieur months more morning mortician most mother mounting Move much mud murder murdered murderers murders Mwah my myself |
name national near necklace need needed needs neighbour never newspaper next nice Nicole night nights Nina Nine no nobody None Not nothing notice now number numbers |
obstruct occasion occupation October odd of off offer office often OK old on one only open operated operating or order orphanage other others our ours out outdoors outside over own owner |
Paint panic paper papers parading parents Paris Parisian parked parole particular Paul pay peasants peg people Perhaps perpetrators person personal Petit phone phonecall photo photograph | photographs Picardie pick picked picking picture Pietr Pile Place placing plan playing pleasant please pleasure pockets point pointing Poles Police policeman Poliensky Pont poor positive | possessive possible possibly post posted pregnant Press pressure prints prison probably processing producer professional Professionally property proprietor pull pursued Push pushing Put Putting puzzled |
Quai qualify queen question questioning questions quick quiet quieten |
race racecourse races racetrack racing raincoat rang ransacked rather reading reads ready real realise realised really reason reckons recognisable recognise recognised | reconstruct record registration relay release reported reports reputation request resources respectable respects rest revealed Richard rid ridden riders rifled right | Righto rights ring ringers ringleader river Riviera rob Rochain rolled room rooms round rounds route routes rubbish run running rural |
safe said Saint sake salesman same Sante sat saturated saw sawme say says scars scores search second secretly section see seeing seen send sent September Septemberst serve serves service set settee settling seven shall She sheets shift shirt shoe shooting shop shortly shot Should | show Shut sighting significance silver similar since singing sir sit six skin skinned slattern sleep sleeves slipping slips slit Slovak slow small smashed smoke sniff so sofa soil some somebody someone Something sometimes somewhere soon Sorry sort speak speaking speech spends stabbed stairs stamp | stand standing start station stations stay steal step still stink stinks stolen stood Stop stopped stops stories stove street stride striped strong stuff successful suffering suggest suit Sulpice summer supper supported Supposing Sure survived suspect suspected suspend suspicious Suze swapped swear sweetheart switchboard |
table tail take taken takes taking talk talked talking tally teeth telegraph telephoned tell telling tells temporary ten tend tender tenement than Thank that the theCadran their | them then there these they thieves thing things think thinking third thirties this Those though thought three throat through thrown ticket tickets Time times tip to today | token told tomorrow tonight Tonnelier too took top tortured town trace track tracks Traction train trains transferred transferring Translate trap travel travelled traveller travelling tried trips trousers try |
under understand underworld uneducated unfold unidentified until unusual up urgently us used useful |
van very Vice vicious victim victims Victor Violent visit |
wait waited waiter waiting Walking wallet want wanted wants wardrobe warm was Watch watched watching way we weak wealthy wearing Wednesday | weeks well went were What whatever When Where whether which while white Who whole Whose why wife will win wine winning | winnings with without witness witnesses woman won wonder word work worked workers working worn worth would wound wounds wrecked wrong |
yeah year years Yes yesterday Yesthen you young your yours |
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