Крокодил Данди 2 / Crocodile Dundee II (1988) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 15 999
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
10 2405.7
55 747
- Название:
- Крокодил Данди 2 / Crocodile Dundee II (1988) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 1988
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Боевики / Комедии / Приключения / Лучшие фильмы 80-х / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Джон Корнелл / John Cornell.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Крокодил Данди 2 на английском с английскими субтитрами
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Aborigine Aborigines about across act action Actually Administration admiring adopted after aftershave again ago ahead air alarm alive All allowed alone along already am America | Americans amigo an and animals announcement annoy another Any anybody anything anytime anyway appetite Arderdah are area around arrived ask asks assigned at average away |
Back backyard bad baddest bag bait Bank bar bastard bat bats be beams Beast because bed been beep beer before behind being belongs berries Bessie best | Bet betrayed better between big bike Billongamick bills bird bit bitch bite black blazing blew bloody blow blown Bob Bonnie both boyfriend boys bra brains Brannigan | break Breakfast brilliant bring broke broken Bronx brother brothers brought Brown buddy building bullets bump bush bushes bushman bushmen business bust But buy by Bye |
cage cake call calm came cameras camp camping can cane canteen capital car care careful cavalry caves cemetery Center chances changed Channel charge Charlie Charlton chase check | Cheers children cigarettes circumstances City clear clever climb Clint Close clothes clutch cocaine cocodrilo coffee cold Colombia Come comes coming company completed completely Comprendes consider consoled contest | convincing cool coolest cop copies cops could country countrymen couple course cover Crap crawler crazy Creek Crikey croc crocodile crocs cross curiosity cushions custody cute |
damn dark darling day Days dead dealer Death decision definitely deliveries Delivering Denning Diamond dick Dicky Did die difficult dig Digging dinghy dinner direction dishonor | disruptions distraction do Does dogs doing Donk door dopey Doris Double Doug down downtown drink drinks drive drown Drug dry dude dudes Dundee Dunlop |
ears east Eastwood easy eat eater eating eggs either else embarrassing | empty encompassing Enforcement enjoying enough erasers Erskine even ever every evidence | ex exactly Except exciting excuse expect explanation extensive extra eye eyes |
face fact Fair Fairly Fancy far farm fashion favor features Feds feeling feet Felipe fella fellas fellow Ferry fields fill film | find fine finish finished fire First fish fit five flight floor flown flush fly folk follow followed following food fool foot | for forever forget Forgive fork fortress Fortunately found Four framed Frank free Freeze fresh friend from front Fun fund funny further |
game games gang Garcia garlic Gator gazing Get gets getting ghost gift girl Give glad go goanna goat God goes going | gone gonna good goodbye Gosh got gotta grab greaser Great Grubby guard guess guest gun gunpoint guns guts guy Guys |
had half Hall hand hands Hang happen happened happening happens hardly harmless has have Hawaii hazardous he head | headed health hear heard heavy held hell Hello help helped her here Hey Hi hide him his hit Hiya Hmm | hobby hold holding holds holiday holidays home hopelessly hot hour hours house how howling Hoyt hundred hunting hurt husband |
I Ida idea if image important in incident infrared initiation inside Inspector instead international into invited involved irresistible is Island it item |
Jaba Jabajada jacket jail jarra Jefe job joint joking Jose journalist Judy jumped jumper jungle Just |
keep keeps Kemo Ketchup kidding kidnapped kids kill killed killer kind Kinda kiss knelt knew knife Know known knows Kryptonite |
lady large last later lead leading least leave left legendary legit Leroy Less Let letter life light lightning like likes lips listen little | live Lives living lizard lobster Lone Long look looking Looks Lord lost lot Lots love loved lover luck lucky Luis lunatic lunch luxury |
machine made magic Maine make makes making man managed mansion mate mates mating matter Maybe me mean means meantime Meat | meet men message Mick Mickey might Miguel miles million Mind mine minimum minor minute minutes miss missed mister Mom moment | money mongrels Moore more morning mosquitoes most mother mountain mountains mouth move moved moves much must mustard my myself mysterious |
name named nasties native near need Needs never New next nice nicked night nineteen Nixon No nobody noise none Northern not Nothing noticed now nowhere Nueva Nugget |
of off office okay old on One only open Operador Or orderly other others Our out outside outta over owe owed own |
pants parasite part party past Patterson pays penguin pens people perfect perfectly perhaps personal personally photographs photos pick picnic pictures piece place plan planet plant play | playing please Point police post power practice pray prehistoric present President pretty price prisoner Probably problem promise protect protection protective provides punk punks Put python |
question Quick quicker |
rabbit radials rail raise Ralph ran Ranger rare Rat Read ready real really reasonable recording redeeming Reilly Relax Relief rep reporters | reporting reputation Reserve retire retirement rich Rico rid ridge right rings road Robert rock Rocks rocky Roof Room round ruin running |
Sabe safe same Sarge save saw say says scared Scary scene scratch Screw screws sec second seconds see seem Seems seen self send Se?or Se?orTanner sent serious service set Seven shack shadows Shall she sheila shit shoot shooting shot should | Shove show shown Shut side simple since sir sirens Sit sitting skipped Slap sleep sleeps slimy slow small smell smooth snake Snakes so soldier some somebody someone something somewhere son song Soon Sorry sort sound sounds Souvenir speaking spends split | square staked star start started starving State Staten station Stationery stay stick still stinks stir stop stopped stopping stories storm straight street streets strictly stuff subway Sue suggestions suicide suit supplies supply Sure swamps swapped sweat Sweep sweet system |
take taken talk talking talks tall Tanner tapeworm Tarzan tastes taught teach Teddy telephone tell tells Territory test than Thank Thanks That their them then there | these they thing things think thinking thinks This those thought threaten Three throat through throw throws tight till time timing Tired to today together told tomorrow | too took top touch touches town tracker tracks Trade traffic trail train tree Tricky trouble truck true trust try turn turned TV twin twist Two |
ugly uncle under understand until up us used |
value very view visitors |
wailing Wait Wakey Wal walk Walkabout walked walking walks wall wallet Wally Walter wanna want wanted wants warn was watch | watching water way We week weekender weird Well went were What whatever wheels when Where Wherever which while white who | whole why wilderness will Wind window wise with within woman word work working world worries worry worthless would wounded wrong |
yards Yeah years Yes yet York Yorkers You your yours yourself |
Zoo |
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