Боже, благослови Америку! / God Bless America (2011) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Главный герой Фрэнк - типичный американский служащий, живущий в собственном мирке, коротая досуг перед экраном ТВ. Но внутреннее состояние мужчины оставляет желать лучшего. Дело в окружающих его людях. Сосед Фрэнка - несносный эгоист, не умеющий парковаться. По телевизору показывают несодержательные передачи для интеллектуально-ограниченных людей. Плюс ко всему Фрэнка увольняют с работы по сфабрикованному делу о домогательстве пышногрудой секретарши, которой он всего лишь несмело улыбался. Деградирующий мир сказывается на здоровье мужчины. Ему диагностируют неоперабельный рак мозга. Его нутро вскипает от несправедливости. Он готов "прибить" каждого, кто посмеет ему перечить. Но он встречает очаровательную студентку, солидарную с его мнением. Новоявленный дуэт а-ля "Бонни и Клайд" колесят по Америке и расправляются со всеми, кто их бесит.
2. Добавляй в личный словарь и тренируй их на Puzzle English
Фильм Боже, благослови Америку! на английском с английскими субтитрами
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ability able about above absolutely abuse accent accept accidentally accused acknowledge act acting actions actually add address adjective admired admit adopts adorable adult advise affect afford afraid after afternoon again against age agenda agree Agreed ahead aim aiming air
airplanes alarm ALICE Alison alive All allegations Allen almost alone along already also altar Although always am amazing America American Americans an anarchy and Angelina angry animals Aniston Anne ANNOUNCER another answer answered anticipate any anybody anymore anyone anything
anyway apart apartment Apparel apparently appointed are armed around art Artemus articulate as ashamed Asian ask asked asking ass assault assholes assure at atrocity attached attack attempt attracted audience audio authority Ava available avoid Aw away awesome Aye
babe babies Baby back backpack backstage bad bags ball ballad balls bam band Bands Barkley barrel bashing bastards battery Battlestar be Beach bear beat Beatdown beautiful became because become bed been Beep beeping beeps beer Before begin behind Behold being believe believes believing bell Bellied belly Bermuda best
bestest bet better Betty between big bigblue bigger biggest bigoted bile Bill bills Birds birth birthday bit bitch bitter black Blackberry blaming blaring Bleed bleep bless blessed blind blocked blood blow blowhard blowing blue board boat boats boiling Bon bone Bonnie Boo booing book books boom border borders
boring BOSS Both bottom Bowie bowing bowling box boy boyfriend boys Brad brain Bratz brave Break breathing breeze bricks bring bringing British bro broken brother brought Buckingham buddy budget bullet bullhorn bullshi bullshit bum bunch Bunny Burdoch burrito bury bus buster busy But buy buys Buzzer by Bye
cacophony caffeine call called calling calls calm came camera cameras can cancer cannot Canyon captain car cards care careful cares cars case cast catch Caucasian caught caving celebrate celebrated celebrities cell Cellphone chair chalupas chance changes changing Channel character characters charter chase cheap checks Cheering cheeses child chirping Chloe Chloes
choke Choking choosing Christ Chuckles chuckling CIark cigarette civil civilization civilized claimed Clark class classic classics clean clicks climb climbed clock close closes clothes clothesline Clyde coach cock cocks cocksucker Cody Cognac cold collapsing colleges Colosseum combat come comes Coming comment commercially Commies common community company complaining complete Completely
comprehending computer concentrate concern concerned condescending confess confused consideration considered constant contest continued continues control Controversial conversation COOPER correct couch Could country couple course court courtesy couture crack cradle cram crazies crazy creep creepy Crickets Cross CROWD cruel crushing cry crying crystals culottes cultural cunt Cup cut cute cutesy
dad Daddy damage damn dance Dancing dangerous Danny darling date dating daughter daughters DAVIES day Days dead deaf dealership Dear death debilitating decency decide decided deeply defective defend
defense definitely delivered depressed deserve desires desperate destroyed developed device Diablo Did die directive dirt dirty disagree disc discuss Disneyland disrespect distraction do Doc doctor documentary dodge does
doing dolls done door Doorbell doot doubt down downtown draft drama Dramatic dream dress dresses drifter Drink drinks drive driving dropped drove dryer Dude Dumb dumbest during
each Eagle early ears Easter easy eat eating Ed edge edgy eight either Electronic else Elvis embarrass empire employed
encouraging end Energy Engine enjoy enough entertainment entitlement erudite Escalade esteem Europe even ever every Everybody Everyone everything evidence
face fact fags failed fall family famous fan fancy fans fantastic far farm Farts fast fat father favorite fear feature feel fellow felt Feminazi femonazi fictitious fight figure
figured figures finale find Fine finish fire firepower first fits five fives floor flowers flowing Fluffing flying folks food footage for foreigners forever forget forgot former forsaken forward
found fourth Foxworthy France FRANK Frankly freak free freedom Freeze French friend friends from frown frustration fuck fucked fucking full Fuller fully fun funeral funny further
Galactica Gasps gave gay Gen generation genius Gentle gentlemen German Germans get getting giant gift GIRL girlfriend girls give gives giving glad Glass Glee
go goats God Goddamn goes going gone gonna Good goofing Goran gorilla gossip got goth gotta grade Grand grande graphic grea great greatest
had Hair hairless hand handed handle hands hanging happen happened happier happy harass harassment Harbor hard harder Harry has hat hate hatemongers haters hates hats have having he head headache
headaches health healthcare hear heard Hears Hearst heart heartache heartless Heavy heed Hel hell Hello help helping her here hero Hey Hi hide high higher hilarious hillbilly him himself hippies
His Hit hold Hollywood Holy home homeless homicide homogenizes homosexuals honey honk Hooray hop hope hoping horn horrible Horror Horton HOST hot house how huge huh hurt hurts hut
I idea if important in inappropriately incapable inch Indian Indistinct indistinctly information insomnia instead instincts Instrumental intensifies interested interfere into introduce invented inventor iPhone is isfantastic it itself
Jackson jail jealous Jeff JEFFREY Jennifer jeopardy Jericho jerk Jersey Jesus Jew jewelry job jock jockeys joke jokes Jolie Jovi JUDGE judges Jumping Juno just
karaoke Kardashian Kardashians Karen Kay kayak keep keeps Kelly Keno key keys kid kidding kids kill killed killer killers killing Kim kind kindness king knew Knock knocked Knocking know knows
labels lack ladies lady Laguna last late later laugh Laughed laughing laughs Laughter law lead least leave leaving left legit Less let letters letting
level liars library license lied life light lights like likes limit Lindsay line Listen listener listening Literal literally little live lived lives living Lizzy
loaded Lohan lone lonely long longer Look looked looking looks lose lost lot lots Loud louder loudest love loved loves Loving Lullaby lunch lying
macabre machismo macho made maggots magnifique Magnum mags Mahogany mailed mainstream maintains majority make makes makeup making male males MAN managed Manson many Marilyn Marine mark marquee married martyr Mary mass masses mathematician Matt matter mature may
maybe me mean meanest means media Meet member members men mental message metal Meth Miami Michael mid middle might mighty Migraine migraines Mike miles military mill millimeter million millionaire mind mine miss missed mist misuse moaning molested mom moment
mommy money monitor moon more Mormons morning morons most mother motherfucker mothers motor Motorcycle move movement moves movie movies moving much mucho Muffled Muhammad Munchies Murdered murders Murdoch music Musically Muslim must my myself
Nabokov nails naked Namaste name nap napkins NARRATOR NASCAR nation Neanderthals need needle negative neighbors nervously network never Neverland new newest news next Niagara
nice Nickel niece nieces night nine No nobody nocturnal Nogales noise non normal not note nothing novels now nowhere number nut nuts Nutz Nyack
object objectify occasional odds of off offended office Officer oil Okay old on once one online only open or order orders other Oui our ourselves out outcasts outside outspoken outta over overly own
pack pair palace pander pants paper pappy Pardon parent parents Paris park parking part participate particularly party pass passes pathetic patrons Patty Paul pause pawn pay peaceful Pearl pedophile pegged pencils people Perfect perform performer perpetrator person personal pervy Philip phone phones physical pick picking
picture pictures pie pillow pillows pinhead pink Pinko Pit pitch pitchy place plain plane Planning platonic platter play played plays Please pleasure plenty plug Plus point Poison Police policeman policy polite politely politically politics pool poop pop popular positive positively possibly post posting potential Potter
pound pours Pow power powered practice pray pre predictable prefer pregnancy present presentation president press pressure pretend pretending pretty prick prime princess probably problem problems produced products promise protect protecting protesting proud psychiatric pumped punch punched punk pupu purple pushing pussies pussy Put Pythagoras
racist radio raid raise Rambo Ranch random rap rape rapes raping rather rats Raw RAY razor read ready real reality realize Really rear Rebel receives recently reception recoil recommendation recorded recording records refrain
rifle rifles right rights ringing rings ringtone rip rips road Robbie Robin rock rockers Rocky roger rolls Ronald roof room round Roxanne Roxy rude ruin ruined rule rules run running Russia rut
sack sad safe said same sasquatch saw say saying says scare scared scene School schoolers schoolgirl Scoffs Scout scream screaming screams screen screwed search seat second secret secretly security see seeing seem seems seen self sell sells Send sense sensual serious seriously served serving set setting Seuss severance sexually shake shakes shallowest shame shatters shawl She Sheriff shirt shirts shit shitty shiver shock shocking shoot shooting Shore short shots should shouting
shove shoved show showed Shower showing shut side Sighs sight since sing singing single sins Sir siren sit Six size skank sky sleep sleeper sleeping slogan slower Slurping small smarter smell smells smile smoke Snake snap so sober socialists socially society soft some somebody someone something Sometimes somewhere son song sons Soour sorry soul sound Sounds south Spanish Speaking Speaks speech speed spent spewing spiritual sport sports spots spray spreading spree
squeal squeeze stability stadium staff stage stalker stand star stars start started starts state statement States static stay steal stereotypes steroids Steven stick sticking still stoked stole stolen stone stop stopping stops story storylines straw strict strike stripper strong stuff stupid stupidity substitute such Suck sucks sue suffer sufferer suffers suicide summer super Superstarz support supported supporters supporting supposed sure surgery Survivor SUSAN suspects swamped swear sweet sweetheart Syracuse systems
Take taken takes taking talent Talk talked talking talks tamales tampon target targets Tate Tattoo taunt Tea team tear tears teen teenager Teens telephone television Tell telling tempo term terrible terrorist test testicle Texas text texting than Thank thankfully thanks that
Thatis the theater theatrics their them Theme themselves then there these they thin thing things think thinking this those though thought thread threatening three threefour through throw thump tied till time times Tires tit tits to today together told tolerance tomorrow
too torn total touch tough tower town tragedies tragedy tragic trailer training traitor travel treason Trek Trent tr?s tried triggered True trust truth try trying Tuesday Tuff tumor tuna Turn turned turning turns twat tweet tweeted Twihards twinsies two type typical
ugly uhgive Unbelievable uncle under understand uneducated unethical Unfortunately uninspired United University unknown unless until up ups upset uptight us Use used using usually
vacation vaginas value VELOCitea very Viagra vibrating vicious video view villages violation violent virgin Virginia visit visiting Vladimir vote voting
Wah wails Wait waiting Wake wall walls Walther wanna want wanted wants war warp was washing waste wasting watch watching Water wave way we weak weakest weapon wear wearing wears web
wee week weight Weird weirdo welcome well went were what wheels When where which while Whimpers whiny whirring who Whoa whole whore whores Why wife wildlife will Williams willing Window
wines wing winged winner wish wished wishes with within without woke wolves WOMAN Women wondering Woody work worked working workplace works world worst would wounded Wow Wrap wraps writing wrong
Yeah year years Yes You youlike young your yours yourself YouTube Yup
Zing Zipper zipping zoo
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