50 первых поцелуев / 50 First Dates (2004) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 20 799
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
91 3706.8
284 770
- Название:
- 50 первых поцелуев / 50 First Dates (2004) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2004
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Комедии / Мелодрамы / 2004 / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Питер Сигал Peter Segal
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм 50 первых поцелуев на английском с английскими субтитрами
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ability able about Absolutely abundance academic access accident Actually admirer advantage adventure advisor afraid after afternoon again aged agent ago agree ahead airport alarm Alaska alcohol Alexa Alicia alive all | allowed almost Aloha alone already Also always am amygdala an anchovy and animals another answer any anybody anymore anyone anything anytime anyway anyways apologize apparently appointment appreciate appreciates approval aquarium | Aquariums architect are arm arms around arrangement art as Ashley ask asked asking asleep ass asshole assy at ate athleticism attachment attorney attract automotive available average awake away awesome |
baby back bad bag ball ballet balls bang bar barely bark barrel basically bastard bat bath bathroom Bay be Beach Beat beating beats beautiful became because become bee beef been beers before began begin behaviours | being believe belly Ben Bernice besides best bet better between big biggest binding bird birthday bit bitch bitches bite bleeding blond blue boat bon boob booby boost bore borrow boss both bother bottom bounced boy | boyfriend boys brah brain brave break breakfast breaking breathing brilliant bring brings Bristol bro broad broke broken brother brownies Bruce bucks buddy build building built burden burp Busey business busting But butt Butter buy by |
caboose cake call Callahan called calling calm came camera Campbell can Candace car care career careful cart Casablanca case cast cat catch causing chance change changed chapter charges chat Cheap cheated check cheeky chew chick | chicken chickened children Chinese choke chop class clean cleaning clear clearly cleaver cliff climbing clinic clinical Close closed closing clue coach Coast coconuts code coffee cold college colour Come comes coming commitment community completely completion | components condition condom Congratulations connect connection consider contest contests convert convince cookie cool cop cops could country couple course cow crack Cracked crap crazy creatures cried crushes cry Culpepper cup cups cut cute cuteness cuz |
Dad Daddy damage damaged Damn dance danced dancer date dating daughter day days dead dear decided deep defend definitely delay delicious delivery Demonstrate designer | desperate details did died different diner dinner direction disco disgusting dishes dishwasher distinguished diver diving do doc dock doctor doctors documentary does dogs dohn | doing dolphins done door Double Doug Douglas down downstairs drawer dream dreams drew drinks drop dropped drove drunk dry Dude due during dying |
each earned Easy Eat eaten eating Edgar egg eggs ego either else emissions enactment end ended English enhanced Enjoy enormous enough Entering enthusiasm entitled | erase erased even ever every everybody everything evil exactly example excellent Except excited Excuse existed experiment experimenting expert expire expired extra eye eyes |
face faced facility fact fair fakes fall falling False far Father fault favourite feeding feel Feeling feelings feels feelski fell fella fellow few field figured finally find | finding findings fine fingers finish finished first fish fishbowl fisherman fishing fishy five flexes fling flip flippies flirt flirting flops follow food foot for forget Forgetful | forgot forth Forty forward found four freak freaking freaks free Freeze Fresh fricking Friedkin friend friends from front fruity Fry full fully fun funded funny future |
game garbage Gary Gatorade gave Gay gender gesture get gets getting ghost gift gigantic girl girlfriend give Gives Giving glad glutes go | God going Goldfield gone gonna good goodbye goodness goofiest got gotta governor grandfather gravel Great gross grossing grouchy Guard guess guilt guy |
habitat had haircut half Haluki hand handle handoff hands hang haole happen happened happening happens Happy harbourmaster hard Harry has hate have having Hawaii Hawaiian he head headache healing health | healthy hear heard heck Hefty heights hell hello help helps Henry her herb Here herself Hey Hi high hilarious hill hills him himself hinge his Hit hitting hold holding holes | Holy home Honah honey hook hooked hope horny hospital hot hotel hour house houses How huge Hukilau humour hundred hundreds hung hunting Hurry hurt hurts husky hyenas hygienic hype |
I ice icebergs idea idiot if image imagine impairing improvement in incredible information informational injury | inside Institute intact intelligence intense interest interesting interrupt intimacy intimidating into introduce is island Isolate |
jacket Jacuzzi jar jeans Jeez Jennifer job Jocko joint joke joking Jonathan journal journey juice juicy Julia jump Junior just |
kahuna kamaaina Kamehameha Kate Keanu Keats keep keg kick kidding kidnap Kidney kids Kikikoloko Kikikuloa kill Killing kind kiss Kleinsasser knew know known knows Kualaliku |
lack lady land largest last lasts late later laugh laughing law lawfully leading learned least leave leaves Lee left less lesson Let level licking lie | lies life lighting like liked Likelike likely likes liki lilies limber Linda line lint lions lips Lisa Listen Lithuanian little live lived lives living loaded | lobe local log long longest look looking Looks loosen Loser losing loss lost lot loud love lovely Lover Luce luck lucky Lucy lunch Lung lying |
made Magnificent Mahalo Make makes making male mammals man manhood manually many market Marlin marriage Married marry Martha Mary master matter may maybe Mazel McCartney | me meal mean means meant meat medicine medium meet meets memories memory message met middle midnight might mind mine Minnesota minutes mirror mishap miss mistake | misunderstanding Mokokokakau Molokai Mom Mommy mongoose months moon more morning Moron most mother Mountain mouth move Moving much muscles must Muumuu my myself mysterious |
naked name nasty naturally nauseating Nearly neck need needed needs neither nervous never new news newspaper next nice Nick night nipples | No nobody nocturnal nodding noises Noreen normal North not Note notebook Nothing notice noticed November now numb number nuts nympho |
obnoxious Obviously ocean October of off offence office okay old older on once One only open opened operative opinion opportunity option or Order other our out outside over overnight overreaction own |
Pablo Pacific pain Paint painted painting pal Pan Pancah pancake pancakes Panclocks Panku pansy pants papa paper Paratesticles Pardon part parts party pathetic patiently paying peaceful Peanut penguin penis people perfect perform permanent person perspective Peru | pervert pet petting pharmaceutically philanthropist phone phones phoney physical Picasso pick picking picture pictures pillow pimping pineapple place places plan plane planning plans play played playing please pleasure poi point policy poof poofer poofing pool Pop | porch possible possibly pray prefer pregnant present pretend pretty priesthood printed private probably problem problems professional program progress project promise promised pronounce protect protection protein psychiatrist psycho psychotic publish pull pulling Punch purchased purposes Put puts |
question questions quickly Quit |
rain ran read reading reads ready real realize really reassignment recent recovered relationship Relax remember remembers remind | Reminder request required respect responding rest restaurant resting retain ribs rid ridiculous right Rim Ringo rip road | roast Rock roids romance Ronald room Rose Roth rough royal rub ruin ruining Run running runs rush |
Sadly said sail sailor same Sammy Sandusky sandwich Saturday sauce sausage save saw say saying says scans scar scared schlong school score scrapbook scratch scuba sea seal second seconds secret see seeing seen send Sense sensitive sentiment separate serious Serpent serviced set setting Settle setup Seven severely sex sexy shake shall Shamu shaped shared shark sharks she sheets shirt Shirts Shit shitheads shocked shook Shore | short shot should show Shut sick side signal simple simply since singing single sings sir sister sit sitting six Sixth size skip slap slate sleep sleeping sleeps slide slipped slipping slow smacked smart Smarty smell Smile smoke smoked sneaky sniffing Snorkelling So some Someday someone something Sometimes son song soon sooner Sorry sort Sounds Spaghetti Spam speak special spell spend spin split spoke spot spread | squiggly stable Stalker stand Starbucks staring Starr start started starting startle state states stay staying steroids Stewart stick stiffed still stink stitch stitches Stop stopped stops store straighten strike strikes stuck students studio study stuff stupid stupidest subject such suck sucker sucks Sue suffer suffered Sumner sundae Sunday Sundays super supplement sure surf surfing surgery swear sweat sweet sweetheart sweetie swim swing Swivelly Syndrome syrup |
taco tags take taken takes Taking talk talked talking Tammy tap tape Tattoo tax teach teacher teaching team teapot technique tell telling temperature temporal Ten tepee term terrible test than Thank Thanks Thanksgiving that | the their them Then theory there thermometer these They thin thing things think thinking thirds this those though thought three through throw throwing throws ticket tied time times tinkle tip tissue title titty | to today told Tom tomorrow tonight too took totally touch Touchdohn tourists tov tow town tracheotomy Tracy tradition tramp treat trick Tried trip trouble trust try trying turpentine turtle Tusks two tycoon type |
ugly unbelievable under undersea understand undertaken unlimited unspoiled unstable until up urine us use used usually |
vacation very vet vicariously victim video videotape vigorous Vikings vomit voyage |
waffle Waffleonians waffles wahine Waikikiki Wait wake wakes waking wallet walrus Walruses wanna want wanted wants warm was wash wasted watch watched watching water way ways We wedded weed week weekend weeks weird welcome | Well went were wet whack what When whenever where whether which whiff while White Whitmore who whoa whole whooped whose why wife wiggle wild will Williams Willie willingness Willis win wing winkies wipe wiped | wish wishes wishing with without wolf woman women won wonder wonderful wondering word words work working works workshop world worried worries worry worse worth Would wound Wow wrap wrestling write writing wrong wrote |
yard yawn yeah year years Yes yesterday yet yield You your yours yourself |
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