День патриота / Patriots Day (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 10 365
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
14 9367.4
55 146
- Название:
- День патриота / Patriots Day (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2016
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Драмы / Исторические / Триллеры / Лучшие фильмы 2016 года / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Питер Берг / Peter Berg.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм День патриота на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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able about absolute Absolutely access accurate accusations accuse ache across act actical action activated active actors actual Actually adapter additional advise advised afraid After afternoon afterward again against agency Agent ago agree ahead air alaikum alcohol alert alive all allowed almost alone along already | also always am amateur amazed amazing ambassadors ambulance ambulances America Americans amid among amount amputate Amputating an analyzing and and/or angel angle angles announcement another answer answers anti any anybody anymore anyone Anything anywhere apart apartment apartments Apparently appears appointment Appreciate apprehend approaching | are area armed arms around arrest arrested as Ashland Asian ask asked asking ass Assalam asses assets asshole assist assistance assistant Association at athletes Athletic atrocious attack attacked attacks attempt Attorney Auburn augment authorities available Ave Avenue Aviation aviators await awake away Awful |
babies baby Back backflip backlash backpack backpacks backup backwards backyard bad bag bagel bags Baker balloons balls Band bang bank bar barbwire Barker barn Barrel barricade barricades bars baseball Baseline basement basically bat bathrooms battery Bay be beach beat beaten beautiful beauty because becomes bed bedroom been beer Beethoven before | beg beginning begins Behave behind being believe Belmont below Benz Bernardino best bestowed Bet better between Biden big biggest Billy Bin bit bitch bizarre Black blanks blast bleeding blinker Blitzer block blocks blood Bloomberg blow blue blueberry Bluetooth blurry boat Bob body bomb bomber bombers bombing bombings bombs bonfire | book boom born Boss Boston both bother boxing Boy Boylston boys bozo brace brained brave braver break breakfast Brendan bring bringing Bro Broadway broke broken brother brothers brought Brown Brussels Buckle bucks buddy build building buildings bulletin bullshit bunny Bureau buried burnt businesses busted but butter Button buy by Bye |
Cafe call called calling calls calm Cambridge came camera cameras can cancel cannot cap captain captured car caramel card care careful cares carjacking carnal Carol carried carrying CART cases cash cashed casualties catch Caucasian caught cause caused causing caution celebrating cell center champion chance change changed changes chaos charge charged Charging charred Chechen check Checking cheer cheering Cheerios cheerleading Cheers | Chest Chicago chicken Chief child chin China choice chowderheads Chris Christ citation city civilians claiming class classy claw clear clearly clips close closed closer closes closet closing clothes clothing clown Club clues co coat cocksucker code Coffee cold collect collecting color come comes comfortable coming Command Commish Commissioner Common Commonwealth communicated community competition complete compression compromised concert concussion conditioned conducting | conference confirm confiscate conflicting connecting connection consult contact contenders control controlled convert cookers cool Coolattas cooperation coordinated cop cops Copy corner Correct couch could country couple course cover covered coveted coward cowboy crash crashed Crate Crawford crazy credentials credit creek crime criminal critically cross crossed crossing crowd crowds crowning crucified cuddle Cuff cultural Cuomo cup cuss custody cut cycling |
Daddy damage Damn dance dangerous Danny dark Dartmouth data database databases daughter Davis day daylight days dead deal dealer dealing death debt decent decide decided decision decisions deep deeper deepest defend definitely degrade degree Deh deleted delivery | Delta Denver Department deputy describe described description deserted Desisa DesLauriers destination destruction detain detonated developed development developments devil Dexter Dias dickhead dictate did difference different difficult Din dinner direct direction dirt discarded discipline discussed Dispatch displayed disrespect | dissertation distance distracted disturb ditch divine do doctor Does dog doghouse doing doll domestic Done Donohue Dookie door down Downes dragged dreams drink drinks drive driven driveway Drop drunch drunks dry duality dude Due dug Dun During |
each ear earlier east Eastern Easy eat eating eats educate education Eggroll eight elephant elite elites ell else emblematic emergency empty encouraged | end enforcement engraved enlisting enough entire entirely Erik escape Ethiopia Evacuate Evans even ever every Everybody everyone everything everywhere evidence evil exactly | examples except excited Excuse exhibited Expected expecting experience expired exploded explosion explosions explosive explosives express extend extended Extensive extremely eye eyes |
face faces facial fading fake Falcon Fall false familiar families family famous fans far farm fast fatalities father fatter fault favor FBI feat Federal Feds Feed feeding feel feeling feels feet fell fellow female Fenway | few fight figure figured fill final finalists find fine finger fingers finish fire fired fireworks first fist fit five fix Flanagan Flank flap flash fleeing fleeting flip float floor flowers flux flying Follow following foot | footage For forbid force forced Forensics Forever fornicator Forum forward found four Fox Framingham Francisco Frank Franklin freedom frequency fresh Friday fried friend friends from front Fuck fucked Fucking full fumes funny further future |
Gabremariam game gas gave General Gentlemen George get gets getting gift gifts Gimme Gina girl girlfriend girls give giving | Glad glasses Gnarly Go God goddamn goes goin going golf gone gonna good got gotta gotten government Governor GPS | grab grainy gray great green grid ground group grow guarantee guard Guardian guess gun Gunga guns gut guy guys |
had hair haircut hand handle hands Hang happen happened happens hard harder hardest hardly harm Harrold Harvard has hat hate hats have having havoc He head heading hear heard heart | Heartbreak Heaven heavy held Hell hello help helped Her here Hey Hi hide high highly Hill him His history hit hits hmm hold holding hole Holy home homemade homicide | honey hoodie hoop hope Hopkinton hopped hopscotch hospital Hostage hot hour hours House houses How However HRT huge hugging hull human humor hungry hunt hurt hurts husband hyper hypocrite |
I ice identify identifying if images immediate immediately import important importantly in inch incredible individual individuals indoors Inform information initially injured innocent inside insisting | Inspired inspiring instant instructed intelligence intend intended inter interest Internal interview into investigate investigation investigators involved iPod iron is Islam Islamabad it item its |
Jack jacket Jahar James Jammed jeans Jeff jerk jersey Jess Jessica Jesus jihadist jihadists Jim job Joey John join joint joke Jones judicious Juice Jump just |
Kara Katherine Katie keep keeping Kenmore Kensky key keys kick kicked kicking kid kidding kidnapped kids kill killed killing kind Kinda kindness kinds King kiss kissed kitchen knee knew know knowing known knows Koch Kogo Kresge |
label lacerated Laden lady Laid Lambo landlines large Last late later laughing Laurel law laws lawyer Lay lead leads leaked learned least leave leaving lecture Lee left | leg legs Lelisa Lemme Leo less Let letting level lie Life Light Like likely lilting limbs limit line list listen little live Lived lives load lobster local | location lock locked Logan logo lone lonely long look looked looking looks loose Lord losing lost lot lots Loud Louie love loves lower lowest luck Luther |
macchiatos machine mad made maid mails Main major make making Male males mama man manager Mandarin manhunt Manny many marathon March Mark markets Marlboro marriage martial Martin martyr Mass Massachusetts masterpiece masters match matching matter may maybe mayhem Mayor me | mean Means Meanwhile media medical medicinal medium meet melted members Memorial men Meng Menino mentioned Mercedes mere message messed met meter mic mid Middle might Miguel Mike mile miles Milk millions mind mini minute minutes Miranda Mirandize misinformed miss | missed missing mistake mistook Mobil Mobile moment moments Mommy Monday money monster month months more morning morons most mother Motherfucker motherfuckers Mount mourn mouth move moved Movement moves moving much muffin mujahid Mulaney multiple murder murderer Muslim Muslims my |
Name names narcissistic Natick national nature nd near need needed needs Negative neighbors neon never New news Newton Newtown next nice night nine No Nobody Nope normal not Nothing notice now nowhere numb number numbskull nurse nuts |
observing obviously occasion of off office officer officers officially Officials often okay old oldest on once One ongoing online only onto Open | operator opportunity optimism or ordinary Orlando other others oughta our ourselves out outrun outside outta over overpaid overplay owe owes own owns |
pace packed Paddles pain pal paper paragraphs paranoid parents Paris Park parked partial party passed past patio Patrick patriot Patriots Patrol pattern Patton Paying peace people Per percent perfect perhaps perimeter period person personal personnel | Phil phone phones photo photos Pick picked picnic picture pictures piece pills PIN pipe Pizza place places plan planes Play please plenty plug pm point points Police politicians Pop popped pops porn position positive possible | Post pot potential power practice pray predictive prefer prepare prepared presence President press pressure pretty preventable princess probable probably problem pronounced Prophet prototypical proud prove public Pull Pulse purpose purse pursuit push pushed Put puts |
Qaeda Quad Quantico question questions quick quicker quickly Quiet Quit |
race radio radius Rafi Raise ran rapturous rats ray reach reached react reactions ready reaffirm real really reason receipts receive recent recipients recognition recognitions recognize recorded recreated recreating Red | regarding registration reign reiterate Relax release relief remain remains remember remembrance remotely repeat report reportedly reporting reports representing Requesting require rescheduled Rescue reserved residents residue resiliency responded responding response | restaurant rewards Reynolds rice Rick ride rigged right rights Ring risk River road roll rollers Romantic room rotate Round rounds route ruin run runner runners running Russell |
sad safe said sake saline salvageable same San Sarge sat Saturday Saudi Saunders save savor saw say saying says scary scene scenes scheduled school scratches screen Sean search searched Searching seatbelt second seconds section Secure secured security see seem seems seen sees selfless selling send senior sense sent separate separated September Sergeant Seriously servers set seven severely shahid shake shall Shan shattered shaving she sheds shelter Shit shock shoes shoot shooting short shot Shots | should shoulda shoulder show shows Shut shutting sick side sides sign signal silence silent since sink Sir sit site Situation six sizes skinny sledge sleep slow small smile smitten smoke smoking smooth smoothie snacks snap So Social society soft software SOG Solas solve some Somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhere son soon sophistication sophomore Sorry Sort soul sound sounds south Sox space speak Special speed speeding spirit splattered spoken sponges Sport spot spots spotted | spread squad Square squeaky staff Stage stanchions stand Standby standing Starbucks start started starts State States station status stay stays Steak steal step steps still stock stole stood stop stopped store storied Street streets strength stretch stretches strong stronger students study stuff stupid submission submit such Suffolk suicide suit Sully sunglasses super Superintendent supervisor supplement supply supposed supreme Sure surveillance survivors suspect suspects suspended suspicious swapped sweet Sweetheart sweetie swollen sympathy Syria system systems |
table tac tactical tag tags Tahoe Take taken takes taking talk talked talking Tamerlan tank tantrum tape tapes taste taxi Taylor team teams tear tears technology techs Teddy teeth television tell telling tells ten tend tent term terrorism text texted texting th than Thank Thanks | that the their them then there these they thickened thing things think thinks Third thirsty this Thomas those though thought thousands three threw through Throw tickets tie Tiesha tight time times tips tissue to today toes together told Tommy tomorrow tonight too took top | Total touch tough toward towards towers towns trace track tracking trade tragedy trance transit transported Travel Travis treasure treating tremendous tried triple trouble troubles truck true truly trunk Trust try trying Tsarnaev tub tucked tuned tuning turn turned turning turns twenties Twenty two Tylenol types |
unclear undaunted under underneath understand understanding understood undimmed uniform Unit United units University Unless unlike until up upon ups upstairs us Use using |
vacuum Vasser vehicle vehicles Verizon Veronica versus very vessels vest viability vice Vicodin victims Victor video videos views violence VIP VIPs Visa vision visit visual vital voice |
wack waist wait waiting Walaikum walk walking wall wallahi wallet walls Waltham wanna want wanted wants war Warn warning warnings warrants was Washburn Washington watch watched Watching watchlisted Watertown waves way we weakness weapon weapons | wear wearing weed week weeks weird welcome Well went were What Whatever wheelchair wheelchairs wheels when whenever where Whereabouts which while whiny whistle White who Whoa whole Whoo Why wide widow wife wiggle will win | window windows winner wipe wish wishes with within without Witness witnesses Wolf woman women won Woolfenden word words work workers working works World worried worry worst would wounded Wow Wrap wreaked wrestling write wrong |
Yankee Yankees Yeah year years yell Yep Yes yesterday yet Yo York You young younger your yours yourself |
Zac zero zeroing zoo |
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