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Основной идеей фильма является контрастность двух главных героев. Питер - архитектор с повышенным чувством долга. Имея задатки перфекциониста, он следует упорядоченному образу жизни. Питер торопится в Лос-Анджелес к жене Саре, которая уже в роддоме на сносях. В аэропорту он встречает Итана - харизматичного толстяка, намеревающегося покорить Голливуд, и попутно развеять прах отца. Неосторожно брошенное слово вызывает подозрение у охраны, и к Питеру применяют безоговорочные санкции - ему запрещают когда-либо летать. Итана так же высаживают с борта за нарушение общественного порядка. Раздражительному Питеру и болтливому, но ранимому Итану приходится объединится в усилиях и следовать к цели.
2. Добавляй в личный словарь и тренируй их на Puzzle English
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Все слова из фильма по алфавиту.Чтобы переводить слова на русский, прослушивать звучание слов на английском языке и/или добавлять в словарь для изучения кликаем мышкой на нужное слово.
about absolutely ACCENT accept accident accordance accountant across act acted acting action actor actual actually address adoring adult advice advisable Afghan after again against age agent ago agree ahead aid air airplane airport AK aka ALAN
ALARM Alex all allergic Almighty almost alone also always am amazing Amen America American americanos AMERlCAN an And Angeles ankles announcement another answer any anymore Anyone Anything anyway apologies apologize apparatus APPLAUDING appreciate arbitrarily architect Architecture
are areas Arizona arm Armani armpit around Art Arthur article as ashes ask asked asking asleep ass assault assed asshole at ate Atlanta Attaboy attempted ATTENDANT Attention attitude AUDIENCE averted avoid aware away Awful
babies baby babysit back backs bad Bag baggage bags Banana banged banging Bank barely BARKS Barry Bart bat bathroom battle be beach bear beard beating beautiful because become bed been before begin behave being believe belt bender best bet
betray better between Beware beyond big bigtime Birmingham birth bit bitch BlackBerry bleeding blend blends bless blink blood blow Blue boards body bomb bombs Boom booth boozy border born boss both bothering bought Bourne Bowl boy boys brain BRANDO
brave bread break breakfast Breathe brief bring Brings bro brochure broke broken brother brothers brought bubba Buckle bucks Buddies buddy Bugle built bullet bummer bump bumped bumps burn burns Business Bust busy But butterball buy BUZZES by Bye
CalI California call called calling calls calm calmed Came can cancer Canyon Capezios car carcasses card cards care career carefully carried carry Cars case Casey cash casual cat cavalier celebrate CELL cellular certain certainly character Charlie charming chase chatter check checking cheese chest
chewed chews child chills choke Choo chow Cindy circle citizens city clambake CLAMORING CLANKING class Clean cleaned clear Clearly clock clockwork close closed closing clown coach coast coffee coffeemaker Cola collected College color Comanche come comes coming commando commit competitive completely condition confiscated
dad daddy Dallas Dam damage dare daring dark DARRYL date daughter day days dead deal dealer dealing dear death DeBarge decency decision declined deep definitely delicious deliver delivered delivery derogatory deserves
despise device devices Did Die Died Diego difference difficult dinner dipshit discuss disembowel dismissing dissipate ditch ditched Divided divorce Do docking Doctor Does dog dogs doing doll dollars Don done Donuts
door DOORBELL doughnuts down downhill dozing drainage drank drastic dream dreaming dreamt Drew Drink drinking drive DRIVER driving Drop dropped drove drug drugs dry dude dumb dumbest during duty dwell Dylan
each ear earlier Early earthquake easier easily eat economy ecstatic edge edgy eff Eight either ejaculate electronic else end engaged ENGINE enjoy enjoyed entire
entirely erase Especially ETHAN even ever every everybody everyone everything excellent Exchange excited Excuse exercise exhausting existed exit expectant expenses expert explanation extraordinary eyes
face Facebook faced fact faggot failure faith faithful fake fall Fallujah family famous fan Fana Fancy Fantastic fantasy far Fart fast father fault favorite fax February Federal feed feedback
Feel feeling feet fell fellas fender few fight Figured Figures find fine fire First five fix flag flavored flawless flight flip flipping float floorboard fluids Fly flying food foot
football for forest forever Forget forgot Formed Forrest found freak freaking free fresh Friday friend friendly friends from front Fuck fucked Fucking full fun fundamental funeral Funky funny future
gal Game gang garbage gas GASPS gathered gave Gee general gentle gentleman gesture gestures get gets getting gingerly girl give glasses
glassy glaucoma GlGGLES glorious glove go God Goddamn Godfather going gold gone gonna good goodbye goodness gosh got Gotcha gotta government
grab grabbed Grand Gras grater great greatest green Greene grizzly GROANING GROANS grown grunt GRUNTS guess guidelines Gump gunshot guy guys
had hair hairdresser hairline Half HalfMen halfway han hand handcuffs handed handicapable handicapped Handle hands handsome handy hanging happen happened happening happens hard hardened has haul have having Hawaiian he head
headache heading HEADPHONES headshot headshots hear heard hearing heart heat heaven heavy HEIDI heinous hell hello Help her Here Hey HI hick Hide high Highman highway hilarious hillbilly him his hit
hitting hm Hold holding Hollywood holy home hon Honestly honey HONKING HONKS honored Hoover Hop hope HORN HORNS horrible hospital hot hound hour hours house how huge Huh human Hummus hundred
I ID idea idiot if imbeciles IMITATING important importantly in inappropriate incident incorrect incredibly industry information informative inside intention international internet interrupting interview interviewed into Intolerable is isolated it items itself
jackknifed Jackpot Jackson Jake Jason jaw jazz jealous jeepers Jeez jerk Jesus Jewish jibe job joking Jolt Jordan Judge judging Julia just justice
Kansas karma Keep kept keys kicked kid kidding kids kill killed killer kind King kiss kit kitchen knew knocked know known
labor laid land landed laptop last late laugh LAUGHING LAUGHS law laws LAX least leave leaving left legitimate lend Let letting level license licensed
life lifted Lights like LINE Lion list listen litter little living lmpreza ln lnteresting lnterstate lntolerable load loaded locked locker lodging LOL long longer
LONNIE look looked looking looks loose Lord Los lose lost lot lotion Louise Louisiana love Loved lovely loves low lraq lt luck Luckily Lucky luggage
machine machinery Mad made Mafia magazine magnificent mail mails major make makes making Malcolm MAN manageable maniac manner many Mardi Marijuana MARLON married marshal masturbated masturbating material Mathis matter matters mattress May
Maybe me mean medical medication medicine meet meeting member memory Men mentioned menu mess message met Mexico micro might miles mind mine minute minutes miss missed missing Mississippi mistake mister misunderstanding Mm
mode moly mom Mommy money Monkey months moratorium More morning most mostly mother motherfucker motivated Mount mouth move moves movie moving much mule mules murder music must my myself mysterious mystery myth
naked Name names Naming nap natural neck need needed needs nerd never new news next Nice nicest night nighttime nine No Nobody Nope normal Northern not Nothing Now nude Number Nuts
occurrence odd of off offer office official officially offs Oh Ohh okay
old on once one only Open operate operator opportunities optimum or organization
orgasm Orleans other Ouch our out outdoor outside over overstating owe own
pack package packed packs pain pair panic papa paragraph paranoid paraphernalia parking part party partying passed passing passports past pathological Patrick PATROLMAN paved pay pee pending people Perfect perhaps perm permanent perms person personality personally Pete
PETER Petey pharmacist Phoenix PHONE phones photo photogenic pick picked picking pickup picture piece pig Pilgrims Pimples PINK pipe pirate pit Pita place plan plane plans platoon play player playing please pleasure plenty pocket pointing points
Pollard POLlCE possible postponed pot poured Pray prefer pregnant preparation preparing presence pressure pretty price prick private probably problem process procured professor Promise promised property Protective protocol proud Pst puked Pull purist pushing put
question questions quick quiet quit
RADIO rain Rally Ramon ran Range rascal read ready real Really reason recall recipient recollection recounted red Regardless Reggie relax release reliable
riding right rights Ring RINGING RINGS rip rise River road Roberts Robust roll room Rosie rough Round route Rover rubber rule run
sad Safe safely said sakes San SARAH sarcastic saw say saying says scarf scary scene school scrapbook scratch SCREAMS screwed script seal sealed search season seat sec second seconds section see seeing Seems seen send sendoff sense sergeant serious seriously Services set seven Shadows Shakesbeard Shakespeare shapeless She Sheila SHELBY shift shifted ship shipped shirt shit shock Shoot shot Shotgun should show showcase showed shower showers Shreveport shut shuteye
SHUTS sick side sign signing simple SINGING single Sir sisters Sit site Sitting six Sixty skin Skylar sleep sleeper sleeping slept slew slipped Slow SlRENS smart smell smelling smile smiled smokes smoking smooch Smooth snacks snap sneak sneaking SNEEZES snore SNORING snuck so SOBBING soda solved solving some somebody Somehow someone something sometimes Somewhat Son Sonny soon sophisticated sore sorely Sorry sort sorting sorts sound sounds spat speak SPEAKS
speed spell spend spent spirit spit split sport spot spotty SQUEALS SQUISHING stage stakes stand stare start started starts state statement Stay stealth step stepped stepping stick still stitches stone stoned stood Stop stopped stories story stow straight strange strangely strangest strangle stream streets strong Stu stuff stupid Subaru sublime such sudden sue suggesting sun Sunday sunlight Super supposed Sure surprise survived suspicious sweet sweetheart sweetie switched sworn
Table take taken takeoff takes taking talk talked talking talks tapped tasted tastes Taylor Teddy tell telling tense terminal terms terribly Terrorist terrorists tether Texaco Texas than Thank Thanks that the their them
themselves then Theodore there these They thief thing things think thinking thinks This those though thought three throat through throwing thump Thursday tie tied till time times tired titties to today together told
toll tomorrow too took topic tossing totally touch tough tour tourniquet Town train transport travel traveling Tremblay tried trigger trouble truck true Trust try Trying turn turns turtleneck tutor TV Twelve Twenty Two
ultrasounds umbilical unacceptable under underground underneath understand uneasy Unfortunately Union Unless until up uphill upkeep urine urn us use used usually
vacuum vagina very vest veteran VIBRATES Vicodin victim virginity VOICE voicemail VOMITING vulnerable
Waffle waffles WAILING wait Waiting wake walking wall wallet WAlLS wanna want wanted wanting wants warned warning warrior was wash wasted watch watched water way ways we wear wearing Wednesday weed
week weekend weird weirdest Welcome welcomes Well went were West Western what whatever whatsoever wheelbarrow WHEEZES WHEEZING When where which while WHIMPERS white WHlSTLING Who Whoa whole Whoo Why Widow wife
Wild will wind window winning wire with without WOMAN women word words work worker WORKERS working works worms worried worry worrying worse Would wound Wow Wrap wreck write wrong wrote
Yeah year years YELLING YELLS Yep Yes yet you your yours yourself
zebra zip Zoo
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