Штурм Белого дома / White House Down (2013) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 11 702
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
43 0316.3
214 005
- Название:
- Штурм Белого дома / White House Down (2013) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2013
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Боевики / Триллеры / 2013 / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Роланд Эммерих / Roland Emmerich.
- В ролях:
- Ченнинг Татум / Channing Tatum, Джейми Фокс / Jamie Foxx, Мэгги Джилленхол / Maggie Gyllenhaal, Джейсон Кларк / Jason Clarke, Ричард Дженкинс / Richard Jenkins, Джеймс Вудс / James Woods, Джои Кинг / Joey King, Николас Райт / Nicolas Wright, Джимми Симпсон / Jimmi Simpson, Майкл Мерфи / Michael Murphy.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Штурм Белого дома на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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Abbas Abe ability able aboard abort about above Abraham Absolutely academics accessed accompany accomplish according accurate acres across act action active actual Actually add address addressing administration adults advance Afghanistan afraid African after again against age agent agents ago agree agreed ahead aimed Air | aircraft airspace al alarm alarms Albuquerque alive all alley allies Almost alone along Alpha already AlSharif also altitude Alvin always am amazing Amber Amendment America American Americans amongst an and Andrews Andy announcing another answer any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apologise Apparently | Appears Apple appreciate approach approaching Arab Arabian Arabs are area armed Armoury Army around arrested arrived arsenal Article artifacts artillery as ashamed ask asking assembling assets asshole assholes assume assuring at attack attacks attempted Attenhut Attention authority avail average awake aware away awesome |
babe baby babysitter back backup bad bag Bahar balcony ball balls Bandar banks barely base basement bases basketball bastards bathrooms Be Bear beaten Beats beautiful became because become bed bedroom bedside been before began beginning begun behind being believe | believing belly below belts best better between big bigger biggest bill biog bird birdie birthday bit bitch Black blame blast bless blew bloc blog blood blow blown Blue board Bobby Boeing bolt bomb bombing Born boss both bottom bounced | bowling Box boy boys Brace brave break Breaking breath bring bringing brings British broadcast brought buddies buddy Buffalo Buhbye build building buildings built Bullet bullshit bunker burn burned burning burst business busy but button buttoned buy by Bye |
Cabinet cables Cadillac Caffeine Cake cakes cal Cale calendar Calico call called calling calls calm came camera Cameron can cancer Candlelight candles cannot capable Capitol Captain captured car care careful Carl Carol carrier carve case cash Castle CAT catacombs Caulfield cell Central Centre CEOs Cern certificate Chah chair chairman chamber chance changed channel chaos chaotic charge Charles Charter chatter check checking chemical | Chen chest Chi Chicago chief Chiefs child children China choice choose Christ Christmas Circle citizen city civilization claim class classified claustrophobic clean clear clearly clicker climbing clock close closing Clyde Code codes collapsing colleague colleagues college Colonel Colonnade Columbia combat Come comes comfortable coming Comitatus Comm Command Commander commanders commemorate companies compelled complete completely complex compromised computer concerned concerns concludes concrete conditions | conference Confirm confirmation confirming conflict conflicts Congratulations congratulatory Congress congressional connect Conrad Consider constituents Constitution constitutional construction contact contacted contain continue Continuity control controlled controversial conversation cook cooked cool coordinates Copy corner Corporal corporations correct could count Countermeasures counting country coup courageous course court courtesy cover coverage covert crack crafty crash crashing Created credit crisis cross crying currently custody cut cycle |
Dad Daddy damn dark database date daughter Daughters Dawson day dead deadline deadlock deadly deal death debilitating deck declassify decor decorated DEFCON defence defend Define degree delight deliver delivered delivery Delta demanded Democrats demonstrates | Department depend depends deploy deployed deputy described deserved desperate destroyed detail determined developed deviate diabetic Diamond did die died difference differences different difficult dim dining Dinner dinosaur direction director disappear disappeared disarmed disavowed discharged | discussion dispatch District disturbed diversion divorce do doctor doctors does doing dollars Done Donnie door doors double doubt down downstairs dozen drag dream drive driver driving drone Drop dropped Dropping dual duty Dynasty |
each Eagle earlier earn easily East Eastside easy eat Education eight Eighteen elected elevator Eli Elizabeth else emails Emergency Emil Emily emotional Empire employed Empress empty enacting | end ends enemies enemy engaged enjoy enjoying enlisted Enormous enough enter entered entire entrance equipped erupting Escort especially establishment evacuate evacuation Evaluations Evasive even ever every everybody | everyone everything evidence exactly excess exciting exclusive Excuse execute Executive exfilt exist exit exiting exits expect experience explosion explosive Explosives expose exposed extremely eye eyes |
face faces facial fact fail fails Fair Fairfax faithfully Falcon Fall fallen family famous far fast fasten father favour favourite Federal federalized feed feeder feel feels feet felt fence few field Fifteen figure figured figuring file | Filed final finally financial Find Fine finish Finnerty fire fired fireplaces firewall firing first fit Five flag flames flight flipped Floor flown flying folks Follow followup food footage football footing for force Forces Ford foreign forever | forget forgive formation former forth fortyfive found founders fountain four Foxtrot frame France freak Fred free Freedom freely Freeman Freeze French frequently friend friendlies friendly friends from front frontal Fuck fueled full fully fun funny |
game garage garden gas Gate Gather gathering gave General Geneva Gentlemen Gerald German get gets getting gift girl girls give given glamorous | glass Glasses glib globe go God Goddamn goes going golfballsized gone gonna good Goodbye goodness got gotta government grab grabbed Graceland grade | graduated graduation granted Great greatest green grew gridlock Ground grounded grounds group Guard guess guests guide gulf gun gunpoint guns guy guys |
habit hack hackers had hair half Hall Hallelujah hallway hallways Halsey Hammer Hammond hand handhold handle hands handshake handtohand Hang happened happening Happens happy hard hardened Harder hardest has hate have having Hawks He head headed | Heading headquarters health hear heard heart heartbeat hearts Heavy held hell Hello help helped Henry her Here hereby hero Hey Hi hideandseek hiding High Highly Hill him himself hip hired his historic history hit hitting Hold | holding holds hole holes home Homeland honest honey hook hope hoping horn horse hospital hostage hostages hot hour hours House houses how huff hug huge huh human humble Hummingbird Humvee hunch hundred hundreds hung hurting |
I iconic idea ideas identity idiot if Illinois images imagine immediately impact important impossible in inauguration inbound incendiaries include Including incoming Independence independent indicated | industrial industry information infrastructure initiate inside Instead institute Insurrection intel interaction interests Internet interview into invoke Iran Iranian irony irreplaceable is Israel it its |
Jack Jackpot jail James Japan Javelin Javelins Jefferson Jenna Jesus Jim job jogging John Johns join Joint joke Jordans judge junior just |
keener Keep keeping keeps Kellerman Kevin key keyed keypad keys Kick kid kidding kill killed Killick Killing kind King kiss kitchen knew knives knock know known knows Kunar |
lack ladies lady lam Lame Last late latecomers later launch launched launcher launches launching lawn lead Leader leaders leadership leads League Leaks learn learned least leave leaves leaving left | legacy legislature less let level levels library lied Lieutenant life lifetime lift Light like limo limousine Lincoln line lines list listen literally Little live lives living load loaded loading | Lobby lobe local location Lock lockdown locked locker long look looked looking Looks loose Lord lose losing lost lot lots Louisville love Lovely low lucky lunch lying |
machine mad Madam made mag Maintain maintained maintenance make makes making Malfunctioned man managed mandatory maniac manoeuvre manoeuvres mantle manufacturers many Margaret Marilyn Marine Marines Mark marriage Married marry Martin Mary mask massage massive Match | matrix may maybe Mayday me meal mean means Mechanic meet meeting Melanie member members Membership men mercenaries Merry mess Middle might mightier miles militarily military militaryarmoured million millions mind minded Ming minute minutes miss missed missile | missiles missing mission missus mistakes modified moment Mommy money Monroe months more Morning most mother Motts move movement movements Movie moving Mr Mrs much Mulcahy multiple Murdering Muriel music must mutt my myself myth |
name named names nation National nations Nebraska necessary need Needed needs Negative neighbourhood Neither nephew never new newly news next nice nicely night nine No Nobody nonessentials nonsense NORAD nose Not Nothing Now nuclear number numbers |
Obelisk obsessed Obvious of off office officers Offices official offthebooks Oil okay old Omaha on Once one oneniner online only onscreen onto | open operation Operations opposite or orchestrated order ordered orders organized other otherwise ought our out outside Oval over owe owers own |
Package pager paid painting Pakistan Palace panic paper parent Park part particularly parties partners party pass passed passes past patch patriotism patriots pattern pay payload peace pen Peninsula Pentagon people Perfect perhaps perimeter Permission person personal personally phone Photo pick picked picture pin pissed | pity place plan planes planned play Playing please pleasure plenty plugged plus pockets point Police policemen polices political politician Politicians politics pony pool poor pops portion position positions positive Posse possible possibly post potential poverty power powerful Practically practiced precious preemptive prepped present | preserve preside president Presidential presidents press Pretty priceless prick prior prison private privileges probably problem professional profit promise promised promises proof propensity proposal propose proposing protect protected protecting protection protocol protocols proud proudly prove province puff puked Pull pulled pulling punch push put putting |
Qaeda quadrant quadrupled qualify quarrel Queen question questions quick quickly Quiet quite |
radical Radio rally ransom Raphelson Raptor Raptors raw reached reading ready Reagan real realise realised Really reason reasons rebuilt received recession recognition recording records red reelection referring regimes region regional Reid | released relieved religious remain remaining Remember Remind reminder remotely remove removed repay repeat replacing report reporting reports republic Republicans requested requesting requires Reserve residence resignation respect respond rest return revenge review | rewriting Ricky ride ridiculous right ring risk rob Robitussin rock rocket Roger rogue roof room rooms rope rotunda rounds Route routine Roy run rundown running runningandshooting runs runway Russia Ryan |
sacrifice sacrifices safe safest safety said same sandwich satellites satphone saved saw Sawyer say saying says scale Scanning scenario scene scheduled schmuck school schoolgirls Schopp score scrambled screw screwed SEAL search seat sec second secondary seconds Secret secretaries secretary Section Sector Secure securing security see seeing seem seems seen sell selling semester Senate send sending senior sent separated Sergeant series serious Seriously served Service sessions set seven sex shaft shake share sharing she sheeple shield Shiites shit shitting | Shiva shoes shoot shopping short shot Shots should shout shouting show Showtime Shut side sight sights Sigma Sign signed Silencer Silver since single sir sit sitting situation six skies skin Skinner Skip Sky smart smoke snaps sneak sniper Snipers snuck so sociopath soil soldier solemnly some somebody someone something Sometimes somewhere Son Sonic soon sorry sort sound sounds source south southeast Southern Sow spare Speak Speaker speaking speaks special speech spend spending spends spent spinning spoke Spread sprinklers | square squirrels stabilize Staff Stagecoach stairs stairwell stake Stand Standard standing Star start started state States stay staying steel Stenz step stick still stinkers stock stomach stop stops store storeys story Street streets stress strike stronger structure study stuff stupid style subject Subscenecom subtitle Suburban such sucks sudden suffrage Sugary suicide Sunnis superstructure supervisor support supposed sure Surfacetoair Surprisingly surround surviving sushi suspend swear swears sweep Sweet sweetheart sweetie swim swimming switch switched Switching sword sworn sync system |
table Tabriz take taken takeoff takeover takes taking talent Taliban talk talked talking talks tall tank Tanks target targeted targeting teach Team teams technology Ted Tehran tell telling Ten Tenfour tennis term terms terrible terribly terrorism terrorist terrorists texting than Thank thanking Thanks Thanksgiving that thcentury The theater | their them themselves Then there Therefore thermal These they thick thing things think third Thirty this thorn those though thought thoughts Thousands Threat threats three thrilled through throughout Thursday tie tight till time timed times to today Todd together told Tom tomorrow ton tonight too took top topside | Torn total touch tough tour tourist tours toward toys trace track trading traffic training traitor trapped trash travel travels Travis treaty tried trillion trip troop troops trouble true truly trunks Trust trusting truth try trying tumor tunnel tunnels turn twenty Twentyfour Twice twirl twirler two Tyler type |
unanswered unbelievable under understand understandably undoubtedly Unfortunately unhappy United university Unless unload unlocked unprecedented up upset use used useless uses using usual usually |
Vadim vain valid vase vault vendetta very vice vicinity video violence viral visit visitor Visitors visual voice volatile vote voters voting |
Wait waiting Wake walk walked Walker walking wander Wanna want wanted wants war warm was Washington wasting watch watched watches watching water Watkins wave waving way ways We weapon weapons week weeks | weight Welcome Well went were West wet What Whatever wheels when where wherever Whether which while White who whole whom why wife Wiki Wikipedia wild Wilkes will William window windows windshield Wing | wiped wired wise wish wished with withdrawing within without withstand women wonder wondering word work Worked working works world worried worry worse worst worth would wound wounded wrap write wrong wrongdoing wrote Wyck |
Yeah Year years Yep Yes yet York you young your yourself YouTube |
zero zeroed zombies zone |
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