Звездные войны: Войны клонов / Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Полюбившиеся герои саги предстают в новом мультипликационном образе. Но от этого они не стали менее отважными и доблестными. Идут жесточайшие сражения между Республикой и конфедеративными государствами. Война ведется на всех уровнях, в нее втянуты абсолютно все. Силы джедаев ничтожно малы перед напором сепаратистов. Джедаи мечутся между галактическими системами, и упорно пытаются остановить дроидов. Энакин Скайуокер носит генеральское звание и соответствует его уровню. На борьбу против бесстрашных дроидов бросают армию клонов. Смогут ли они отбить атаку и остановить войну?!
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 31 758
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
11 5066.0
61 990
- Название:
- Звездные войны: Войны клонов / Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2008
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Боевики / Мультфильмы / Приключения / Триллеры / Фантастика / Фэнтази / 2008 / Подборка супергеройских фильмов / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Дэйв Филони / Dave Filoni.
- В ролях:
- Мэтт Лантер / Matt Lanter, Эшли Экштейн / Ashley Ecksten, Джеймс Арнольд Тейлор / James Arnold Taylor, Ди Брэдли Бейкер / Dee Bradley Baker, Том Кэйн / Tom Kane, Сэмюэл Л. Джексон / Samuel L. Jackson, Энтони Дэниелс / Anthony Daniels, Кристофер Ли / Christopher Lee, Ника Футтерман / Nika Futterman, Йен Эберкромби / Ian Abercrombie.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Мультфильм Звездные войны: Войны клонов на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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abandoned abducted abduction ability able aboard abort about abrasive accept accident according acquaintance activate actual actually Admiral admit advantage adventure affect afraid after again against agree agrees ahead ahold Ahsoka aid alive All | allegiance alliance allies Allow allowed almost alone already also Always am Amidala amount Anakin and another answer answered any Anybody anymore anyone anything Anytime anyway anywhere apart apologies appears appreciative apprentice approach approaching | are area armada armies army around arrangements arrest arrived arrives Artooie as Ascension ask asleep assassin assassins assault assigned assist Assuming assure assured at attack attacked attempted attention available await away awful |
baby back backdoor backfire backpack bad Ball balls band barricaded battalions Battle battles be beat become been before beg begins behind | being believe believes Besides best bet better between big bit blackout blast blockade blow blue board bolts book boosters both | bots bounty boy boys breach breaking breathing bring broke broker brought bucket buddy bug buildings burning business busy but by |
cables call calling calm came can cannon cannons cannot Captain captured care Careful caretaker carry cast castle catch cautious center certainly challenge chance Chancellor chances changes Chaos Charge charges chasing check chief choice | choose Christophsis city civilized clan clanker clankers clans clean cleaning clear clone clones close closer closing Cody Collect Come comes coming command Commander communication communications conceded Concentrate condition confident Congress consider conspired contact | contacting continue continues control convince convinced cooperation coordinates Copy Core Coruscant could Count couplers courageous course courtyard cover crash Crashes creeps crime crimes criminal crimp cross crossing crucial cruiser cruisers custody cut cute |
damn danger dangerous dare dark darling data day Dead deal dealing dealt dear death deceive deceived decide decided defeated defense Defensive definitely deflective deflector delay delighted | deliver demands Deploy desert Desperate destroy destroyed destroying details detention diameter did die dies difficult direction disappear disaster discovered discuss discussed discussions dispense disposed dispute distance | divided do doctor Does dogs doing done Dooku door double down downtown draw dreadful dream drill droid droids drop dropped Dune dungeon dungeons dust |
Easier easily east easy edges effect effort efforts eliminates else eluded emergency end ended endless enemy energy engage engineered engines enough entered enthusiasm | entire equally escape escaped Escort even events eventually ever every everybody Everything Everywhere exalted Except Excuse executed expected experience explaining extreme extremely eyes |
face fact fail failed failure fair fall fallen family far fast father favor feel feeling feelings fever few field fight fighters | fighting figure Finally find fine finish finished Fire fireworks first fleet fly flying focused follow followed food foothold for Force forced | forces Forget forms fortified forward found frame freighter Fresh friend friends from front frustration fuel full fully fun funny further future |
gain gains Galactic galaxy gangsters gate gearing General generals generation generator Geonosis get gets getting girl girls Give | given gives glad Glorious go God going Gold gone gonna good got gotta gotten gracious grand gratitude grave | grease great Greater Green Greetings grew Grievous gritty ground grow grubby guess guns gunship Gunships guy guys |
had hand handsome Hang hangar happen happened happens happy hard harder has hate have having He head headed hear | heard heavily heavy held help helped helpful her here Hey hide high highness him hired his hit hold holding | hole home honestly honor honorable Hop hope hoped hoping hostilities how huh humble hunters hurry Hutt Huttlet Hutts hyperspace |
I idea identify if ignition imagine immediately important importantly Impossible impressed improving in inbound Including incoming increasing infamous infant inform information initiated Inner innocence innocent inside insignificant inspired instead intercept into introduction investigation is it its |
Jabba jamming Jedi job join joining jump jungle junker just justice |
keep keeping Kenobi kept key kid kidnap kidnapped kidnappers kidnapping kill killed Killing kind knew Knight knocked know knows Kronos |
lads land landing Landings lanes larva Last late later Launch lawless Lay lead leads LeapinLar learn learner learning least leave leaves | leaving left legend lesson let level liberated Lieutenant life lift lifters light like liked limited line lines liquid listen listens | little live load loaded locate location lock locked long longer look looking lookout Looks lord loss lost lot love lower |
mad made main majesty major majority make maker makes Man mandate many march Mark Master may Maybe me mean means measures meddling Medic medical | medicine medics meet men merciful merciless Merely mess message messenger metal midday middle might Mighty mind mine minute miss mission mistake Mistress misunderstanding mix | modify moment monasteries monastery monk monks mood moon more morning most mouse mouth move moving much muffin murder murdered must my mystery |
navicomputer near nearly need needed needs negotiate negotiations neighborhood nephew never new news next Nice no None Nonsense not Nothing noticed now nowhere numerous |
Obi objective occupied Odd of off offense Okay old on once one only | open opening operational opponent opportunity options or orbit order orders organized other our | ours out Outer Outflank outnumber outnumbered outrank outranks outta over owes own |
Padawan Padmй pain pair palace panicked paradise part particular parts party passage passed past patience pay peace perfect perhaps permitted personal personally pick picked piece pieces pinned pirates place plan | planet planetary planets planned planning plans plated platform play playing please pleased pleases pleasure plenty plot plotting point poisonous politics portals position positions possession possible post power powerful practice Precisely | predictable prejudice Prepare price primary prime prisoners privilege probably problem problems profitable program promised proof proper protect protecting protection prove proving pull pulling punishment punky pupil purpose put puts putting |
quick quickly Quiet quite |
Race ran rare reach reached reaches read ready real reality really rear rears reason rebooting reckless reconsider recording recover recovered Red refreshments regiment regret reinforce reinforcements | relax relay relief relieved remake remedy remember remembered remind reminding renegades reopen repair repaired Repeat report representative Republic request requested requests rescue rescued resolve respect respond | responsibility rest Retreat retreats return returned revenge Rex rich ride Ridge right Rim risky rival rockjumpers rocks Roger Rolling rotation rough routes ruin run running |
safe safely said sake sand save saved saving say saying scouts scrap scum Sea Seal seat Second secret sector secure security See seemed seems seen Seize seized Senate Senator send sending sense sent separating Separatist Separatists Sergeant servant serve service servos set Setting seven several severely shade shadows shake shall she shelter shield shields ship shipping ships | shot should show Shut sick sicker side sight sign signal signed simply since sins sir situation skillful skirmish Skyguy Skywalker slay slime slow slowly slug small smell smells smelly Smugglers Sneak sneaking snippy Snips so solar solve solved some Somebody Someone something Sometimes somewhere son soon Sorry sort sound sounded sounds space spare spark specific spiders split | spoke spread Squad stabilizer stalling Stand star start static station status stay stick still stink Stinky Stop stopped stopping storm story strap street strike Striking strong strongly struggle stuck studies stuff stupid subduing Subtitles succeed succeeded such suggestion suit supervise supplies supply support suppose supposed Supreme sure Surely surprised surrender surrounded survive sweetums swiftly system systems |
tail take taken takes taking talk tank tanks Tano target Tatooine taught teach teacher teaching technically technique tell tells Temple temporarily temporary terms terrible terribly territories territory Teth than Thank thankful thanks that the their | them themselves Then There these they thin thing things think thinks This those thought thousand three through throughout throw time timing tin tinnies tiny tiptoe tired to today together told too top touch town track | tracts trade train training traitor traitors transmission transmissions Transmit transports trap trapped treachery treated treaty trick tricks tried trip Trooper troopers troops trouble true trust trusted truth Truthfully try trying Turn turning twelfth two |
ugly unable uncle under understand underway undetected undying unexpected unfortunate unharmed unit Unless unloaded unlock unreliable until Unusual up us use used useless using usually |
valuable vastly vault vector Ventress very victims victory vile visitor vultures |
wait waiting walkers walking wall Wan want wanted war warn warning warships was Watch wave way ways We weapon weapons web | Welcome Well went were what Whatever When where Which While who whoever whole Whose Why Wild will willing win Windu wipe | wiped wise wish wishes With without woke won wondered word work Working works worried worry worse worth would wounded Wow wrong |
Yeah years Yes yet Yoda you young younger youngling your yourself Yout Yularen yum |
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