Шаг вперед 2: Улицы / Step Up 2: The Streets (2008) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Главная героиня с детства занимается танцами. Все свободное время она посвящает тренировкам. Когда умерла ее мама, девушка не бросила свое хобби. Энди всегда мечтала сразиться в состязательном конкурсе "Улицы". Проиграв пари, Энди держит слово и приходит на просмотр в школу искусств. Директор скептически относится к таланту девушки, так как она выбивается из общего формата учащихся. Но его младший брат настаивает, чтобы тот взял Энди. Дело в том, что Чейз Коллинз накануне видел зажигательное выступление Энди в клубе. Дополнительные занятия с Чейзом выбивают почву из-под ног девушки, так как ее выгоняют из танцевального состава. Одновременно с этим - дают шанс осуществить заветную мечту. У нее появляется возможность собрать свою команду и выступить в шоу.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 27 018
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
71 2336.2
77 064
- Название:
- Шаг вперед 2: Улицы / Step Up 2: The Streets (2008) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2008
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Драмы / Мелодрамы / Музыка / 2008 / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Джон М. Чу / Jon Chu.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Шаг вперед 2: Улицы на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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able about accent accept achievement action acts actually after afterwards again against ago agree agreed Alejandro Alexander Alice all allow | already always am amateurs amazing America American and Andie anger another Any anybody anymore anyone anything Anyway apologize appreciate Aquн | are around arrested art artists Arts as Ask asked asking ass assigning associated at atrocious attack attend audition Aunt away |
Baby back bad bag bags Balancй ball ballerina Ballet balls Baltimore bands banoodles barbecue barbeque battle be beat beats became because Beckham become bed been before | begin beginning behavior being believe belong benefit Benjamins Besides best bet better big biggest birthday Blake blow Boards bombed bonding Boo bored Boring borrow Borrowed | both bouncing Boy boyfriend boys Brand break breath breathe bring bringing brings bro broccoli broke brother brought building bunch burned bus but butt by Bye |
Cable cake Call called came camera Can cancer candles candy canes cannot canon card care case catching cell Center chain champ chance change changed changes chapped charity Charles Charlie charm charming | Chase chassй Check cheesy chill choice choked choreography Christmas circle claimed class clean cleaned Clear clearly climber clones close closed clothes clown coffee Collins come comeback comes coming compete competing competition | competitions computer concerns conform Consider considering Cool coolest copied could couple course cousin cover crap crash crazier crazy crew crews crib criminals crowning Crumbs Crystal curve cut cute cuz Cyborg |
da damage Damn Dan dance dancer dancers dances dancing dang dangerous dating day de dead deal decision declaration defaced | defend defending definitely delicious delinquent demonstrate department Depicts design diapers did different Dinner Director disrespect disrupting disturbances DJ do | doctors Does dogs doing done donors Donovans dope Dopest double down Dragon dramatic Dre dream dressed Drop Dynamite |
each earlier easy eating editor effect eight Eighth else elusive embarrassing emotional encourage end English enough entertaining episode even event | eventually ever every everybody everyone everything everywhere exactly example exchange excuse excuses expected expel expelled explain explaining expulsion extremely eyes |
face faces facility fact Fair fall falls family famous fancy fantastic farther fast Faster feathers feel feels feet Felicia fell fella few fifth fighting | figure final finale Finally find fine finish finished first fish five fix Flatten flipping flips floor floors Florida fly follow food fool fools foot | for forced foreign forever forget form forward found founded Four freaked freestyle friend friends from front fun fundraiser funk funny Funyuns future |
Gage garbage Gator gee geez genius get gets getting gig Girl girls give given glad Glass glide go God going gold gone | gonna good Goodness Goose gosh got Gotcha gotta gotten Gracias gracing Graffiti grandma Great greatest green grown guardian Guess guy guys |
had hair half hand handle hands hang happened Happy hard has hat hating have having He heading heads hear heard | heart hell Hello help her here Hey Hi High Hills him hip hippy his history hit Hold holler Holy home | homeboy homey hood hook hooking hop hope hot hottest hour hours house how hub huh hungry hurry hurts husband |
idea idiots If illegal impressed improv in including information inside Instead interesting Internet interpret into introduce investigation investment invited involved involvement is It |
jam jammed jazz jersey Jesus Jimmy joke jokes joking Juilliard just |
keep keychain keys kicked kidding Kido kids kill killed killing kind kiss kissed knee knew knock know knows |
lagging landed language last late Later Latin lead learn learned leave Leesh left leg legacy legend legendary less | Let Lets letting lie life lighting lights like liked likes line link lips Listen little live living locals | lockdown locked London long Look looked looking Looks loose lose losers lost lot love luck Lucky lying |
ma machine mad made Main Majesty make makes making mama man many Maria Maryland mask mastering matter May Maybe me mean means | meant Meazy meditate meditating meet meeting members men mess message messed might mine minute Miss missed missing Missy mistake mistakes Mixing mom | moment Monday money Monster months mood Moose more morning most mother move moved moves much music Musical Must my myself MySpace |
Nailed name Napoleon neck need needs neighborhood Neither never new news Next Nice Nicest night nine no nobody noise none Nora Not nothing notoriously Now nutritious |
obsessed obviously of off oh OK old on one ones online only onstage Ooh Open opportunity opposed options or other others Ouch our ours out outside over Ow own |
packing pain paperwork parents part participate particular partner party pas pass passion past Peggy people perfect perform performance personal phones pick picking Piece | pimping pissed place plaguing planet plans play player playing Please plus point Pointing points Police Popular post posted power Prank presence present | pressure pretty prima princess private probably probation problem professional professionals Promise promised proof property proud public Pull pulled pump punched put putting |
question quick quiet Quit |
radar Rap ready real realize really reason rebel recent recently recognize record refuse regroup regular rehearsal rehearse Rehearsing reigning Relax remember remind required | resident respect responsibility responsible rest retirement rhythmic ride ridiculous right ringtone risk Robert robot roll room rough routine row Royal royalty running |
said salsa same Sand Sarah Saturday saving saw say saying scared scene school season seat second security see seen sees sell sending sequence serious Seriously Sesame session sessions set setting seven shadow shall She Shh shirt short shot should show showcase showing shut sick sickest sickling siding since sings Sir | sit six skills skip slacking slides Sliding slinging slow slowest small smell smile Smiles snake so sofrito some Somebody someone something sometime somewhere son Soon Soph Sophie Sorry sound sounded Sounds sources Soutenu Spanish speak speaking special spin spot spotlight spotlights spread spreads spring squad stag stairs stand standing | star Start started Starting stat state Station Stay staying step steps stereo stick still stinks stomach stop straight strange street Streets stretched strong struck structure stuck student students studio studios study stuff stunt stunts such suggest suit sunshine support supposed sure surprise surprised surprising Suspects swear sweat sweet swing |
take taken takes taking talent talk talked talking tall Tastes taught Teachers technique teeth Telemundo tell telling ten Texas text texting than Thank thanks That the their them then there | these they thing things think thinking thinks this Those thought threat three through throw throwing time times tip tired title titties to today toe Tofu together told tomorrow tonight | too took top tour town tracking train trained trampolines trashed treat Tree trend trick tried trip triple trouble troubling Trust try trying Tuck turf turn turned turns two Tyler |
under underneath understand understood Unfortunately unit Unless unreal until up upload upstairs us Use used |
valedictorian vandalized very video vital |
wack Wait waiting Wake walk want wanted wants warned was wasting watch wave way we weakest wear weeks Welcome Well went | were West what Whatcha whatever When where Which while Who Whoa whole Whoo Why wild wildfire will win window winning wish | with withhold Within without women won wonder wonderful word work worked working world worries worry worst worth would wow wrong |
Yeah year yearbook years yella yes yet York you youngest your yourself YouTube |
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