В этом мире я больше не чувствую себя как дома / I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Современный мир погряз в пучине лжи, безумия и безнравственности. Где уж тут сбыться утопическим мечтам об идеальном общественном строе Томаса Мора?! Когда средь бела дня у главной героини картины Рут воруют фамильное серебро, она с уверенностью полагается на помощь в расследовании дела на правоохранительные органы. Но полицейские пожимают плечами, соседи в недоумении, и поначалу ранимая Рут впадает в уныние. На кого можно положиться, если всем безразлична судьба бабушкиных ложек? Раз уж государственные структуры не могут докопаться до правды о пропаже, то она сама разоблачит воров и выйдет на след маргиналов. Неожиданно, ее идею "найти и наказать" поддерживает чудаковатый сосед Тони. Получится ли у дилетантов, возомнивших себя детективами разобраться в ситуации?
2. Добавляй в личный словарь и тренируй их на Puzzle English
Фильм В этом мире я больше не чувствую себя как дома на английском с английскими субтитрами
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able about absence accident according action actually address advantages affects afternoon again ago aground ahead alarm alcohol all allowed almost alone already
always am amateurs amazing Amen Amendment amount an and angels
another answer antique antiques any anymore anyone Anything anyway apart apply
approaching apps AR Are around art as ask asked asking asshole assholes assistant at ate ATM atom attention audible authorities away awful
baby back backup balance ball banging barely barking barks bathroom Battle be beaten beautiful because beckon become bedroom been beeping before behavior being believable believe bell belongs Bendix better between
beyond Bible big bigger Bill billion Billy Binary bird birds bit bitch bitches black blame blares blaring blowing blue bodies Book bookstore boop Borders bored Borgo Both bother bothered bothering
bottles bought box bracelet brain Brazil break breaking breathe breathed Bring bringing brittle broke broken buddy bullets Bullshit Bunch burger burglarized bury bus busted but button buzzes buzzing by Bye
call called calling came Cameron can Canceled cancer cannot capacity cappuccino Captain car carbon card cards care careful carry case cash cashew cat catch Caught cell centaurs Certain certainty Cesar chain chance changes Charlie chattering
Check chemistry chili chimes chiming Choices chops Chris Chrissy Christ Christian chuckles church clanging clangs clattering Clear clears clicking clicks clonazepam closer closes closing clown clubbed Clues cocks coffee coins Cold combat come comedian comfortable
for forced forget form found fountain Four fragments friend friends frog from front Fuck fucked fucker fuckers fucking funny furious Furtive
garage gas gases gasping gasps Gate Geez gentle Get getting gigantic giggles giraffe girl give glad glass glitch go God goddamn goddamned going gone
gonna good got Gotcha gotta governor grandma grant graveyard Great grill groaning groans ground grow grunting grunts guess guest gum gun gunfire guy guys
Ha had hand hands hanging happen happened happens hard has hate Hating have hazelnut he Headless headphones hear heard hearings heart
heat heaven hell Hello help her here Hey Hi Hidden hide high him hips His history hit hmm hold holding hole
Holy home honey honks horn horrific horses horseshit hospital hostage Hot house houses how howling huge Human Hundred hungry hurts
I idea idiot if impersonate implication In inappropriate incident include indistinct individual infinite” information insects inside instead insurance intense intercom Internet into invisible invoke iron is it
jail Japane Jesus jilted job John juice July Junior Just
karma Keep Keith Kevin key keys Ki kick kid kidnapped kids kill Killer Kimke kind kinda kinds King kisses kitty Knock knocked knocking know known knows
lace Lady laid laptop Las last late laugh laughing laughs lawn Lawyer learning leave leaves
Leaving left leg legally let letting Lexapro lid lie life Lights like line Listen literally
little lived located location locked long look looking Lord lose lot loud love lowers lucky
machine made mage mail Make makes mama man many mapped Marshall mass Massage Master math matter matters may Maybe me mean means meant
meantime meat medication medications medicine meet men mentor Meredith mess met milk mind Mine Minute Miranda Miss mission Mm Mmm moans mock modes
Mom moment money monkey monkeys months more morning morons motherfucker motor mountain Move Movie moving mower much muffled music muttering mutters my myself
name nature near neat necessary need needed nervous Never new newer next Nice niece night ninja No none Not Nothing notice now number Nunchaku nurse nursing nurture nut nuts
objective obnoxious occur of off official Okay Okinawan old Omen on one ones only Open
opening opens operator opportunities or other ought Our out outfit outside outta outward over owner
paid pain painkillers panting pants paper parked participated particular passing Patient pay payoff peace pencil people perfect phone Pick
picture piece pin pitched pivot place planet playing plays Please point pointing Police polish Pond poop poor pork post
power prayer praying prescription present preset press pressure pretty probably problem problems promise property protect punk push pussy Put
questions quick quiet quietly Quite
radio ran rap Razor reach reached Reaching read reading real really reboot recently recovered registered regular regulated
remember remembers Remind replace replaceable report retarded retirement Rev revolves revs revving rhythm ride right ring rings
ripping roam robbed Robbery rock rocky roll Romance room rough round rug Rumack run running Ruth Ruthie
safe Saga said sale Sally same sandwiches saw Say saying says scoffs scrambled screaming screams screech screen search security see seeing seemed seen sell send service sesame shake shaking shall shatters she Shh shipwreck shit shithead shitting Shiver shoot shooting shop shoreline shorthanded shot should shoulder shouts shoved Shut sick Side sighs
sign silver silverware singers singing sip sir sit situation Six skill skull slammed slams sleep sleeping slot slow slows sly smiley smoke snap snapping snaps Sneaky sneeze sniffs snoring snorting snowmen so soda softly some somebody somehow someone something Sometimes Somewhere Son song soon Sorry sound spaceship Sparkle speak special Spent spiders
spirit spite splashes squash squealing stain stairs stand stands star stars start started starts stay steal steamer Stegosaurus Stepson stereo sticks stickup still stinker stinks stole stolen stone stood stop stops strength strike stroke stroll stuck stuff stupid such sucked sugar suggest sunny Super suppose supposed sure surgery suspect Suspicious Sweetie swords
tag take taking Talk talking tangled Tanhauser tapping tattoos tell telling tempo tenderly terrible than Thank thanking Thanks that The their them then there these they
thing thingies things think this those though thought thoughts thousands threads Three threw throat through throw tiger till time timing tires TMI to today Told
ton tone tones tonight Tony too took tough train transmits treasures treat Triage tried trouble true trusted try Trying tumbled turn turned TV twittering two
ultimately unbelievable unconscious under underneath understand unhappiness unique units universe unless unloading unlocked unpreventable until Up upbeat upset us use used usually
valley van vanish Various Vegas vehicle very vigilante violation Violence vocalizing volume
Wah Wait waiting Wake Walden walk walked wanna want war warrant was waste watching water watermelon way we weak weapon web Weekend weirdo Welcome
well went were What whatever whatnot wheezing When Where whereabouts Wherever which while whimpering whines whirlpool whispers whistle who Whoa whole Why wide wife
wig will Wilson wilted winking wipe with without woman wondering word words work worked workplace world worry Would Wow Write writing wrong
yard Yeah year years Yes yesterday yet Yo yogurt you your yourself yourselves Yup
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