Макс / Max (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Макс - преданный пес, который верой и правдой служил своему хозяину в пустынях Афгана. Непредвиденные обстоятельства приводят владельца собаки в засаду, и молодой парень погибает. Макса списывают со счетов военной службы и отправляют в собачий приют. Родители Кайла не могут смириться с болью утраты в сердце, и решают забрать собаку себе. Брат погибшего морпеха Джастин берет заботу о Максе на себя. Он сразу же проникается теплыми чувствами к животному. А пес взамен откликается на дружественные намерения Джастина.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 9 573
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
3 2456.7
24 446
- Название:
- Макс / Max (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2015
- Страна:
- Режиссер:
- Боаз Якин / Boaz Yakin.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (многоголосый закадровый) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Макс на английском с английскими субтитрами
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able about account activities actually Administrative admit afraid After again agreed ahead Air alarm alike All alone along alongside already | always am ambush America an And animal Animals any anybody anymore anyone Anything Anyway anywhere appreciate apron Arabia are argue | arguing argument arms Army around as ask asked asking asleep assault at Attaboy attached attitude aunt Austin aware away awesome |
babysit Back bad Baptist barking bathroom battle Be beach beast beat because become becoming beef beefed been beers before behind being Belgian believe bells Beretta Besides best | bet better between big bike bikes bills bird bit bite Bits black blind bonded bone border bored boredom borrow boss both boy boyfriend boys brakes bravest break | breathing bred breed bring bringing Bro broke brother brothers brown buck bucks bud buddies buddy build Built bullets bulls bunch business busted but butt buy by Bye |
cabin cache cage call called calling Calm came Can capacity care Careful cares Carmen carnita carnitas cartel catch cell center cents century Cesar chance character charge charges chased check chewed | chick choice chopper chores Chuck Chum church Chuy circle classified cleaning clear clock close closely Coast codes cojones cold Combat Come comes coming command compadres compared concern Congratulations consequences control | cook cooking cool cop cops correct correcting couch could couple course cousin cousins cover Coyote crashing crates crazy credentials Creed critter crocodile cross crossed cry cuss cussing Cut |
Dad damned danger dare Daredevil day days deal dealing deep definitely deliver department deployed deposited deputy deserve did | died different dig dinner direction dirt disappeared disappointed disc discharge discrepancies disrespect disrespects ditch Do Does dog doghouse | dogs doing dollars done Doom door doubled down downwind Draco dress drive drop Dude dudes due duty |
earliest early earned earth easier Easy eat either else Emilio encryptions End ends | enjoy Enlisting enough entire escaped especially eval even ever Every Everybody everything everywhere | exchange excited Excuse excuses expect expected expecting expert explosions explosives extra eyed eyes |
face facility faking fall family fan far fast faster father fault favor feeds feel feeling feels Feet Felix fence few field fifth fifty | Fight fighting Figured fill film find Fine finish finished fire firefight first fish five fix fixing flag ?agpole flank Flips floor floors Floyd | flying focus folks follow food fool for forget forgot forjunk fought found Four fricking Friday friend Friendly friends from front full fun funerals |
game games gave German Germany get gets Getting GIRL girls give given giving glad glory Go God going gon gone gonna | Good goodbye goodness googly got Gotham gotta grade grand great gringos grounded grow grown guess gun gunshots guts guy guys |
Ha had hair hairy half hand handle handled handler handlers hang Hanging happen happened happening happens hard hardly harm Harne has hate hauled have having he head | hear heard Heck Heel Heh hell Hello help Henderson her here hero heroes Hey hi hicks hide hiding higher highway him himself his hit hits hitting Hold | holster home homegirl homes homie honey honor Hoorah hop hope hospital hostage hound hour hours house How hug huh hundred hungry hunting Hurry hurt hurts husband |
I idea if important impossible in injury inside instructions insurgency intended interrupt into invaded invoice involve involved involvement Iraq is isolated it its |
jack jacking jackpot jail job join joined Jordan judges Jump junk Jusfin JusfinJusfin just Justin |
keep keeping keys Kibbles kid kidding kidnapped kids kill killed kind kitchen knew knife know knows kong Kuwait Kyle |
laser last late lately later law lawn laws layups Lead leading learn leash leave leaving left leg less Let | lets letters letting liar lick lie lied life light like likes line listed Listen little live lives lnstagram Locate | lock loco lodged Loki long longer look looked looking looks loose lose lost lot love loved loves loyal luck |
machete machetes mad made maid Maitland Make makes makeup making Malinois mall Mallen mamita MAN many March marching Marine Marines marks Mary matter matters Max may maybe | me mean means meant meantime medal Medical meds meet memory merch mess message messed metal Mexican Mexico middle might military Millan million Min mind mine minor minute | missing mistakes mix Mom moms money months mood more morning Morticia most mother mountain mouth move moves moving mow much muscle must mustache my myself |
name nastier Navy near Nearer neck need neighborhood never new news next nice night No nobody noises none nosy Not noted nothing notice Now nowhere nuts |
ocean odds of off offense office officially Oh Okay old oldest on Once one ones only | or orders other Otherwise our ours out Outside outstanding over overalls overcooked Ow owe own |
pack packs Pam panic pants paperwork parade parents park part parts passed patient patrol patrols pay paying payment Peace pedal people person phone photos pick picked pickup pieces Pink pit pixels | place planning playing Please pogues point pond Pop pops post potential pound pretty primo privacy private prize probably problem problems property protected proud prove proven Psycho punch purpose Put puts putting |
Qaeda quick quiet quit QUY |
race radar raise raiseth rate rather RAY reached Ready real realist really recently record refreshing regardless regret regular release Remember reminds removed rent renting report reported | reporting reports rescues respectfully responsibility responsible rest return reward Reyes ride ridge riding right rip ripped rise road Rodrigues room Round rounds row run running Russian |
sacrificed safe safely said salute same Sarge Saudi save savings Say saying says scared school scrapyard screws SEALS search seat second secret security see seeing seem seen sell selling Semper send sense sent separation Sergeant serious seriously serve service set setting Seventeen several shade shady shall sharp shattered she shepherd shooting | short shot shots should show showing shrapnel shut shy side sight sign since sink Sir sit sitting skill sleep slid slow slowing Slowly small smart Smells Smith so some somebody Someone something sometimes son song soon sooner Sorry sort sound Sounds spare speak specialized spending spine spot squad squares squeaking Stack | stalking start started state stay stayed staying steaming step still stint Stop stopped stops storage store stored stories story straighten strays stream stress stretch strictly studs stuff stupid such sucker sudden suit suits sum summer sun superhero superstar supper supply supposed supposedly sure surveillance swear Sweeping sweet Sweetheart swim switching |
table tail Take taken takes taking Taliban talk talked talking tap tear tears teeth tell telling tells than Thank thanks that the thee their them Then there These They thing things think | thinking third this those though thought thoughts Three threw throat through throw thrown Thursday tie till time times tire to toast today together told tomorrow tonight too took top tore Total touch | town toy trade trails train trained training trains traitor trash traumatic treats trees trend trick trickle tricks Tried trip trouble truck Trust truth try trying Tucson turned turns Twice two Tyler |
Uh uncle uncovered under understand uniform unit units universe unstable until up ups upset upside urgent us use used uses usual usually |
van version very vet video village villains |
Wait waking walk walking wanderer wanna want wanted Wants war warn was Waste watch watched water way We weapon weapons wear wearing week | weird welcome Well went were Wham what whatever wheel When Where Which while white whitewashing Who Whoa whole Whoo Why wide will willing | Wincott Wincotts wire wish with without Woo word words work working works world worry worse worth would Wow wrestling wrist wrong |
yards Yeah Yep Yes yesterday yet Yo you young your yourself yourselves |
zone |
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