Отель «Мэриголд». Заселение продолжается / The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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В продолжение второй части фильма владелец отеля решает расширять горизонты бизнеса, а именно создать целую сеть отелей. Но материальная база Сонни оставляет желать лучшего. Потому он решает взять ссуду. Финансовая компания, которая может дать денег парню, отправляет в отель своего ревизора. Но вместо ожидаемого гостиничного инспектора, прибывает два постояльца. Кто из них является тайным работником фирмы - остается только гадать. Ко всему прочему, Сонни озадачен свадебной подготовкой. Он собирается связать себя узами брака с Сунаной. Сможет ли Сонни справиться с чередой нахлынувших хлопот?
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 10 588
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
9 3476.6
26 679
- Название:
- Отель «Мэриголд». Заселение продолжается / The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2015
- Страна:
- Великобритания, США
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Драмы / Комедии / Лучшие фильмы 2015 года / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Джон Мэдден / John Madden.
- В ролях:
- Дев Патель / Dev Patel, Мэгги Смит / Maggie Smith, Дэнни Махони / Danny Mahoney, Дэвид Стрэтэйрн / David Strathairn, Джуди Денч / Judi Dench, Билл Найи / Bill Nighy, Селия Имри / Celia Imrie, Рональд Пикап / Ronald Pickup, Диана Хардкэсл / Diana Hardcastle, Шубраоджёти Барат / Subhrajyoti Barat.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Отель «Мэриголд». Заселение продолжается на английском с английскими субтитрами
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- Трейлер
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able about above absolute Absolutely absurdly accent access accident accuse achieve achievement acquisition across act actually actuallyjust addition admire adultery advance advantage advice affair affairs affection affectionate afford afraid after afternoon afterwards again against age agel agency ago agree | agreed aiming Ainslie air airport Alfred all allow allowed almost alone along already Alright also alternative Although Always am America American amplitude an and animals ankles announced annoy annual Anokhi another any anybody anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart | apke apologize apologized APOLOGIZING apology apparently appears APPLAUDING apple appropriate Archbishop are around arrived as ask asked asking assessment assistant assuredly at ate attending attention attracted attractive AUDIENCE auntie Australia authority available awaiting awaits awake aware away awfully awkwardness |
Babul baby back bad bag ball balloon banana bank bar Barely bargains based bay be bearing beautiful beautifully because beckons become bed bedrooms bee Beech been before beg began beginning behavior behold being believe BELL below beneath besalty | beside Best beta betrayal Better between beyond Bharat big bigger biggest bike bill biscuit biscuits bit biting bits blend blood bloody blow BLOWING body boiling bold bollocks bonus book booking bored born boss BOTH bought boulevards boy boyfriend | BOYS brave braver Break breakfast breaking Breathe bride brilliant bring bringer brings BRITISH broke brother brothers brought bruised buddy buds buffalo bugger building built bum bumpyjourney burgeoning Burley business busy Busybusybusy But butt buy buying by bye |
call called calling came can cannot Canterbury car carburetor cards care Careful caring Carol carpeting carries carrying carved carvings casual Categorically catnip cats caught celebrating celebrations celibate century ceremony certainly chai chain Chambers champagne chance Chandrima change changed Changra chapter characterize charge chariots chat cheat cheated check checked checking CHEERING | chest Chet children Chilla chips choke choose choreographing chose chosen CHUCKLE CHUCKLES CHUCKLING circles City class clear Clearly CLEARS clerical clever cliff climb climbed clinic clipboard close closed cloth clothes club co coffee coin coincidence colleague color come comfortable coming command companies companion company competition competitors complete completely compromised computer | con concept conclusion concourse conduct conference confused congratulations consequent considerate constitute contacted contacts contains CONTINUES control convention conversation CONVERSATIONS cookies cool core Correct cost costs could count country counts couple course Cousin Cousins covered cow cracking crate crave CROWD crown crowned crumbling cup curious cursory customers cut Cyril |
Dad damage damn dance dances dancing Daniel dapper dark darken darkness darling date daughter day days dead deal dear death decide decision deeply defense delay Delhi deliberately delicious delighted delightful delightfully deliver demand denied DEPARTING | depends depression deserted desertion deserve deserved deserves desk destiny destroys development device Dharuna dictate dictates did die died dies difference different difficult DINGS dinner disappointed disappointing disapproves disaster discovers discretion discuss DISMAY distance distinguished disturb | diversion diverted divorce do DOCTOR Doctors does dog dogs doing doll Done donkey Donnelly door double Douglas down dreadfully dream dreams dress dried drink drive driver dropping drops dry dunking dust dyes dying |
each Earl earlier early ears earth easier Easy eating economy edge education effect eight either elderly elders elephant ELEVATOR elope Elopement else embark embarrassed empire employ emptiness empty end ending endorsement | ends engagement ENGINE England English engraved enjoy enjoyed enlightenment enough ensure entails entire entirely entrepreneurial equal equipped escape escort escorting Especially establishment eternal evaluate evaluator Evelyn even evening ever Evergreen every | everyone everything Everywhere evidence evidently exactly except excited excitement exciting EXCLAIMS excuse excuses exhausted exists Exotic expand expansion expats expect expectations experience explain exponential exquisite extraordinary extreme eye eyelash eyes |
fabrics face faced facility fact factory Fail failing fails Fair fairy fairytale fall fallen families family fan fancy far fast faster fastest fat father fault favor fear fears feature feeble feedback feel fell fellow felt few | fianc? fianc?e fiery figured fill film finally find finding fine fingers finished fire firm first fish fit five flames flicker flight flights floor floors flow fluster fly fold follow followed food footnote For forbid forest forever | forget Forgive forked form formality forth fortunate forward found four fox fragrant franchise frank free fresh Friday friend friends frisson from front frosting frustrated frustrating frying full fuming fun funny fur further furthest future |
game garden GASPING GASPS gates gave generally generous genius gentle gentleman gentlemen gently genuine Germs Get gets getting gift gifts GIGGLING girl girlfriend | give Given giving glad go goats God goes going Golden gone gonna good Goodbecause Goodbye Goodnight got gotta grace gradual grant grapefruit great | greater greatest greatly Green Greenslade greeting Grey grief Grimm groom grounds grow growing growth guaranteed gudgeon guest guests guide guilty guy guys |
habitat had haggle hair half halfway hand handling hands handsome hanging haphazard happen happened happens happy hard Hardcastle harder hardly HARI has hat hate have Having Hawa he head hear heard | hearing heart heavy heck held hell Hello help helping her herb here herself Hey Hi hiding higher highly Highness highs him himself hind His hiss hit hold holiday holidays holy home | honest Honestly honeymoon HONKING honor Hoops Hope hoped hopes hoping HORN hospital Host hot Hotel hotels hour hours house how Hpeflod huge huh humanity humbly humor hungry hunters hurry hurt husband |
I Ibefievethey idea ideas idiot If Ihonesflythought Immediately impart important impossibly impressed improvement in INAUDIBLE incredibly indeed India INDIAN INDISTINCT indulge infuse inside insomuch | inspector installation instead Instinct intend interested international internet interruption into intricate intrude investment investor invitation invite involved involves irony is it itinerary its itself |
Jaipur JAMUNA Jay Jean Jesus jewel job jobs JODI JODY join joking journey joy Just |
Kadania Kapoor keep keeps key kick kicks kill killed kind kinder kiss klaxons knees knew knock KNOCKING know knowledge knows Kush Kushal Kushti |
ladies lady lam lamb land landing language laps LAPTOP large last late Later laugh LAUGHING LAUGHS Laura lavatory LAVINIA laws Leading learn Learning least leave leaves lees left leg | legs lemmings length less let lethal letter liaising lie lied lies life lifespan lift Like limit line lips list listen listening little live lived livelihood lives lndrajit local lock | lonely long longer Look looked looking looks loose Lord Lordy loss lost lot lottery loud love loved lovely low lows ls ltjust luck luckily LUGGAGE lukewarm lunch luxurious lying |
ma machinating machine Madam made Madge MADGEI madly magic magnanimity magnificence magnificent Mahal make makes making MALE MAN manage manager many map Marigold market married marry marvelous matter matters mature may Maybe me meager | mean means meant meet meeting members men mending menopause mentioned menus merchants mercy message messing met metal meters MIC midnight might milk mind mine minibus minimize minute minutes mischief Miss missed missing mitigate Mmm | Mohan moment Monastic money monogamy monthly months MOPED more morning mortuary Mosquitoes most mostly mother mouth Move Movement moving much Mumbai MUMBLES Mummyji MURIEL MURIELI MUSIC must mustjoin mustjump mutual MUZAK my myself mystery |
naive naked Namaste name named names narrowing natural nature near nearer nearly necessarily neck need needs negativity negotiation negotiations neither nervous never nevertheless new newjewel | news next nice niece night Nimish no noble nobody Nobodynobody non none nonsense Norman nose not note notes Nothing notice noticed novel novels Now |
obviously occasionally occasions occur of off offense offer offered office officially Oh oil Okay old older on once One only operation opinion opinions opportunity optimism | option options or ordered organize other others our ours out outage outpost outrageous outside Outsourcing outstay outwith ovaries over Overlooking owe own owner owners oyster |
paid painted pair palace pancakes panic pardon parents Parr part partner partners partnership party pashmina pass passed passes passing passionate passport past pasteurized patience Patterned patterns Pause pay peace pearl pedal pensioner people per perfect Perfectly perhaps period permit person personally phase phone physiotherapy Pick piece piled | pillars pillow pimping pin Pink piss piston pita pith pity place plan plane planned planning plans planting plastic play played PLAYING pleaded please pleased pleasure pleasures Plenty plumping plunged point polyps pool pop popped poppy porch port position positive possible possibly pot Potential powdered power Practically | pray precaution precisely prefer preferred prepare present presume pretend pretended pretty prevail prevent price pride private privilege probably problem Process produce product professional profitable profound progress promise promised promising proof properly proportion proposal propose proposed proposing proprietor protected proud proved punishing puppies purposes pushing Put putty puzzling |
quality Queen question questioning quick quite quitting |
rabbit rabbits radiant rags rain Rajasthan Rajasthani Ranjan rate rather ray reach read ready realize realized really reason reasonable reasons recall recent reception RECEPTIONIST recipient recommendation red regulars rehearsal rehearse Reigate | relationships relatives relaxed relieved rely remains remarkable remember remover REPEATING reply report representative requested require required requires reservation reserved reservoirs residents resigning resist respect respects rest restaurant return reward ride | ridiculous riding RIEL right rightfully rightly ring risk riveted road roadblock roaming ROAT rod roll romantic room roots rose round roundabout Route rubbish rudeness rug ruins run running runway rupees |
sagging said sake SAMARTH same sandwich Sangeet Sapna saved saving saw say saying sayYes scare scared Scattered SCOFFS scolding scorpions screwing scrubbing sec second secrets see seeking seems seen seized seizure self send sending sense Sent separate serious served services setting sexuality shade shake shall shame shapes shared She sheet shift shoe shoes shop short shortly should shoulder SHOUTING show showed showtime shut shuts side SIGHS | sights sign significant silence silk Silly silver simple since sincerely SINGING single Sir siren sirprepare sister sisters sit sitting situations six skilled slap slaughtered sleep sleeping slightest slightly slip slippers slower small smooth smoothly snatching snubbed So soft SOFTLY solicitor some Somebody someone Something sometime sometimes somewhere son song Sonny soon sorry sort sorted Soto sound sourcing Sowhat speak speaking special specimen speech spell spend spent | spine splendid spoken spoon spread spruce stairs stall STAMMERING STAMMERS stand standing start started STARTING starts state stay staying steering step STEREO stern stick still stood stop stopping storm story straight stretch stretcher stretching struck study stuff stupid style success such suchlove Suddenly Suffocating suit suitor suitors summer SUNAINA sunburn Sunil sunshine support suppose Supreme Sure surely surprise surreally Susan swap sweet swell switch |
table tables take taken takes taking takings tale talented talk talked talking tap tapping taste taught taxi tea teabag team teamwork tell telling tempting ten Tennyson tents tepid terrace terrible terribly terrified test testament text textiles texts than Thank thanks That The their | them themselves then there Theresa These they thing things think thinking thinks this thispain thorough those though thought three THROAT through throw Thursday Thursdays thus tickle tight tightrope till time times tired to today together told tomb tomorrow tongue tonight too took tool | top tor tortoise totally touch Tough tour tourism tours towards towels town TRAIN TRANSLATING travel traveling treachery trees treetop tremendous trinity trip triumph trousers true Truly TRUMPETS trust trusts truth try trying Tuesdays tuks turban turn turned turning Turns Twirling twitchy two typical typically |
uhyeah ultimate Uncle uncorked under Undercover understand understate understood undiscovered unfolds unfortunately unholy universe unless unreasonable unsurprised Until up upon uppers ups urgently us use used useful useless uses utterly |
valet valuable value values Vegetarian venture Very Viceroy victims victorious Vikram visit |
wagons wait waiting walk walked walking wallet wanna want wanted wanting wants warm warn warning was wasp Watch water waters way ways we wear wedding week weeks Welcome well Wellanother Wellgoodnight wens went were | what Whatever when Whenever where whereas whether which While WHISTLE white who whoever whole whom Whoo WHOOPING Whoops whose why width wife will willful willing win wind Winds wine wing wings wipe wisdom | wiser wish wishes witch with without woke woman won wonder Wonderful wonderfully wondering wonders wool word words work workforce working works world worried worry worrying worth worthwhile would write writer writing written wrong |
yarn Yeah year years Yes yesterday yet you youfor young your yourbackbone yours yourself |
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