Кунг-Фу Панда: Загадки свитка / Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Мультфильм раскроет историю знакомства По с неистовой пятеркой, которая впоследствии станет его надежной опорой. По увлекается боевым искусством и с особым трепетом собирает фигурки своих кумиров. Но отец не придал значения вещицам, и принял их за безделушки, которые раздал людям. Раздосадованный По принимает решение отыскать пятерку. Так начинается история, в которой Тигрица, Змея, Обезьяна, Журавль и Богомол становятся легендарными мастерами Кунг-фу.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 25 643
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
4 2157.1
- Название:
- Кунг-Фу Панда: Загадки свитка / Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2016
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Боевики / Комедии / Мультфильмы / Приключения / Семейные / Лучшие фильмы 2016 года
- Режиссер:
- Родольф Геноден / Rodolphe Guenoden.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Мультфильм Кунг-Фу Панда: Загадки свитка на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
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able about acci accident accidentally acorn action Actually Acupuncture add again against ago | Agree alive all allies almost already Alright always am amazing an and another | antidote any apart are art asked at ate autograph away awesome awful |
back bad banana bandit bandits bar barely bath battle be Because become Bed bedroom been Before begins being believe Besides | best better big Bigger Biggish Bless blow Boar box boy brace breakfast breath broccoli brought Business But buy by bye |
call called calls came can catch challenge chance chef cheffingcheffery cherry Chin Chop chose city clean | cleaner cleaning code come comedian Coming condition Control cook cooked correct could count courage course cute |
Dad dancer dawn day dead dealt defeat defeated defeating defend destiny destroyed develop | did disappoint disappointed do doctor does doing dolls don done doubled down Dragon |
eat else emperor end Evacuate even ever every everyday everything Excellent Excuse expecting explore extend eyeball |
fail failed failing fall fantastic Father feel feet fell fetch fight figures find | fireproof first fists five fleshy Focus folk follow Food foot for forensic | forest forget forgive forgot form fought found four from funky funny furious |
Gather gave get giant gift gigantic giving go going gone gonna good Goodbye got Gotcha graceful great ground grow guess guys |
hand handle happen happened has have He heading hear Hello | Help her here Hey Higher hilltop him himself hips his | Hold honor How huge huh hundred hurry hurt hut |
I idea idiot if impact importance important in inciv inflict into invincible invis Is it |
Jade joke just |
kick kidding killed kind knees know knows Kung |
laps last later leads leave leaving legs let life like limbs list listen Little littlebit looking loser love Lower |
made make master masters matter May maybe me meal meant meet meeting menus mess might mighty miss mom Mongrel more morning move much mushrooms must my |
name nature neat need needed never new next Nice no none noodle noodles North not nothing now |
oak of Okay on once One only Oogway Oops open Or order Otherwise ourselves out over Ow |
pace pain palace Pardon part pass patient Pen perfect peril Ping Please Po pois poisoned pots precise preparing proper protect proud publicity punchline purchase put |
question quick |
Radish raindrop read ready real really Recoil reinforcements replicas requested return Right road roots |
say scale scroll secret see seen selling Send sent serve serving she shields shift Shifu shop should show sick | side sidewalk since skills Sloppy small So Some something somewhere son soon Sorry South souvenirs spices spotted stance stand | starving stay Steady stop stopped story Straighten Strong strongly stuff style styles such Sure sweep Sweet sweetie |
tables take taste team technique tell terrible than thank thanks that the their them Then there they thing things think thinking | this those thousand through Tigress time times tiny to together told too Training trash tree try turn turned Twist two |
ugly understand undisciplined universe unorthodox unstoppable up upside us utmost |
valley vegetables very village |
wait Wang wanna want wants warrior warriors was watched way ways We weak | weapons weight weird welcome Well went What when Where while Who Whoa whole | why Wider wife will wind wipe wish with work worry Worse would wow |
Yay Yeah years Yes yet you your yours yourself |
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