Мир Юрского периода / Jurassic World (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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После нашумевших событий прошло двадцать лет. Крупная компания выкупает права собственности у экс-владельцев и разделяет парк на два острова. Один остается дикой обителью древних животных, а второй адаптируют под аттракцион посещаемости, где живут мирные дрессированные динозавры. Чтобы повысить интерес к новому проекту, хозяева парка с помощью ученых прибегают к созданию нового вида динозавра, который показывает агрессивность уже при рождении. Благодаря тете, которая работает администратором в парке, братьям Митчеллам выпал шанс посетить остров и понаблюдать за древнейшими животными. Прибыв в пункт назначения, они воочию проникаются необыкновенной атмосферой. Но внезапная беда настигла мальчиков врасплох. Смогут ли они вырваться из лап угрожающей опасности?
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 54 518
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
104 6697.0
463 911
- Название:
- Мир Юрского периода / Jurassic World (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2015
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Боевики / Приключения / Фантастика / Лучшие фильмы 2015 года / Подборка супергеройских фильмов / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Колин Треворроу / Colin Trevorrow.
- В ролях:
- Крис Пратт / Chris Pratt, Брайс Даллас Ховард / Bryce Dallas Howard, Ник Дж. Робинсон / Nick J. Robinson, Тай Симпкинс / Ty Simpkins, Винсент Д’Онофрио / Vincent D'Onofrio, Ирфан Кхан / Irfan Khan, Омар Си / Omar Sy, Б.Д. Вонг / B.D. Wong, Джейк Джонсон / Jake Johnson, Джуди Грир / Judy Greer.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Мир Юрского периода на английском с английскими субтитрами
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ability able aboard about above accelerated accept access according accounted act acting activities actual actually adapt added adenine advanced advances adventure Afghanistan afraid after again age ago ahead aim airborne Airport alert alive | All allow almost alpha already aluminum always am amazing amber America American ammunition amps an anarchy and animal animals Ankylosaurus anomaly Another Answer anticipate Any anymore anyone anything anyway apex application appreciate approaching | Archaeornithomimus are area arm Armed armory around arranged arrested arrived as ask asked asset assets assigned assistant at ate Attagirl attendance Attention attire attraction Aunt authorized Aviary aware away awesome axe |
baby babysitting bachelor back backup bad badass badge ball ballparks barely barrier base based basement battle be beach beacon beast Because bed been beer before began begin beginning behavioral behind Beige | being believe belt best beta better Between big bigger Bird birdcage birthdays bit bitch blood bloodlines Blue board boardwalk boat bodies bond bones booking boots Bora born boss bought boy boyfriend | Boys Brand Brave breach break breakfast breaks Breathe bred breeds bring British brochure brother brothers buckle bucks buddy build building built bullet bumps bunch bungalow busy But butt button by Bye |
cage caliber Call called calling calm came cameras camouflage Can canary cannot captivity capture car care carfentanil Carl carnivores case cash casualties cat caught caves cease celebrity cell cells Center Central century chain change chaotic Chapter charge | Charlie chases children chill chopper chromatophores chunk city Claire classified claw clawed Clean clear climate climb climbed close closed closer closest clotted Code collapsing color Come comes coming command commands communicating companies company concern condition consider consult | consumers Containment contemplating continue continues control controls cooked cool Cooler coordinates copy Corporate corporations corresponding cost costs could count County couple course Cover coverage crane crap crazy creations creature creatures crisis cruise cry crying Cuttlefish Cytosine |
Dad damn Dane dangerous dark date dates day days de dead deadly deal death decade decide decisions definitely delivers Delta depends deserves designed determine | development Did die died diet different difficulties digging Dilophosaurus dinosaur dinosaurs dinosauruses disappear discover disembark distance distraction disturbing diversified division divorce divorced do dock | doctor does dogs doing don done door doors dork down downstairs Dr dramatic drill Drive driving Drones drop Drucker dry Dude Due duty dying |
each early easier east easy eat Eaten eating eBay Echo effective eggs eight eighth elephant else embryos emergency emotional employees end ending engage | engaged engineers Enjoy enjoyable enjoyed enjoying enough entire entrusted Erica escape escaped evacuate evacuated evacuation evaluate even eventuality Eventually ever every everybody Everyone | Everything everywhere evolution evolving Exactly exaggerated excavators except Excuse exhibit exhibits existence exists exit expected expense experience Extinct extinction extraction Eyes |
face fact factor fail failed Fall falling Fallon families family fancy fantastic fast faster features Feed feeding feel feet felt fence fences ferry | few field Fifty figure filled finally find fine finished fire first fish fits five fixed fly flying focus folks follow following food footprints | for Forces forever forget Forty Found four fox fraction free friend friends frogs from front frontier full fully fun functional funny further future |
game gaps garage gate gates gave gene general generates generators genes genetic genetically genetics genius genome gentlemen gents get gets getting ghost | gift girl give glad glass Global go God goes going goldmine gone gonna good googled gosh got gotta grade Grady Gray | great greatness Greek green greet ground groups grow grown growth guanine guarantee guess guest guests guns guy guys Gyroscopic Gyrosphere Gyrospheres |
hackable had hair Hal half Hammond hamster hand handle handlers handles hands Hang happen happened happening happens happy has have having he head headed heads health | hear heatstroke helicopter hell hello help hen henhouse Henry her herbivores herd Here Hey Hi hid hide high higher highly him hired his hit Hmm hold | home honest Honey hope horn horned Hoskins hot hotel hour hours house How humility hundred hung hungry hunt hunted hunters Hurry hurts hybrid hybrids |
I idea if Imagine imagined immediate immediately implant implants impossible impressed imprint in Inbound inches incidents including | Indominus indoors infancy information infrared InGen initial innovate Innovation insane inside insisted inspect instinct instructor intact intelligence | intelligent intend interest into invented invested invisible iron is Isla island isolation it itinerary its |
jealous Jeep Jesus Jim Jimmy job jog John joke jump jumped jungle Jurassic just juvenile |
Karen keep key kid kidding kids kill killed killing kills kind kinds knew knife knock know known knows |
lab Ladies landed large last late later lawyers learn learned learning least leave leaving left legit less let lethal | lethals liberty license lie life Lift light like likely line lines liquid Listen Literally little live lived lives living | location Lock long longer look looking Looks loose lose loss Lost lot louder love low lower Lowery loyal loyalty |
machine machines mad made magic main make makes makeup malfunction Malibu man many Margaritaville marked Marketing marks Masrani matches matter May maybe me mean meaning means | measure measures medical meet meets membranes memo men mention messing meters might miles military millennia milligrams million millions mind mines mint minute minutes miss missing mission mixed | modification modified modulate Mom monorail monster month months moral more morning Mosasaurs Mosasaurus most mother motion move moves moving much murder must mutual my myself |
name names nannies natural nature Navajo Navy near nearest nearly need needed needs nephews never new | news next nice night nightmares no nobody non Nope north not Nothing Now Nublar numbers |
obey occur of off offset often oil okay old older on once one | online only open opened opening opens operating operation opportunity ops Or order orders | organized Osterly other others our out output outside over Owen own owns oxynitride |
Pachy Pachys pack paddock palm paper paralyze parents park parks Part party passes past patience patient pay paychecks paying pecking people Pepsi perimeter person personal personally petting Phase phone Pick pics Pig | pitch place places Plains plan planned plans plate play Please point poor position positive possible pouch pounds practicing predator predators predicated Pregnant prehistory presents preservative preserved president pretend pretty prevent preyed | price principles prints priority private probably problem proceed process profits program progress project projection promise Promote pronounce Proper protect protected protection protects proteins public Pull pup puppies pure purpose push put |
quietly quit quite |
radiation radicals raised rangers Raptor Raptors rate reactive ready real reality really reason rec recording reduce Refining reinvigorate relate relationship relative Relax | relevant relieved relocation remain remember remembered remind reopen repeat replace report reports require requires rescue rescued research resort respect respond rest | return reveal revenue rex richest ride rides ridiculous riding right rights road roaming robots rogues room root ruler rules run running |
safe safety Sahara said same Sand satisfaction saurus save saved saw say says scare scared Scarier scary Scatter scenes scent schedule school science scream search seatbelts sec second sector secure Security sedated see seeing seek seen sees seize Send sending sense sensitive serious Seriously serve service set Seven shareholders shave She shelter ships shirt shirts shit | shock shoes shoot shop short shorts shot should shoulder show shows Shut shy sibling siblings sickness side sign Simon Since sink Sir sister site sitting situation six size skills skin sleep slow slowing small smaller smart smarter smell smoke snakes so social soda soft solution some Somebody Someone someplace something Son sorry sort south space Spare | special species speed spend spiked spinning spirit splicing sponsor sport spotted spreadsheet stability stand standby standing staring started starting starts station stay steady steak steer Stegosaurus stick still stock stoned stop story Straight strands stroll stronger structural struggle suffer suggest sun supposed Sure surface surrounded surveillance survival survive sweet sweetheart Sweetie swing sympathy system |
tail take taken taking talk talking tall target taste teach team tech technical technology teeth telecom tell telling tense tequila term terminate terrible test testing text than thank Thanks Thanksgivings that the their theirs them theme | themselves then there thermal these they thing things think thinking thinks this those though thought thousand thousands threatened Three thrilled through thymine tickets tight time times tissue TNT to Today together toilet told tomorrow tonight tons | too took tooth top Tora Tostito totally tough towards track tracking traffic tragedy train traits tranq tranquilizers treat Tree Trees Triceratops tried trillion tropical Trust try trying tube tunnels turn turned turtles Twenty two |
under understand Understood unfortunate units unlike unpredictable unshakeable until unveiled up upright us use used using usually |
Valley van vehicle vehicles Velociraptors venom Verizon very viability vice VIP visit visiting visitors voicemail vulnerabilities |
wait waiting walk walking wall walls wander wanna want wanted wants war warm was Watch watching water way We weapon weapons wear wedding week weekend | weeks Welcome Well went were West what whatever When where Which While white who Whoa whole Whoo Why wide wife wild will window wins Wireless | wish with within without withstand wolf women wonder woods word work working works workspace World worn worried worry worth would wow Wrangler wristbands wrong |
Yeah year years Yes yet you younger Your yourself Yuck |
Zach Zara zone zoo |
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