Американская милашка / American Honey (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Главная героиня картины - заурядная провинциалка восемнадцати лет. Ее жизнь ограничена впечатлениями и запоминающимися событиями. Девушка никогда не покидала пределы родного города. Но однажды, мимо Стар проезжает микроавтобус с компанией отвязных парней. Один из них сильно приглянулся сентиментальной девушке. Преодолев все страхи, и поразмыслив о будущем, Стар намеревается пойти наперекор судьбе. В мгновение она решает изменить обыденную обстановку, и отправляется с пассией колесить по городам, зарабатывая на подписке журналов. Что может помешать счастью парочки?
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 13 242
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
3 0687.0
24 317
- Название:
- Американская милашка / American Honey (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2016
- Страна:
- Великобритания, США
- Режиссер:
- Андреа Арнольд / Andrea Arnold.
- В ролях:
- Саша Лэйн / Sasha Lane, Шайа ЛаБаф / Shia LaBeouf, Райли Кио / Riley Keough, МакКаул Ломбарди / McCaul Lombardi, Ариэль Холмс / Arielle Holmes, Кристал Айс / Crystal Ice, Вероника Эзелл / Veronica Ezell, Чад Кокс / Chad Cox, Гарри Хауэлл / Garry Howell, Кеннет Кори Такер / Kenneth Kory Tucker.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (многоголосый закадровый) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Американская милашка на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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able about above accent acclimate achieve acid acres across act acting actually address adjust advantage Afghanistan again agent agents ago agree ahead Ahh air alive All | allow Almost alone ALONG already also altruistically always am Amazing America American amount an And animal another any anyhow anymore anyone anything anyway anyways Anywhere apartment | apiece apologize appreciate APPROACHING Are area argue around as ask asked asking asleep ass Asshole associates assuming at attitude Austin Avoiding awake aware away |
babies baby back backwards bad badass bag bags Bakersfield Baltimore Bam band Bang Baptist bar Barbecue bark BARKING barrel Basically bathroom battles be Bear beau beautiful because bed bedrooms bee been beer beers before behind being belief believe | Bell Bella bells BELT best bet better big bigger Bill Billy bird birds birthday bit bitch bitches blank blanket BLARING blazed blocks blonde blood blowing blue boat boats Boga book boots born borrow boss both bottle BOTTLES bottom | bought bounce BOY boyfriend Boys brain BRAYS break BREATHING bridges bring bro broken brother brought bubbles bucks build building buildings bullshit bunch Burger buried burn burning bus business but butt Butter buy buys BUZZING by Bye |
cafeteria California call called calling Calm came can cancer Candy cannot CAR care Careful caring carries case cash CAT catch catching catfish caught ceiling chambered chance change CHANTING charcoal charity charm chase chasing CHATTER CHATTERING Cheap Check CHEERING CHEERS chicken chief | children chill chips CHIRPING choose Christian CHUCKLES CHUCKLING church cigarettes cigs City CLATTERING clean Clear CLEARS Climb CLINKING close CLOSES clothes club cock COCKS cocky coin collar collect collecting college collegiate Come comes coming communications community competition COMPLAINING conditioning constrain contest | CONTINUES control conversations cooked cool Corey cost costs COUGHING COUGHS could count COUNTRY couple course Covenant cow COWBOY cowboys crack crazy cream creepy CREW CRICKETS critical crochet crosses CROWD cruelty Crush cry CRYING Crystal cunt cupboard Cups curfews cute cutie |
Dad daggy Damn dance danced dancing dangerous darkness darling Darth date daughter day days dead deal dear Death decay decent decided decorate dedicate deer definitely dehydrated Del deny desert designated | desire Destiny devil Dew diamonds dick Dicks did die died diets different dinner dirt dirty dishes DISTANCE DISTANT do does DOG dogs doing dollars Donald donations Done doo door dope | Dorothy dos doubt dough down downstairs drank dreads dream dreaming dreams Drema Dress dressed drink drinks drive driver Drop dropped drove drug drunk dude dumbass dumpster duplex duty |
each earn earning ears East Easy eat eating ecstasy ecstatic eggs eight Eighteen Either elbow else emotionally empty ENGINE Enough epitome especially | even ever every Everybody everyone everything everywhere exactly Except excited EXCITEDLY EXCLAIM EXCLAIMING EXCLAIMS Excuse excuses EXHALES expensive explaining explore eyebrows eyes |
face faggot falling familiar family FANFARE far fascinated fashioned fast favor favorite Febreze fee feel feeling feels fees fell felt female few field fields figgedy fight fighting figure figured | filled filthy Finally find finds fine finger FINGERS fire FIRECRACKERS first fish fishing five FIZZES flies flip floating floor Florida flush flying FOLK folks Food fooling foot FOOTSTEPS for | forever Forget forgot Forms FOUND fountain four Frank free Friday friend friendly friends from front frontiersman Fuck fucked Fucker fuckers fuckin fucking fucks fun funds funny future |
gain gaining game gangster garbage gardless garner Gary gas GASPING GASPS gave Gay gentle Genuine get gets getting GIGGLING GIRL girls | girly give gives giving glass glasses go God Goddamn goes going gone gonna good got gotta grab grabbed grand | grease grew GROANING GROANS gross group Grow grown grows GRUNTING GRUNTS GUARD guess guessed guests guilty guitar gun guy GUYS |
had hair hairy Halloween hallucinating handbook handle hands handwriting hang happened happening happens Happy hard has hated have having Hawaii he head headed heads hear heard heart Heartbreak hearts heat HEAVILY | heavy hell hella hello help her here herself Hershey Hey Heya Hi high Hills him himself HIP hired his hit Hmm Hold hole Holy home homeless honey HONKING HONKS hoo hoodoo | hooja hook hookahs HOP hope hopeless hopped HORN HORNS horse hot hotel hours house houses Houston How however howl HOWLING huge Huh HUMMING hundred hungry hunt hunting hurry husband hustle |
ice idea if IMITATES impoverished IN including INCREASES INDISTINCT INDISTINCTLY infection innocent INSECTS inside insight insurance interest interrupting into introduction invented invisible Iraq is ish it items |
jacket Jake Jane Jay jeans Jersey jibe job join joke Jones jump just |
Kansas KAT Katness KC keep keeping keeps Kelsey Kennedys Kessell keys KID kidding kids kill killed kind kinda King kiss kitchen Kmart knew know knows knuckles Krystal |
ladies land language last late later LAUGH laughed LAUGHING LAUGHS laundry lawyers laying lays lazy learn least Leave left legs | Leia less Let letting lick life light like liked line lines lions liquor list listen little live lives living load | loaded lonely long Look looked looking looks lose Loser losers lost lot lots LOUD LOUDLY LOVE loves loving luck lying |
mad made mag magazine magazines magic magical Magnolia major make makes making males mama Mamas Man management manager many married Mary material matter Maybe me meals mean meaningless means meet meeting meetings memorize | men Meow MEOWING Mercy mescal mess met Meth Methodist Miami Middle might miles milk mind minds mine mines minute minutes miss missed Mission Mississippi Missouri mister Misty misunderstanding Mmm MOANING MOANS mom moment | money Montana months moon more morning most Motel motels mother motherfucker motherfuckers motherfucking moths MOTORCYCLE Mountain mouth MOUTHING Move much mud MUFFLED mule MUMBLES munchies MUSIC must MUTTERING MUTTERS my myself |
name Nashville Nathan near Nebraska necklace need needs neighborhood neither nerves nervous Nevada never new next | nice nigga Night nine No nobody noise None normal normally not nothing now nowhere number |
obsession obvious occupy ocean of off offering oil Okay Oklahoma old Omaha | on Once one ones only Ooh Oops Open opened opportunity opposed or | Orlando other our ours ourselves out outdoor outside outta over own owner |
pack packet pad Pagan paid paleo Pam Panama panties PANTING pants park parking part parts party PASSING past patio patriotic patty pay paycheck paying peace pecking pedophile pee PEOPLE pepperoni percent person personality Pet phone | phones physically pick picked picking picture piece pillars Pin piss pissed pity pizza place plains plan PLANE play Playboy PLAYING Please Point points Poison poisonous pole Politics pollen poochie pool Poor POP POPPING porn | pot Pour Pow power powerful practically prayers preacher present presents press pretty Princess prize probably problem prop properties proposition prostitute prostitutes protocol proud prove pull pulled pump pumped punched punk puppy pure Put |
question quick quiet quite |
R&B race RADIO rain raised Ran random randomly rap raped Rapid rapids RAPPING RAPS rat read ready real reality Really receipts redneck | Regardless regret relationship relationships Relax release religious Remember rent respect rest restroom returned REVVING rich ride rider right rigid Rihanna Riley ring | Rio river road roam rob ROCK rodeo roll ROMANTIC rookie Room rooms round rubble Rubin ruin rule rules RUMBLING run running Runt |
sad said sake sale sales salesmen same say saying says scan scared school SCOFFS scream SCREAMING SCREAMS SCREECHING Sean seat second seconds secret Security see seeing seem seemed seems seen sell seller sellers selling send Sends sent serious service set Settle seven shadow shadows Shake Shall Shaunte She shiny shirt shit shoe shoes shoot shop shot should SHOUTING shovel show SHRIEKS shut sick side SIGHS sign signed silent since sing | singed SINGING Sir sister sitting Six skate skating skeleton sketchy skills slam slap sleep sleeping sleepover slide slips SLOW SLURRING small smart smell smoke smokes SNAPPING snatched SNIFFLES SNIFFS so SODA SOFT some somebody Someday somehow something sometime somewhere song soon sorry sort sorta sound sounds Southern spare sparkly SPEAKING special spend spice Spider spiel spiels SPITS sponsoring spooky spot spray spunk SQUAWKING SQUEAKS squirrel SQUISHING stabbing stairs STAMMERING stand | standing staph Star Stars start started STARTING starts State station Stay staying Steady steaks steal Step stepdad steps STEREO stickers sticking still stoner Stop stopped STOPS store story straight strange street Stretch stroking strong stronger stubborn stuck student students study stuff stumble stupid subscription subscriptions substance success Suck sucks suffering Sugar suit summertime Sun sunglasses super Superman support supposed sure surprise surprised sweating sweet sweeter swim symbol system |
table Taco take takes taking talk talking tall tampon tan taught teach team teams technically teens Tehachapi tell ten Tennessee terrified territory Texas text than Thank Thanks That THE their them then there these they thing things thingy think | thinking thirst this those though thought thousand three threw THROAT through Throw THUD THUNDER tight till time Timmie tired TIRES titles to today toe together toilet told Tomorrow tonight Tonya too took top touch tough towards towel Towels town | toy tracks tradition trailer TRAIN trained training trash trashy travel traveling treasure treat treatment tree trees trenches tres tribe tried trip trouble truck TRUCKER trucks true Trump trunk trust try trying turkey turn turns Twelve Twenty two type |
ultimate UNBUCKLING under understand underwear United Uno until UNZIPPING UNZIPS up UPBEAT ups URINATING us use used useful using |
Vader Valley VAN vapor very VIDEO virgin Virginia VOLUME voodoo |
Waggy Wait waiting wake walk walked Walking wall Walmart Wanna want wanted wants war was wash washed waste Watch watching water way We wealthy wear wearing wedding weed week welcome well went were | West wet Wha whack whacked What wheels when Where which while WHINES WHINING WHIP whipped WHIPPING whips whisper WHISPERING WHISPERS WHISTLES WHISTLING white Who Whoa Whoever whole Whoo WHOOPING Why wife wild will | Williston win wind window wine winner wipe wish with without Wizard wolf wolves woman Women wonder woo woods word work workers working works world worm worn worry worse worst would Wow wreck wrong |
yeah year years YELLING Yellow Yep Yes yesterday yet you younger your yours yourself youth YOUTHS |
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