Мечтатели / The Dreamers (2003) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Действия разворачиваются накануне революционного протеста в Париже шестидесятых годов. Увидеть город романтики приезжает студент по обмену, американец по происхождению - Мэтью. Парень наблюдает за бунтующими интеллектуалами, и среди толпы идейных людей он замечает девушку, будто застывшую во времени. Ею оказывается Изабель. Вместе с братом Тео они фанатично увлечены миром кино, собственно, как и сам Мэтью. Они приглашают парня домой, предлагая оторваться от реальности. Изабель призывает сыграть в занимательную игру, которая подразумевает угадывание фильма по инсценированной миниатюре. Невинные посиделки заходят настолько далеко, что превращаются в мир анархии, окутанной пороками. Смогут ли молодые люди выбраться из иллюзии блаженства?
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 74 799
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
58 0527.2
92 725
- Название:
- Мечтатели / The Dreamers (2003) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2003
- Страна:
- Великобритания, Франция, Италия
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Драмы / Мелодрамы / 2003 / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Категория:
18+ Фильм не рекомендуется смотреть лицам младше 18 лет.
- В ролях:
- Майкл Питт / Michael Pitt, Ева Грин / Eva Green, Луи Гаррель / Louis Garrel, Анна Чэнселлор / Anna Chancellor, Робен Ренуччи / Robin Renucci, Жан-Пьер Кальфон / Jean-Pierre Kalfon, Жан-Пьер Лео / Jean-Pierre L?aud, Флориан Кадиу / Florian Cadiou, Пьер Ханчиссе / Pierre Hancisse, Валентен Мерле / Valentin Merlet.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (многоголосый закадровый) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Мечтатели на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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able about above abroad absolutely accept accompanied account acoustic across act acting admire admit affability afraid after again against age agent ages ago agree ahead air | Airplane alarmed alien alike all Allo alone along Alors already also always am America American Americans amiss an and Angry animal another answer any anybody anymore | anyone anything anywhere apartment apologize apologizing Applause appreciates arch are Arguing aristocrat arms around arrested Arretez As Ask asked asking Assholes at author away awfully |
baby back bad banana band Bande Banging barely Bass Bastards bastion bath bathe bathroom battle be beat beaten beautiful became because bed bedroom bedrooms been before | beginning behavior behind being believe believed belonging best bet Better between bids bien big Birthday bit Bitch black blameless blind Blonde Blows bonbons book Books born | both bottle Boulevard boy boys brains Bravo break breath Breathing Breathlessly bring broccoli broken brother brothers brutal buff buffs bullshit bureaucratic burst But buy by |
cabin cacahuйtes Cahiers California call calm came camera Can cannot capacity care careful cares Carne carry case cash cashed cast catch caught Cause cease Certainly chained Champs chance change Chanting chaos Chaotic Chaplin Charbol Charlie Charlot chased Chasse Chateau | Chattering check Cheering cheese cheques children Chocolats Chokes Choking choose chorus Christina Chuckles cigarette cinema cinephiles Cinйma City Clapton class clean cleared clinging close Closed closest clothes clue coalition coat Coca cold come coming comparison Complete completely complicated compote | conception confess consider consideration contagious Continues contradiction cook cooking cool Corridor cosmic Coughing Coughs could count country course courtesy cow craft crap crazy cream created creeps crimes criminals criticism cross Crowd cruel cry Crying cultural culture curious |
dance dancing Dans dare darling date dates day days dazzled de dead deal Dear Deep deigns Delacroix delicacy demands demonstrations demonstrators deny depends | deported diagonal diagonally did die Diego Dietrich difference different dining dinner direct director directors discovered disgusted disgusting dish dismissed distinct do Doctor | does doing done Doo door doors double down downstairs drawing dressed dressing drifting drink drinking driven drives Drums drunk du dubious dying |
each early easy eat eating eccentricity edge education efforts ego Eh either electric elegance else Elysees Encore end Ends enemies Engine English enjoy enough | enter entered epic Especially even evening ever every everybody everyone everything exactly Except excited Excuse exist exotic expect expected expendable expensive explain extra eyes |
fact factories fail fair famous fancy far farewell fascism fascist Fascists father feel feels felt fidgeting fighting figure filet film filmmaker filmmakers | films finally find fine finger first fit fits five floor flower flying fondue food for forced forever Forfeit forget forgot foul found | Francaise France freak freaks Fred free French fresh friend friendly friends from front fuck fucked fucking full funnier funny fur further future |
gaga gala gallant game games Garbo Gasps gates gave generosity gentlemen genuinely George Germain Germany get gets getting Gilbert Ginger | girl give given gives glad Glass go gobble God Godard goes going gone gonna Gooble good goodness goodnight got gotta | government Grand grandeur grandparents grateful great greater green Greta Groans grow grows Guards guess guest guilty Guitar guitarist guns guy |
had hair half halves handed hands happen happening happenings happens happy hard hardly harmony has Hat hateful | have Hawks he hear hearing heart Hello help Hendrix Henri Henry her Herald here Hey Hi him | his Hit home honey hope horrible hospitable Hotel hour house How Howard hungry hurdles hurt hurting hypnotized |
idea identical Idiot if Ignore illegal image images imagine immigrants important impressed impression in incomparable Indistinct ins insatiables inside | insist inspiration inspire instead interesting interests into introduce invitation invite invited is Isa Isabelle it Italy itJust Its itself |
Jacques jail Janis Jean Jerry Jesus John Johnny join joined joking Joplin journey just |
Keaton keep keyhole kill killing kind Kitchen knew know knows |
Ladies Lafite lamp Langlois last late Laughing Laughs lawns Le learn least leave leaving left legitimate length lengthwise les Let | lets letter letting Lewis liberty life lighter Lights like liked likes Likewise line lines lips lipstick Listen listening little Live | lived lives long longer look looked looking looks Loser lot Louvre love loved lover lovers lucidity luck lucky lunch luscious |
machine mad made make makes making Malebranche Malraux Mama man mantelpiece many Mao Maoism Marais Marcel marching marks Marlene mashed masonry masturbated matter Matthew | Maybe me mean meaning means meant meet meeting member memorizing memory Merci mesmerized met might mignon Miller millions Milo mind mine Minister minute minutes | Mobilette modern Mom Monologue monsters month More morning most mother motion move moved movie movies much muck murder music must Muttering my myself mysticism |
name Narrating nasty national Naturally need neither Nepal never new news next nice nicer | Nicholas Night Nine No Non nose not Nothing notice noticed noticing Now Number nuts |
objects obscure Oedipus of off offense offered okay OkayJimi old older on once one | ones Only open operation or Other our ourselves out outside over overthrows own |
pair palace Papa paper Pardon parents Paris parrot part pass pathetic pavement pawn pay pee peepee Peeping people performance performed permission person pet petition petitions philosophical | phone photographed pick picture pigs pigsty pissing place plant play plays Please pleased pleasure plugs poem poems poetry poets point police polite politics poor possess postage | posters potatoes poulets pounding powerful prefer prepubescent pretty private producing prom promise proms proof proofs prose prospect protest provoke prunes pubic pure purest purists put |
Queen question Quick |
race raised Raspail ratatouille Ray Rays Razor read ready real realize realizing really reason reasons Rebel receive record red | reeducation refrigerator refused reinvented Relax relayed remember remembered remind remove removing RenoirJean reproduction Resist resisting restaurant restraint Retching returned | reverse revolting revolution Rhythmically right ripe Rivette rock Rohmerare role Rome room rot Rouch row rows rude rue rump |
sacked sadist safe said Saint sake Salut Sam same San sandwiches saw say Sayhello saying Scarface scaring scary scene school Screaming Screams Screeching screen screened sculpture sea seaside second secondhand seconds secret see seeing seem seemed seemly seen seized self sent serious serve shall shapes Shattering shave Shaving she Shh shit Shock shops shot should Shouting show showing | shut Shuts Siamese side Sighs sight sign Signoret silents silly sing singer Singing Sings Sir sister sisters sit sitting six size sizes sleep sleeping slogans slut small smart smell smells sniff Sniffles so sober society sock Softly soldiers some somebody someone something somewhere songs soon sophisticated Sorry sort sound souvenir spare speak speaking spectator speculations spend spent Sphinx | Spleen split sport spot spread spring sprinklers spy spying squares stakes stamp stand stands star start started Starts starve starving station Stay staying steak step stick still Stop stopwatch story straight strange strangest strangle street streets strike strong stuck student students study stuff such sucks suddenly sullen suppose supposed Sure surprise surprised suspect suspicious sweat sweet sweetness |
table Take taken talk talked talking tap tapestry teeth television tell tells test than Thank Thanks that The theater theatrical their them then Theo TheoJust there these | they thing things think thinking third this those though thought three thrilled thrillers through Thumps time tin tiny tiptoe title to together told Tom tomorrow tonight too | toothbrush Top touch train tramp tranquillity transform trial Tribune tried Trouves truce true Truffaut truth Try trying turned Turning TVscreen twice twin twins two type |
underground understand unfold university until up uprising us use used |
vaguely Valentino vault Venus very Vietnam viewed vin violence violent visited vomiting voyeur |
wagons Wait waiting wake wakes walked wanna want wanted War was watch watched watching Wave way we wear well | were Westerns wet what when where Which while Whispering who Whoa Whoop whorehouse whose Why Will willing wine wing | wish with Without woke Woman wonder wonderful wondering wop word words work world worn worry would wrong wrote |
Yeah year years Yells Yes yesterday Yet York you young Youngsters your yours yourself yourselves |
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