Код Да Винчи / The Da Vinci Code (2006) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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В Лувре при трагических обстоятельствах погиб известный попечитель музея Жак Соньер. Перед убийством он успел оставить загадочное послание, которое в силах расшифровать только опытный криптолог. Полиция приглашает опытного криптолога Роберта Лэнгдона, который профессионально занимается изучением символики. Также в деле фигурирует Софи, которую связывали родственные узы с покойным. Девушка намерена помогать Лэнгдону в расшифровке. Софи предостерегает Роберта о возможной опасности по причине указанного в послании его имени. Роберт вынужден бежать прочь, Софи составляет ему компанию. Подвергая жизнь смертельной угрозе, они начинают собственное расследование. В картинах Леонардо да Винчи они обнаруживают ряд явлений мистического характера. Головоломки указывают на существования тайного сообщества, в котором и состоял покойный. Но до разгадки еще далеко. Сумеют ли герои докопаться до истины?
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abandoned abetting ability able about above absolutely Absurd acceptance access accident according account accounts Accurate across act acted acting Activate actively actually adding address administering admirable admire adores Adorned Adorned advanced adversary aeroplane afford afraid After again against agent aggression ago agree agreed
agreement ahead Aiding air alarm alerted Alexander alike alive all allergy Allow ally Almighty Almost alone along already also always am Amen amend an An anagram ancient ancients and And angel angels animals announcement another answer answered anticipated any anybody anymore Anyone anything
anywhere apart apologize Apparently appear appearance appears Apple appointment Apropos are Area Aringarosa arm Armed armour armoured arms around arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrived art artefact Arthurian As ascetically ashamed asked asking asshole assist assume at atonement atrocities atrocity Attention available aware away
back Backwards Bad badly balance balloon ballroom bank banking baptized Barbиs bargain barging basic basically Bastard be bearer beat because becomes been before beg began beginning begun being belief believe believed Beneath Beneath best bet betrayed better
betterment between Beyond Bible Bieil big bill birds birth Biscuits Bishop bit bizarre Black blackmailed blade bleeding Bless bloke Blood Blood blood bloodline bloodshed boarding bodies body Bois bonds bones Bonjour book bosom both bought Boulevard Boulogne
Bourget box boy boyfriend Boys brainwashing brand brass Brave bread break breaking breaks breath breathe brethren Bring bringing broke broken brother brotherhood brought Brussels builds Built Bull bullshit buried burned burns bury business but But butchered by
Cafeteria call called Caller calling calls came can cane cannabis cannot capable Capitaine Captain captured car card cards care Careful carried carries Carrousel carry cars case cash catatonic catch Catholic Catholics cause celebrate cell cellars centuries chalice chance change changed Chapel charge charged charges Charms chasing chastise chastity chateau Check Chelsea cherubs chest chief child choice choose chooses chose
chosen Christ Christian Christianity Christians church cigar cilice city claim Claimed Clair clause clean cleansing clear clearly clergy clockwork cloisters close closely clothed coal code Codes coffee coincidence cold colleague Collet come comes comfy coming commence common companion companion complains complaint complex complicated Compounding compromised computer con concealed conceivable concept conclusions conference confess confession Confirmed confirms conflict confused confusion
da daily damn dance danger dangerous dare dark database date daughter dawn day days DCPJ de dead deal Dear death deathbed debated decided deciphered declared decoy defence defend defended defensive define definitive Dei deities deliver Demons Denain deny depend
deposit descendants descended descendent design despots destination destroy destroyed detain deter determines devastate device Devil dial dials did die died dies different digit directions directly disables disagree disappeared disciples discovered discovers discuss dishes dismiss dispatch dispose dissolves distant distortion
divine divinity Division do Docklands doctrine documents Does dog doing Domini done door dot dots doubt down dozens Draconian dragged dragon dramatic drank draw draws drink drinks drive driver drivers Drop drug duck dull dumb during dust duty dying
empirically end endeavour ends enemy English Englishman enhanced enough enter entire entirely entry especially essence essentially establishment euro Europe euros even evening ever every everyone everything
face faces Fache facsimile fact facts failed fair Faith families family famous fantastic far Fascinating fast fate Father FBI fear feared fearing Feeling feet fell fellow female feminine fetch fetched few Fibonacci field Fifty fight figure figures
filed final finally financial find finding finished Fire fired firmly First fitting five flag flagellation flatfoot flattering fled flesh fleur flew flight floor flower Flowing fly Folded follow followers following fool for force foretold forever forget forgive
forgot forgotten formal forth fortunate Fortunately fortune Forty fought found foundations four fourth France Frankly free Freedom freethinking French frequencies fresco Friday friend friends frightened from front fruit fugitives fulfilled full funds funeral funny further further Fused
Gallery game games gate gates gates gathering gatherings gave generations generous genius geometric get getting ghost gift girl give given gives giving glad
glass globe go goal God goddess goddess gods Godspeed goes going golden gone gonna Good Gospel gospels Got GPS grace Grail Grand grandfather
grandmother grant grasping grave Gravity Gray great greatest grew Grey gripping groom ground group growing grown guard guardian guardians guarding guilty gun
had hair half halls Hammer hand handed hands happened happens Harbouring hardly harm harsh Harvard has Hasten hate hates Hatred have having Hawker Haxo Haxo He head headquarters healed heard heart heaven heavens heir
held hell Hello help Henley her here heretics hero heroes herself Hey Hi hid hidden hide hides Hides hiding high higher highest him himself Hint hip his historian historians historical Historically histories history hit
Hitherto hoax hold holy home homing honest honour honourable honoured hope hoped hoping horizon Horus hospital hostage hot hotel hour house how huge human humanity humble hunt hunted hunts hurry hurt husband
icon ID idea ideal ideas identified identify identity idiotic if images imagine imagines Imbecile immemorial immortality impious implicated Implicated important importantly impossible impressed In In
inaccurate include includes including incredible incriminates incurred indeed independence Independently indulge indulgences Inflicts influence information infusing initial injury inquiries Inquisition insane inside insist Inspector inspiration
inspired instructed insult interesting Interpol Interpret interpreting interred interred interruption into intrusion invasion investigation investigations is Isaac Isis issued it It Italy its
jacket Jacques jail jammed Jerusalem Jesus Jew Jewish Job join joined joining joint joke journey jpegs jumped junkie Jupiter just
keep keepers keeping keeps kept key Keys keystone keywords kill killed killer killing killing kind king kings kiss Klan Klux kneel knees knew knight Knights knocked know knowing known knows
lame Land Langdon language large larger laser last late later Latin laugh lawyer lead leaders leads leaning leap learned lease leash least leave leaving lecture Ledoux left Legaludec legend legs Leigh
lemon length Leonardo Leonardo less let letters letting level Levi library lie lied lies lies Lieutenant life lifelong light like liked likely likes limited limitless Line linguistic lis Lisa Lisa list
listen listening lists Literal literally little live lived lives living locate location Locked London long longer longest look looking Lord lose lost lot love loved lovely lovers loving lower lungs Lyons
ma made mademoiselle Madonna mafia Magdalene magic magnificent maiden mail make makes making male Maleficarum Malleus Man man manage manager Manhattan manhood mankind Manuel Many map Marie marionette marionettes mark markers markings marks marriage married Mary Masonic massive Master mate Mathematical matter matters
May Maybe me mean meaning meaningless meanings means meant media medical meet meeting Meetings members memories memory men Mention Mere meridian Merovingian message messages messaging messenger met metal Michael middle might mighty military milk millennium million millions mind minus minute minutes miracle miracles
miraculous Mirror Miss missing mission misunderstand misunderstanding mock modern moment Mona money monk Monks monopoly Monsieur monster months Moon moons more morning mortal mortality Most mother motivation Move moving much murder murdered murderer murderers murders museum must My myself mystery myth
name named names nature near nearly necessarily need needed needs negative neither nephew nervous never nevertheless Neveu new newer
news Newton next Nicaea Nicene night No Nobody nonsense Nope North nose not nothing Notice now number numbered numbers
observed obsessed obsessive Obviously occasion occur occurred October odd of off offended offer office Officer often Okay old
older oldest Omens on onboard once one online only onto open opened opening opposite oppressed oppression Opus or
orb orchestrated order orders original other Others ought Ought our ourselves out outside over owe own Oxford
pagan paganism pagans paid pain painted painting paired pairing panel papacy paper papyrus pardon parents Paris park parlour parquet part particular pass passage passed passion passions password past pathetic patrol peace Peanut penance penchant pendant penetrate penises pentacle people performance Perhaps period person personally persuaded persuasive Peter petty phallus phi Philip Philippe phobia phone
phoned photo photograph photos phrase pick picked picture pictures piece pilgrim pitchfork pity place plan plane planets planner play Playing Please pleased pleasure pocket point points poison Polaroid Poles police policeman politics Pont Poor Pope Pope Poseidon position positions possess possibilities possible post postscript potato power powerful powerless pragmatist pray prayed praying preaching precious
Precisely prefer pregnant prelature present preserved preside presided press presume pretty prevail priestly priests primary prime Princess princess prints Priory privacy problem procedures produced professor prohibitive Promise promised promotion pronoun proof property prophet proportion proportions propose prospect prostitute prostitutes protect protected protectors protects protocol prove proved psychologist publishes purpose pursued put Puzzles pyramid pyramids
quatre quest Question questioned questions quests quickly quit quite
racism radio rained raised rank ranking Ranks rarely ratio rationalized reach reached reaches react read reading ready real realize really reason recall receive received recognize records recover Rector red refer referring registered reject rejected rejection related
Relay religion religious rely rem remained remaining remains remember removed Remy renew renewal represents request requested require research resembles residence residential resolve restrain restroom rests resurrection retrieved reveal revealed reveals rewarded riddle Right righteous rightfully rights
Rigorously ringing Rip rise ritual ritualistic robbed Robert robes Rocks Roger Rolex rolled Rome roof room rosa Rose Rose Roslin Rosslyn Rosy rot round route row royal royal rudimentary ruined ruins rules run ruse
sacraments sacred sacrifice sacrificed sacristy Sadly safe safety said Saint saint saints sake sakes salvation same sanctioned Sandrine Sang Sangreal Sarah sarcophagus Satan satisfying Saturn sauces Sauniиre save savoir saw say saying says scandals scar scared scary scene schedule scholar scholars school sciences scientific scotoma scrambled screaming scroll sculler search searching seated Second secrecy secret secrets sect sects Secure security see seed seeded seek seem seems seen sees self Semantics send sense sent sequence serious seriously Sermon servant serve service serving Set setting settings Seven Seventy Several sex shadow Shadows
shall shalt shape She She Shit shoot shortest shot should shoulder show showed shown shows sick side sides sift sight signal significantly Signs Silas silence silenced Silly simple simply simultaneously sin since single sins Sion Sir Sister Sit sitting six size sketches skies skies skin Skipped sky slay sleep Slide slipped small Smart smarter Smeared smile So So soaked societies society Solar soldier solve solved some Somehow someone Something sometimes son songs soon Sophie Sophie Sophie sorry sought soul sounds source sous south space Spain span spatial speak speaks Spear
specific spell spent Spill spilled Spirit splash Splendid spoke spoken spot spouse sprang spree spree stairs stake stamp stand standard stands star starry start started starts statements station status stay Stealing step step still stone stood Stop stopped story straight strange street streets strength strengthen strings stroll strong student study studying stuff stupid style sub succeed succeeded success such suffer suffered suffering suggests Sulpice sung Superbly Supper support suppose supposed supposedly supreme Sure Surely surprised surveillance survived surviving suspect suspects swear sweeping Swiss Switzerland swords sworn symbol Symbols system
table tack tad take tale talk talking tamale tarmac task taught taxi tea Teabing teach teacher Teacher Teacher tear technique Technologies television Tell telling Templar Templars Temple Ten test testing text th than Thank Thanks that the the theatre theft their them themselves Then Theories There thereby These they
thin thing things think thinking third Thirty this those thou though thought thousand thousands threat threatened threatening three throne through throughout throw thrown thy tickets time times tip tired tithing to toast Today together told tomb tomb tombs tomorrow tomorrows tone tongue Tonight too took top torn torture touch
unify unique united units Unless unlock unmistakable unprecedented unscrambled until untraceable unwillingness unworthy
up updated upon urgent us use used useful useless users uses
values vanished vanishing vanity Vatican venturing Venus Vernet verse version very vessel vial video viewed Villette Vinci vinegar vingt violence virtually visit Vitruvian vote voted vows Vultures
wages wagon Wait waited waiting waits waits walk walking walls wanna want wanted wants war was wasted Watch water way we weapon wear wearing wears weather week weekend Welcome well
went were what whatever when where Whether which while whined who Who whole whom whose Why widely Wider wife will willed Willing window Wine wineglasses wiped wire wish witch with
within without withstood Witness woman womanhood womb womb women wonder woods word words work works world worn worship worshiped worshipers worshiping worth worthy would wrath write writings written wrong wrote
yeah year years Yes yet You young your yours yourself
zealots zodiac Zurich
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