Турист / Lost in Florence (2017) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Эрик Лазард относительно недавно разорвал отношения с девушкой. Его тяготят воспоминания прошлого. Парень решает отвлечься от произошедшего в личной жизни, и хочет сменить на время обстановку. Эрик уезжает к близкой родственнице Анне, которая проживает в Италии. Романтическая атмосфера города вдохновляет парня заняться рискованным видом спорта. Увлечение поглощает Эрика с головой. Спустя время он знакомится с прекрасной девушкой, с которой видит перспективы развития любовной истории. Но захочет ли незнакомка продолжения романа?
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 14 161
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
- Название:
- Турист / Lost in Florence (2017) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2017
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Мелодрамы / Приключения / Лучшие фильмы 2017 года / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Ивэн Оппенхаймер / Evan Oppenheimer.
- Перевод:
- Любительский (многоголосый закадровый) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Турист на английском с английскими субтитрами
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able about actually adjust advice afford after afterwards again against ago agree ah Ahh Ahhh all Allow almost already Alright always am amazing America American americano Americans among Amore | an ancient and Anna another any Anybody anymore anything anyway apart apartment architect Architettura are argument army around artist artistNew Artusi as ask asked at audibles authorities awake away |
back bad badly ball bar basta battle be Beautiful because bed been before began begins being believe belly belong Besides best better between big biological birthday bit blew | blitz blonde blood Bloody blue born borrow boss box boxer boxes boy boys Bravo bride bring bringing bro broadcast brothers build building Bullshit Buona busy but By |
Caesars Calcio call came can Canada cannot capo captain Captioning Caravaggio care careful cars causing cell chance Cheers chemical Chianti Chiara | child chocolate choose church Ciao Cin city class co col Coll Colleen college coma Come comes coming common competing complete completely | complicated computer Concetta concussion Congratulations Connecticut costs could country couple course cousin cousins crap crazy Croce crush cut cutback cute cuts |
dad David DaVinci day days de deal dear decide decided decisions dei delay dense designed Deutschmark did dies difference differences different difficult | dinner dino disgrace disgusting do does doing door dork Dove down drafted dream dreaming dressed Drink drinking drive drums dumbass during |
each easy economy eighteen either Eleven else embarrass embarrassing English Enjoy enjoying enough ercole Eric euro Euros even ever every Everybody everyone everything exactly expect experience expresso |
fact fair fall familiar family Fantastic fast fault favorite feels festival few field Fiesole fight final Finally finals find fine finesse finished finishes fire | First fit five fix fleaflicker flirting Florence Florentine Florentines follow food football for forever forget found four free friend friends from fruits fun Future |
game games gave gelato GermanBelgian get gets Getting Gianni Gimignano Giovanni girl girlfriend girls give giving glad | glory go god goes going gonna good goodbye got gotta grappa Grazie great grew guess guy guys |
had half Hands handsome handtomouth happen happened happy hard has have he head hear heard heart hell help her Hercules | here hero heroic Hey Hi high him his history Hold home honest honor hoping hospital hot hours How However hurt |
idea idiot if important importantly impossible impress in injured Inside interesting into introduce Is it Italian Italians Italy |
jealous Jesus job join June Just justice |
keep keeping keeps keys kicked killed king kiss knee know known knows |
last later Law lawyer lawyers lead leading learn learned least leave left Leonardo less Let letting lie life like | liked linebacker Listen little live living local long longer look looks lose lot love loved lovely lovers loves |
mad made make makes man Manuela Many market married Massimo matter Maybe me mean means medicis meet melodramatic men met Metafora metaphor | might miles mind mine minute minutes miss missed mission missions mister Mistral mobile mom more most mother move moving much must my |
narrow necessary need needs neighborhood net never New next NFL nice Niente night No Nobody Not nothing notte Now nowhere |
of off oh Ohhh ok okay old oldfashioned Omaha on one ones only Ooh open or Orleans other our out outside over own |
Pabst pan Paolo parents past patron Pbr Pebber people pepi perfect person phone place plane play played player players playing Please | point polite Pomodoro popes practice practicing pregnant Prego prepare preseason pretending pretty probably problem problems professional professionally promised Pronto purpose |
quarterback quarters quickly |
race Ragazzi reach read ready real realize really reason reasons receiver recommendation regular rehabbing related release remember renaissance represent Respect reverse ribbon ridiculous Right riserva Rome round rowed rules run |
sack sacred said Saint saints Salvatore same Santa Santo saw say saying says scared scholarship school schools Scusa Scusi secrets security see seen serious settle sexier sexy She shit shitty shot should | shout show Shut sick side signed Signora simpler sister sit skipping sky sleep small smart So soccer sold some somebody someone something Sometimes somewhere soon sorry speak specialty spend Spirito sport sports | stadium Stand start started statues stay stayed Stefania step still stop storico story strange street struggle study stupid substitution substitutions such sucked sudden summer sun supposed Sure surprise Sweep Swiss |
tables take taken takes talk talking taught team teammate teenager tell tells Ten tense than Thank That the their them theme | Then There these they thing things think Thinking thinks this those thought three throw thugs time times tired to today together | told tomorrow Tonight too touch tourist tourists tournament toward town tradition traditional treasure tried trouble trucks true trust try trying two |
uncle understand understood university until up upfield us use used Usually |
very Vespa Via Vicolo Vieni violent visions visit volleyball |
Wait waiting Wake walking wanna want wanted wanting was waste watch water way we wedding wee weird Welcome Well were what when Where wherever while Who | Whoa why wide wife will win wish with without women wonder Wondering words work worked working works world worry worse worst Would Wow wrestler wrong |
yeah year years yes yet York You younger your yourself |
Zero |
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