Лоуренс Аравийский / Lawrence of Arabia (1962) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Фильм поведает о событиях, происходивших в Сирии, когда весь мир был охвачен войной. Лоуренс работал на британскую разведку в целях подрыва суверенитета Османской империи. Сослуживцы относились к нему скептически, надменно обсуждая Лоуренса за спиной. Но он быстро настигает своей цели, добравшись до лагеря принца Фейсала. Стремительно, без лишних сомнений он завоевывает доверие принца и его свиты. Он с должным уважением относится к их местным обычаям и традициям. Именно по этой причине он внушает уверенность в своей персоне. Проработав план захвата турецкого города, плотно населенного арабами, он предлагает армии принца действовать стихийно, обманув ожидания врага. Операция проходит блестяще.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 13 983
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
11 4078.3
219 005
- Название:
- Лоуренс Аравийский / Lawrence of Arabia (1962) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 1962
- Страна:
- Великобритания
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Биография / Драмы / Исторические / Приключения / 1960-1969
- Режиссер:
- Дэвид Лин / David Lean.
- В ролях:
- Питер О’Тул / Peter O'Toole, Алек Гиннесс / Alec Guinness, Энтони Куинн / Anthony Quinn, Джек Хоукинс / Jack Hawkins, Омар Шариф / Omar Sharif, Хосе Феррер / Jose Ferrer, Энтони Куэйл / Anthony Quayle, Клод Рейнс / Claude Rains, Артур Кеннеди / Arthur Kennedy, Дональд Вулфит / Donald Wolfit.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (многоголосый закадровый) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Лоуренс Аравийский на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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back bad badly badmannered bags bank bar Barbarous Barnum battle Be Beat beautiful Because become becomes bed Bedouin Bedouins Bedu been before beggars beginning beginnings begun behind being believe believed | belong beloved Beni Bentley beside Besides best bet Better between beyond Big bit blasphemous Blasphemy blessed Blood Bloody blow blue boat boats body Bois book books born both bothered bought | Boulogne bound bounteous bounties box boy brave bravely break breaks breakthrough brick brigade Brighton brilliant bring Britain British broke broken brought Budad built bureau burn burning business But buy By |
cabin Cairo Call calls came camel camels camp campaign Can canal cannot cap Captain care Carlo carry case catches caught cavalry ceased centuries Certainly Changed chaps charge Charming | chat Chicago chief choose Cigarette circumstances city civic civil claim clash Clausewitz Clear clever clock clown coast cocky Colonel colonial colour column Come comes coming commander common company | compared compass concentrate conference confidence consequence considered consist content Control convoy cook Corporal cottages could Council country couple Courage Courier course crack crass creature Cross crossed cruel cut |
Damascus Damn damned dark Daud day days de dead decides decision decisive declare decoration delighted Delivered democracy deny Deraa describing desert | desertloving desire desolate destiny destroying detonator Did die dies Different Difficult dine dirty discipline displays disproportion district divisions Do Does dogs | doing Dolly done doubt doubtless Doughty down dozens draw dream Dreaming dressed dried drink drinking drive drunk Dryden Due duties duty |
each Earth easily Eastern Easy effect effendi El elder electrical electricity else Empty end enemies engineers England English enjoyed enough enquire | entire entirely equally essential European even ever every Everything exactly exchange Excuse execute execution exhibitionist expect Explain explosives extraordinary |
face facts fading failure Fair Fall falling false famed far farewell Farraj Fascinating fashion fast fat father favours fear feeble feel Feisal fend fetch feud few Field | fiery Fifty fight fighters fighting figure figures filthy find finding finds finest Fire fires First fit flag flatters flesh fleshpots Flimsy flocks Flowers flunk followed food fool | foot for force forget forgiveness forgiving forgot forgotten form fine forsaken fought found four Freddie free French friend Friends From front fullscale fun function funny further fusiliers future |
gain gardens Garlands Gasim gather gave gear General generals generators Geneva gentlemen George Germans get gets Ghitan Gibbon girls give given gives glad glasses | Go God gods goes going gold golden gone gonna Good Goodbye got Gothic grateful gravest great Greedy Greek green greenness Greetings grown guessing guide Guns |
had half halflies hall Halt hand handful hands hang happen happened happens happy hard Hardly Harith harms harshly Hartley has Hashemite hat hates hath | Have having Hazimi He head head? headquarters Hear heard heart heavy hell help her Here Hey Hide hides high highly Highness himself his Hold | holding Home honour Honoured honours hope horror hospitality hot hotel hour hours house household How Howeitat However Humbly hunger hurry hurt hurts Hut |
I idea If ignite ignorant illuminating Illusions imagination imagine immediate important impudent in include Including incredible indeed independent Inevitably infantry | influence influential initiative Instructors insubordinate insulted intended intentions interest interested interesting interests interrupted into intrigue invitation Irregular is It its |
Jackson Jenkins Jerusalem Jesus Jiminy Jinsibi job Johnny join Jolly judge jurisdiction Just |
keep kill killed killing kind kindly kinds Knew knocked know knoweth Knowledge known Knows Koran |
lamps land landward large Last law Lawrence Lays lead learn learned learning least leave leaves Led left Lemonade lend let letter Lewis lie lied lies Lieutenant life | Light lighting like likes line linked lion little lives Lock London long longs Look looking looks looting Lord lose lost lot love loves low loyal lucky |
made Major make makes making mad Mallud man manage manner many marry marvellous master masters Masturah mated material Math matter matters may Maybe midday Mazril me mean means | meant mechanized Medicals Medina Mellaha member men mends mentioned mercy merely mess message met Michael Middle Might mighty miles military millionaire mincemeat Mind minding minor miracle Mistrust | modern moment Money Monsieur Monte month months moon morale More Morning Moses most music mother motive motives mountains mouth move Move South much murdered museum must My myself |
name nasty nation National native naturally nature navy Near need needs Nefud neither Never new next nice night nil Nine nisi No noble None nor north nose Not Nothing notice Now |
oar obey observe occupied ocean Oddly of older off offer offered offering office officer officers Oh Old on once One | Only operations opinion Or order orders ordinary other Others Our ourselves out outcasts outrageous over overheard overweening owe owes own |
packs paper Pardon part pass patient pay Payment Peace people perfectly perform particularly perhaps Perkins permit personally petitions Picot picture pictures pigeon Pillar | pinched pines pistol place plant plastered play Please pleasure Plenty poet politician politicians poor population Port post posted Potter Pound pounds power powerhouse | powwow pray precious Present price Prince principle Prisoners privilege problem profit promised promoted promoting propose protected Protecting proved provide pumping push properly Put |
quaintness quartered quest question questions quick quite |
range rather ration reach read ready real really reason Rebels Recite recognized recommend refuse release relieve remain remark remember Remind reports request resemble resist responsibility Rest | restricts retain retreating return revolt richest rid ride ridiculous riding rifle Right rising river robbed robes romantic room rotten route Ruala rub Rubbish Rumm railway running |
Safra Sahkr Said Salaam Salute same Say saying says scatter scholar sea Search second Seconded secretary sector See Seek seem seems seen Selim sell Send sense sent servant serve serves serving set settle settling Several shave shake Shall shame shameless share She sheets sheiks | Sherif shift shilling shop suspicion short shot should shoulder show Shut side sideshow Signed silly simple simply Since Sir sit six size skin slept Slim Small smaller smash So soil soldiers some somebody someone something somewhere Son sooner Sorry soul sound spare speak speaking | special spent spot squash staff Stand start starting state stay stayed steal stealing step still Stop stories storm story strike struggle stuff such Suez sultan summer summon sun superior supply Support supports Suppose supposed sure Surely surprise Surrey surrounded sword Sykes sympathetic syndicated |
Take taken takes taking talk talking taste Tayi Tosh teach teaching teacup Technical teeth Telephone telephones tell tells temperament tempted Ten tent terrible than Thank Thanks That The theatre thee theft Their them Themistocles themselves then There | therefore These They thick thieves thing things think thinks this Thomas thornier those thou Though thought threatened Three thrifty through thy till Time times To Today told tomorrow tongue too took towards town toys Tracey tracked teacher | tracking Train training travel tread treasure treated Treaty tribal tribe tribes Tribute trick tricks tried trifle troops trouble troubles trousers True Truly Trust truth try trying tulip Tunbridge Turk Turkey Turkish Turks turn turned turning Twentyseven Two |
ugly Umph under understand understood unit units unless until unused up Upon us use using usually |
vague vale vanished Verily Very vices victory VIP virtues |
Wadi waiting wake walk walking want wanted wants war warned wars was wash waste Watch water way We weapons wear week weight Wejh Well | were west Western What Whatever When Where Wherever whether which while who whoever whole wholly whom whose Why widely will William willing win wiser | Wish with within without wog wogs wonder wondering word words work world worse worst weeks worth Would wounded wounds write writing written Wrong |
Yeah year years Yenbo Yes Yet you Young Your yourself |
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