Американская пастораль / American Pastoral (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Сеймур прошел все ужасы войны и вернулся домой. Познакомившись с самой красивой девушкой Нью-Джерси Сеймур Ирвин Левов создает прочную семью. Продолжая дело отца, он стал достойным гражданином своей страны. Вскоре у пары рождается дочка Мэри. Время идет. Дочка повзрослев становится бунтаркой, ее подозревают в организации терактов. Мэри разыскивает полиция и девушка вынуждена скрываться. Больше никогда все не будет как прежде. Мечты и надежды Сеймура рушатся в одночасье.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 7 626
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
6 0906.1
9 874
- Название:
- Американская пастораль / American Pastoral (2016) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2016
- Жанр:
- Фильмы со словарем на английском / Драмы / Криминальные / Лучшие фильмы 2016 года / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Юэн МакГрегор / Ewan McGregor.
- В ролях:
- Юэн МакГрегор / Ewan McGregor, Дженнифер Коннелли / Jennifer Connelly, Дакота Фаннинг / Dakota Fanning, Питер Ригерт / Peter Riegert, Руперт Эванс / Rupert Evans, Узо Адуба / Uzo Aduba, Молли Паркер / Molly Parker, Вэлори Керри / Valorie Curry, Ханна Нордберг / Hannah Nordberg, Джулия Силверман / Julia Silverman.
- Перевод:
- Любительский одноголосый закадровый +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Американская пастораль на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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abducted abhor able About abstract accept accounts accused Across actually add Adorable adore afraid Africa after again against age agents ago agree agreement Ah ahead aim ain't air airport alarm alert aliases alive alive" All | alleged allegedly allow allowed alone along already Always am America American an and anger angry another Answer antieverything antiwar any anybody anymore anymore, anyone anything anyway anywhere apes April architect Architect's are aren't argue arising | arm arms around arrest arrived arriving art article artist as ashamed Ask asked asking asks asleep ass asshole assumed aswe at athlete Atlantic attachments attention audience Audrey available avoiding Avon aw award away awful |
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cab cago calf call called calling came can candid cannot can't capitalist Capitol captain captive cards care carefully Caribbean carried carry cat catch Catechism Catholic caught celebrated cemetery ceremony chances chauffeur check checks Chica Chicago child childhood children | child's chooses Christ Christmas Christ's city civilization civilized class classes classic classmates cliches clock close closer clown coat Cohen coincidence collective college Come comes coming committee communion community commuted competition complexioned conclusion conference confirms congratulate congressional conscience constitutes contact | contagious contented contest control controlling cook Cookie cops corn correct correspondent costs could couldn't could've council Count country countryside County couple course cow cows cradle crave crazies crazy creeping Cross crowd crown cruelty crushing cry curfew curfew's cut |
Dad Daddy damage damn danced darling daughter daughter's Dawn Dawnie Dawn's Day days dead deal dear death debutante decent decide defend defending degree Democratic demonstrators | departments depression description deserve design destroyed Did didn't die died difference difficult disagree disappointed discovered display divine do do: doctor Does Doesn't dog doing dollars | done don't double down downtown dragging drawn Dream dress dressed drifters drink drive driver drove Duc During dusted dwell Dwyer dying dynamite |
ear Easter easy eat edible effect effective Ehrlichman either Electra Elizabeth else employees | end ended energy enjoyed enough escaped Eucharist evade even ever every everybody Everybody's | everyone Everyone's Everything evidence Exactly Excuse expands expect expected exploited Express |
facelift faces factory fail fair Fake family famous far farm farmer fascist fast fate father fathers FBI fear Feel feeling feels feet few field fighting | filled find fine finish finished fire First fist fit five fix flame flesh floor Florida fly follow followed followed" food football For forced Fordham foremost | forget Forgive forgot form forms forward Fosse found founder Four Fourth frail Freddy friend friends frightened from fuck fucked Fucking funeral funny future |
gaga game gasoline gathered gave Geneva gentle gentlemen Get gets Getting girl girl's give given glad glove | gloves go God Gods God's goes Going Goldwater gone gonna good Goodbye got gotten governor Governor's grandchild | grandfather Grandpa grateful Great greatest Greyhound gross ground growing Guard guess guesser guessing guests |
Had Haldeman half halfremembered halfway hamburgers Hamlin Hamlins hand handle hands handsome Hanoi happen happened happening happy hard Hare harm Harry has hasn't hated hates Have haven't having He | hear heard hearing heart heartless heifer held hell He'll Hello help helping Hepburn her Here hereto hero hers herself he's hey hid hidden high highest highlyperfectionist highlypressured | him himself his history Hmm hold hole Holy home homework honey Hong hope hospital hotel hour house How How's huckleberry huh human hunch Hundreds hung hurt hurting husband |
I'd idea identity If ill I'll I'm imagine immovable" important impossible imprisoned in incident including | Indian industry inebriation infant's influence informant information innocent inside instructions intact intelligent intent interest into | introduce involved involvement Irish Irving is isn't isolated issue it It'll its It's I've |
jail Jain Jane's January Jerry Jerry's Jersey | Jesse Jesus Jew Jewish Jews job jobs | jocko John Johnson Johnson's join jump Just |
Kaddish kangaroos Keep Kennedy kept kicks kid kids | kill killed killing kind Kiss Klan Klux knee kneels | knew Knock know knows Kong Krishna Ku |
labor ladies Lady lake landowner last Lawrence Lawson lead learn least leather Leave Leaving left leg less let | Levov liar lie lies Life lifeguards lifeless light Like liked likely likes Limbo line link listen little live lives living | local locals lonesome long Look looked looking looks loot lose lost lot lotus Lou love lovely loving lowest lullaby Lyndon |
machine Macy's made madhouse madman magazine magic magical Maid Main make Make love makes making mamzers man manager manipulated manor man's mansion many march Marines married marry marrying Marx Mary mask match maybe mayor me | mean means meant medicine meet meeting memories men mental Mer Meredith Merry Merry's met Mets middle middleaged middleclass might miles milk million mind minds minor minute minutes minutes' mirror miserable miss missing Mississippi mitzvah | mixed Mmhmm Mmm moaned Mom moment Mommy" Monday money monk months Moon more morning Morris most mother motherfuckers mothers mounted mourner's move moveable moved moving Mr Mrs much murder music must my myself mystery |
name Nathan nation National nation's naturally near need negro negroes neighborhood neither never | new Newark news next nice night nightmare Nixon No nobody none nonsense Nor | nose nostalgia not not every day note nothing notice now nowhere number nuns nurse nut |
object o'clock of off offense office officer offices Oh Okay old older on one | ones only open operation oppose or Orcutt Orcutts ordinary Oregon organic organisms original origins | other others Otherwise Ouch ought Our out outlaws outside outweigh over own owned owner |
pageant paid painter paints pair pairs pamphlets pants parent parents parking part pass past pay peace penance Penny people perfectionist perhaps person Phoenix phone physiological pick picks picnic picture pictures piece piled pillar pipe pipes Pittsburgh | place placed plainly plan plant planted plaque plastic plate play playing pleasant please pleasure plumber plumber's point police political politics poor popped ports possessed possession possible possibly post posture poured poverty power practices Precinct Precious Precisely | predominantly prepare present press pretentious pretty prick priest priests princess Princeton prison prisoner private pro probably problem programming Promise promised property prostrated protect protecting protest protesters protestors proud psychologist public Puerto punish punishment Put |
Quang queen question questions |
radical radio ragtime rainbow's raise raised raising ran raped rather Ray reach Read reading Real reality realize really reason reborn received recite regular | relinquish remake remember renounce repellent report reported Republic Republican residents respect responsibility responsible Rest restroom retaliation reunion revolution Revolutions rewrite ribbons richfuck | Rico rid ride ridiculous riding Right rights Rimrock riot riots rise Rita river robbed rock rockribbed rocks rode room rot rules run Russ |
sacraments Sacrifice safe safer said sake same sanctuary sat saved saw Say saying says scare scared scene scholarship School Scout scrapbook search second sect See seeing seem seems seen sell selling Senate senator Send sense sent sentimentality serious several sexual Seymour shake sharp She she'd sheepskin Sheila Sheila's She'll she's Shh shiksa shipped shirt shit shoes shooting shop | shore short shortorder shot should shouldn't shoveled shower shrink shut sick side sin Since sir six size Skip sleep Sleepy slogan slowly small smaller smart smartest smell smiling Smith Sniper snipers so society sold soldiers some Somebody somebody's someday somehow someone someplace Something Sometimes son soon sorry soul souls space speak special speech spent spoke spot stand standing start | started state station stay stayed staying steaks step stepped Stick still stitches stitching Stop stopped stopped" storekeeper story strategy streak street streets strength stress strong strongly structure stubborn student students stupid stutter stuttering stutters subtle suburbs such suddenly suffer suffering summer sunroom support suppose supposed sure surely surgeon surprises survive sustain Swede Swede's sweetheart switchboard Switzerland Sylvia system |
tacks tag take taken taking Talk talked talking talks tan tapping Taste tastes teach teacher teachers team teammates teenager teeth tell telling ten terrible terrified test than thank thanks that that's the their them | Then theories therapist there therefore these thesis They They'd they're they've thing things think thinking thinks this those though thought three through throwing thrown Thursday ticket till time to today together told tombstone tomorrow | tongue tonight too took totally touch towering town townhouse track tractors tragedy train trauma travel treat tribe trick tricked tried trip trivial trotted trouble troubled troublemakers true try trying Tuesday turn turned turning Twentyone Two |
uh ump uncle's underground understand understands unemployment unhappy unintelligent Union unless unmarked unsettling until up upon upperclass upsurge urging us use used |
van vehicle veil very Vick Vicky victims Vietnam Vietnamese Viking villages violence violent voice von vows
Wait Waitin' walk wall walls wanna want wanted wants war warrant Was washes wasn't watch Watching water Watergate way we wealthy wear wearing we'd Wednesday week weekends welcomed well We'll | went Were We're west Western we've Wharton What Whatever what's when where Where's whether which while white Who whole whom who's whose Why Why are we here widened wife will window winning | wipe wish with Without witnessing woman women won won't wood word words work worked workers working works world Worried worrying worst would wouldn't wound write writer written wrong wrote |
Yeah year years Yes yet Yogi York you you'd you'll young younger your you're yours yourself you've |
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