Близость / Closer (2004) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 67 627
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
55 1477.2
193 795
- Название:
- Близость / Closer (2004) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2004
- Страна:
- США, Великобритания
- Жанр:
- Драмы / Мелодрамы / 2004 / Фильмы со словарем на английском
- Режиссер:
- Майк Николс / Mike Nichols.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Близость на английском с английскими субтитрами
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About Absolutely Accept Accepted accident accurate acquainted actually Add addicted admire adult advertising advice after afternoon again ago Alcohol alcoholic Alice alive all allowed | almost alone always am Americano amuse amusement an and angel angry animal animals Anna anniversary another Answer Any anymore anyone anything apes apologize apology | appalling appreciate Aquarium aquariums Are armor around arrived art arty as ashamed ask Asked asking assholes assume at attempt attitude away awful Ayres |
baby back baggage bar based bastard bath bathroom be Beady bear beard bearing beautiful beautifully beauty Because become bed been before Beg began begging | behind being believe bellboys belle bend best bet better between beyond big bird birthday bit bitch blame bleeding block bloke blood bloody blue body | book boost bore boring Borrowing both bought boy Boyfriend brain breaking bring broken brutal brute bullshit bunch bus business buster Busy but by Bye |
cabbie call called calling calls came cameras can care Careful carnival Carol cash cat Cathedral caveman ceiling celebrate central chairs change changes charm chat check checked cheeky Cheers children chink choice cabbie | chosen Christ christen Christmas cigarette Cigarettes class clean cleaner clever clinical closed clothes club coat cock coked cold come comes coming common communication completely comprehension compromise computer con concierge condition conferences confirm | Congratulations contact conversation conversed convivial corner Corresponded could count country course cover coward Cowardice crackers crap cream creaming criminal criticisms crossed crusts cry crying cunt cunts cup Cupid currency customer cut cyberspace |
Dan Daniel darling day dead dealing deceiving Deception deceptive decides Decoration dedicating Deep democratic depressed depressing depressive Depressives dermatological dermatologist dermatology | deserve desire desired desperate devious diagram Did die died Different difficult dirty Disappear disappointing Disarming discuss disgusting distance distinctive divorce do | Doc doctor Does dog doing dolls dome done door Double doubt down downstairs draining dreams dressed dressing drink drooling drop drowning |
each easy eat editor Eight either Elle else end ended endlessly English Enjoy enjoyed enough euphemism euphemisms even evening ever every Everybody everyone Everything exactly Except Excuse exhibit exhibition expect expedition exquisitely extra Extraordinary eyebrows eyes |
face fact facts fail Failed familiarity famous fancied fancy fat father feel feelings fell female few fight file film filth final | find fine finished first fish fist flared flares flattered flirt flirting floor floozy flowers flush flushed focused food for forehead | forever forget forgive forgiven forgiveness forgot found Four free fridge friendly Frog from fuck fucked fucker fucking fun Funny future |
games gap Gay gear geek general Gentler genuine German get getting gifts girl girlfriend girls give given glittering global go God goddess going | gone gonna good Goodbye gorgeous Got gotta gown Graham gray great green greeted grieve grown guessed guilt guilty Guinness guts guvnor guy guys |
habits had hand hands Hang Hanging happen happened happier happiness Happy harder hardly Harry has hate hates have having hazard | he head headshot hear heart Heaven held hellhole Hello helmet her here hero heroine herself hesitated Hi him himself | his hit hold holiday home honest honesty hope horrible hospital hotel How huge human hungry hurt hurting hurts husband |
I ice idea identities idiot if imagine implied important in inner innocent inside intention interested interesting interrupt intimacy into invoice is it its |
Jane jealous Jesus job joke jokes Jones journalism journalist Judging judgmental Jump just justice justifying |
Keep kept kill killed Kind kindness kiss kissed kissing knackered knew knickers know knows |
Larry last late Later lawyer lead least leave leaves leaving left leg legs less let level lf Liar liberty licking | lie lied life like liked likes line linguist lippy listened little live lives living lntense lnternet lobby lobster London lonely | long loo look Looking looks lot Lots lovable love loved loves loving Lovingly lrrelevant luck lunatic lunch lurk lurking lying |
made magnificent make makes making male man manage manuscript many marriage married marry matter matters may Maybe me mean Meaning | means meant medium meet men mention mentioned Messerschmitt met middle midnight might milk million mind mine minute mirror misery miss | missed mistake misunderstand mocking Modern moment money months more moronic most mother move much muse Museum must my myself |
naked name names nappies nastiest nasty near need needed needs Neither Net never nevertheless New next Nice nicely night no none not note nothing novelist now nymph |
obits obituaries Obituarist obscene Observe observer observing obsessed Occupational of off okay old on one only open opening operation or other others otherwise our out outside over owe own owner |
page paid papers paperwork paradise Paranoid park passport patient patients Patriotism pay pen people perfect permed pervert phenomenal phone photo | Photographing photos picking picture pictures piece piss pissing pity place places plain plane play please pleased pleasure Pluto pneumatic poisoning | poke Policeman polite Poor Portraits Possibility post postcards practical practice prefer prescription pretend pretending pretty Previous prick princess private prize |
queen question Quite |
Raging raise rate read real Really reasons reassuring recently reckon red refused relevant remember remove resist respect responsible retro return returned returning revenge rich ridiculous right Rigorous riot road robots romantic room ruined rule rules run rush Ruth |
sad safe said Saint sake sales same sandwiches sank sat savages saving saw say saying says scared scars scrap sea second seconds security see seeing seem seems seen sees selfish sell send sent Separated separation serious serving sex Shall shame She shirt shit short should Show showed | shower showing Siberia sick sideways sign signed simple simplicity Since sincerely single sir Sit skip slag sleek sleep slept slight sloucher slowly sly small smell smoke smoker smoking smug sneaky sneer snoring So Some somebody somehow someone something Sometimes somewhat somewhere soon Sorry sort spent spirit spoils | spoilt spoke spoken spying stage stalk stand stay staying stealing stepped still stitches stop stopped Straight strange stranger Strangers strength stringy strip stripper Stripping strong studio studying stupid success successful Such sucking suffer suffering sugars Suite Suites Sultan Sunday suppose supposed Supposing sure surgery surprise swear sweeter |
take taken Taking talent talk talking tall taller taste Taxi tea telescope Tell telling tells temporary tends terminal Terrible test testing than Thank Thanks that the their them theme Then therapeutic there | these they thief thing things think third This those thought three through till time times tip Tired Tit title to toad today together told tomorrow tonic too took top totally touch | touched Tough tour tourists towering trace traffic train treat trial Trick tricky tried trip trouble trout true truly Trust trusting truth truthful Try trying Tuna turn turned turning Twenty Twice Two |
Understand understands unhappy unleavable unless up us use used using |
vacation valued vanished Venus version Very victim viewing vision vodka voice vulgar |
waif wait waiters waiting waitress wake walked walks wank wanker wanking want wanted wants war was wash wasting watched way ways we wearing week | weekend weeping welcome Well went were wet whale What Whatever wheedles when Where which while white Who whole whore whores Why Wider wife wig | Will wish witch with without woman won wonderful Woolf words Work worked working works world would wrapped write writer writing written wrong wrote |
year years Yes yesterday York you young younger your Yours yourself yourselves youth |
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