Лазурный берег / By the Sea (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Картина раскрывает отношения супружеской пары, проживших в браке четырнадцать лет. Роланд - американский писатель, некогда пользующийся популярностью. Но сейчас он переживает творческий кризис, и вдохновение, кажется оставило его. Ванесса - бывшая танцовщица, срывающая бурные овации зрителей. Хрупкая женщина оставила карьеру ради любимого. А теперь совместная жизнь утратила смысл, потому что не дарит прежней радости, не вызывает положительных эмоций. Остались только претензии, безразличие и робкое молчание. В попытках уберечь непрочный союз парочка отправляется в путешествие по Франции. Остановившись в маленькой провинции у моря у них появляется надежда возобновить былую страсть.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 25 574
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
8 4325.3
14 585
- Название:
- Лазурный берег / By the Sea (2015) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2015
- Режиссер:
- Анджелина Джоли / Angelina Jolie.
- В ролях:
- Брэд Питт / Brad Pitt, Анджелина Джоли / Angelina Jolie, Мелани Лоран / Melanie Laurent, Мельвиль Пупо / Melvil Poupaud, Нильс Ареструп / Niels Arestrup, Ришар Боренже / Richard Bohringer, Марика Грин / Marika Green, Сара Науди / Sarah Naudi, Альдо Бонтемпо / Aldo Buontempo, Филипп Мартине / Philippe Martinet.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Лазурный берег на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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about Absolutely acting actually adventure again ago agreed ahead All alone always | Am American an analyze and angry anniversary another Any anymore anything Anyway | anyways anywhere Are art as ask asked assholes assume at Aw |
baby back bad balcony barren bataille Batman be beautiful because become bed been | begin Being belonging belote berries best better Between big bit blowing boats | body Bonjour Bonsoir book books bored bother bought bring But by Bye |
can car cards catches change Cheers child children Christ church cigarette close coffee Come comes coming consider could couple course cream |
damn Dance dancer darling day days dealer Dear deed desirable desires destroy destroyed Did different differently difficult | dinner Disgusting Do Does doing done door down draft dress dressed drink drinking drive drunk drunks dull |
each early Easy eat either encounter End enough escargot even evening ever every everybody everyone everything |
fail failed fantastic feel feels fight figured find fine first fish fisherman food for forgive Four fresh friend friends from Fuck Fucking fun funny |
gallery game garbage get getting girls go God goes going gonna Good got gotta great grew grocery guess guide guy |
had hair hand hands happening happiness happy hard Hardly has hate have having he head | hear heard heart heavy heels Hello help her here Hey Hi highest hill him his | Hmm hold hole home homemaker honest Honey honeymoon hope hopefully horrible how Huh hurt husband |
If illustrate imagine in insane insides inspiration interesting invite is It |
jacket jealous Jesus join just |
keeps kind king kiss knew know knowing |
la lately later laying Lea legs let life Like liked liquored listen little long look looking lord lost Love loved lovely loves lying |
make makes making man many marriage married match May maybe me | mean meet memories Merci met Michel might milk mind miserable missed | missus Mmm moi moment month months more Morning move much my |
name nasty natural need needed neighbor neighbors neither Ness Nessa never New | next nice night no nobody Nope not Nothing noticed November now number |
of off often okay old on one only opened opinions or other our ours out outsides over Ow own |
painful pair Paris passed past pastis pastries pays peacefully People person perverse pick | pigeon pill piss pity place plan plastered plates play Please Plus point points | popping port practice prayed prefer pregnant pretend Pretty properly publish pull pure push |
question quote |
radio rate read reading realize really reason Rebelote remember resist return ridiculous right Roland Roly room ruin |
said sailing salt same say sea see seems seen sees self She shit shocking shoes shopping should shower | sick silly Sit sleep sleeping smell smiling smoke smoking so some someone something Sometimes somewhere sorry sound speak | spend started Stay still Stop store story strange strength strong stronger such sudden suppose Sure sweet |
take takes taking talk talked talking teach Technically tell telling tells term terrible than Thank that the | their theirs them Then there They thighs thing things think thinking This Thought three through tide time | tired to Toast today together told tomorrow Tonight too touch tough trick tried trip true truth try trying turns two |
uncle understand unfair unhappy unknown until up us used usual |
Vanessa very victim visit voice |
Wait waiting wake walk walked wanna want wanted wants was watch watched watching way we week Well went were What When Where while Who | why wife Will wine Winter wish With woke woman won wonderful word words work working world worry worth would write writer writing wrong wrote |
Yeah years Yes York yorkers You your yours yourself |
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