Тринадцать друзей Оушена / Ocean's Thirteen (2007) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 49 309
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
121 1296.9
279 688
- Название:
- Тринадцать друзей Оушена / Ocean's Thirteen (2007) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2007
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Криминальные / Триллеры / 2007 / Фильмы со словарем на английском / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Стивен Содерберг / Steven Soderbergh.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Тринадцать друзей Оушена на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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Abigail able about above absolutely accelerator acceptable access accessed accommodate According accuracy ace aces acknowledge acres act action acts actual actually admit advance advances afraid after again against age agenda agent ago agree ahead air airport | alarm alarms Alex algorithm alive All Allen Allow ally almost alone along already Alright also always am ambitious Ambulatory American amongst an analogue analyzed and angel animal another answer answers Anthony anticipation Any anybody anymore anyone | anything Anyway appearance appeared applause appreciate appropriate approval are around arrangement artificial As Asia Asian ask asked asking asks ass assignments assistance assistants associates at ate Atomano attack attempted attend audience available avoid Award away |
baby babydoll Back background backup bad badge balls band Bank Bankable barber based Bash Basher basis basket battle be beat beaten beautiful because become bed beds been before begin Beijing being Believe believed Bellagio belong Benedict Bernie Berry besides best bet bets | better betting between beyond big biggest bike bikes billion Billy Bine biofeedback birth birthday bit bitch Black blame blank Blast blides blind blitz block bloody blown blueprints board boarding body bogus boiling bonded bone book booked boot boring born borrow boss both | bother bottle bought boulevard bounce bowl box boy boys bragged brain breached bread break breakfast bribe brilliant bring British Brody broke brother brought buddies buddy building built bular bullet Bun? bunch bureau burn business bust but butt buy buying by Bye Byllups |
cage Caldwell call called calling calls came camera cameras Camp Can Cantonesian capacitor car cardio cards care careful Carlo carries carry cars cartilage Cartwheel case cash casino casinos casts catch catches Cattled caught celebrate celebrates celebration cent centre certain Certainly chance chances chandeliers change changed changing characters charade charges charity Chateau | cheated check checking checks chefs Chemical Cheng cherry children chips choice Chubb Chuck Chunnel Cigarou cinco City clap classy clay clean cleanliness clear Clickers clientele clock close closed code coded Coin Coins collar collateral combination come comes coming commission committed communicator community company compasses complaining complicated compulsion computer concierge concrete concussion | condition conditioner conditioning conditions conduit confederates confidence Confirmed Congratulations consciousness Consider considerate contact contacts contingency contracts control controlled conventioneers conversations cops corner corporation cougar could Council count counting counts couple course cover covered Craps crazed crazy credit Crest crime criminal critical cruel crush crying Cue cuisine Cum customer customers cut |
dad damage dangerous Daniel Danny data database date day days De dead deadweight deaf deal dealer Dear Debbie December decided decisions deed deep defended defraud defrauded delicate deliver Dell demonstration Denny deny deployed deposit | Desert designed desk desks desperate despises details detect determine diamantes Diamond diamonds dice Did die different digging digit digital digits dignified dilation directly disaster discipline disregard disregarding distractions do dock documented does doing | Dolittle dollar dollars Dolly domino dominos donated done door double doubt down downstairs downtime downtown dozen Dragon drawing drawings dress dressed drill drive dropped drug duct Dude dug dump dumped dumplings dunes during |
each early ears earthquake easy eat eater effect effort Ego either elders electrifying elegance elevated elevator elevators eleven else embarrassed embedded embrace Emiliano empty encourage End | ended ends endured energy engaged English enjoy enormity enough entire entrance equipment establishment establishments estate Eugene evacuate evacuation evasive Even event ever every Everybody everyone everything | ex exabyte exabytes exact exactly Excellent Except exchange excitement exciting exclusive excruciating Excuse exit exits expected expensive experience explanation Expo exposing Express Extension extraordinary eyeball eyes |
face faces fact factory failed fair fall false Family far fares fast faster father fault favour February federal feel feet fellows felt Fender few fi field fight fighting | Figured figures file finance find finest fingerprint fingerprints fingers finish finished fire fired firewall fireworks first Five fixed flagrant Flamingo flatter flatware floor flower foe follow followed following | food for forbidden foreshock forever Forget forgotten fork foster fought found frame Frank frankly fraud free French frequency friend friendly Friends from front full fully funny |
gag gained gala gamble game gamer games gaming gathers gave gear general Genmaicha gentile gentleman gentlemen Genuine Gerry get gets getting | Gilroy Gimme give given glad glass Gloves go God goddamn goes going gold golf gone gong gonna good Goodbye got Gotta | gotten Graci grand Grant grateful Great greatest Greco Green grey Grind group grow Guapi guard guess guests guidebook gun guy guys |
hack hacked had Half hammer hand handcuffs handicap handle handlers handpicked hang Hanna happen happened happening happy hard hardly hardware Hardwell has hat hate have Having he | heading Headline health heap hear heard hearing hears heart heartbeat hearts heavy Heel held helipad hell Hello help helps her here Hey Hi high highest Highly Highness | him himself hinges hired his history hit Hitler Ho hold holding home homes honest honour hope hoping hotel hottest hour hours house housed how hunt hurt hygiene |
I ice icon idea ideal ideas iei if illegal image imagine important Impossible impregnable impress impulses in inch inches incident | increase incredible indeed independent index industry infarction infiltrates information initiative inject ink innkeeper inside instance ?nt?mpla intelligence interest interesting | interference interior into introduce introduced intrude Inuit inventor invested Investigation investment involved ironclad Irwin is Isabel It Italy items |
Jack jail jammed January Jesus job jobs jokes Jones Jos journalista July jump jumping just |
Kabota karat keep keeping Kelso Kensington kept kick kid Kidding kids Kill killed kind kinda kindness kiting knee knees knew knock know knowing known knows |
labor labour ladies land lap laptop lar larger largest Las Last later latest laugh laughing law lawyers laying Lazy lead leading leads Leanne least leave leaving left leg legend | legitimate legs lend Lenny Lester let letter letters level levels lie life light lighter like liked likely limits line Ling Linus list listed Listen listening literature little live lives | living Livingston loaded loans location lockdown locks lonely long longer longhairs Look looked looking looks lord lose loses losses lost lot lotta love low loyalty lubricating luckily lucky lying |
machine machines macro made magazine magnetron mags main Maior make makes man management manager managers maniac manipulated Manny manpower manufacturer many marble March mark market Martin Mary mask mass master match Matches matter mattered matters | Maxim may Maybe me mean meaning means meant measure measures Meckler meetings men message messages messy met metallic metaphor Mexico Michelin microcomputer Midas middle midnight might mille million millions minds mine minimum minute minutes miss | Missed Mississippi mister model models Mohabi moment money monitor monitoring monstrosity Monte Montgomery month months mood moon more morning most mother motion motivation motorcycle mounted mouth move moved much multiple mushroom must My myself myth |
Nagel name named names natural navy necessary neck need needs negotiate neighbors Neil neither nervous Nevada Never new | news next nice night nine nipple No Nobody normally north northwest nose not notes Nothing now nowhere nu |
oaspete oblivious obviously occupant Ocean ocup of off offense offer offering office offline OK Okay old olive on one online only Ooh open opened | opening openings opens operation opportunity Oprah Optimizers or order organisations originally Ortega other others Otherwise our out outta over overbooked overstayed owe own owner |
Pack paid pains pall pancake papa paper Paris part Partner partners pass passed pauz? pay paying payment Peace Peloponnesian people Pep pepper Pepperidge per perfect Perhaps Permanently permutation person personal perversely Pestrana phone phones physical Pick picture piece | piggyback pineapple pissed pit place placement plan plane plans plaques plate play playback played Player players playing plays please pleasurable pleasure plug pockets point polymer pompous pool poor position Positive possible post postdate potential pounds Pour power | powerful practice prayers prepared present pressing pressure pretty preview priced Prime principal prints privin?a probability probably problem professional program progressive Progressors projecting promised promotion proof prop property province public puff pull pulling pulses pulverated punch pupil purchased put |
quarter questions quick quickly quit |
raged Raise ran rancher Randall randomizer range rated rates reach reaches react reacts read reading reads ready real realised really rear reason reasons reboot Rebooting reboots received receivers reception rechecking recommend recover register regulament | regular Relationships relax rely remarkable remember remote removed repeated replace replicas report rerouted research reservation reserved respect rest restaurant restaurants restored restul results retails Reuben revenge reverse Review reviewing Rice rid Rides riding rig | right rights rigs risk risotto roads Robert rock role roll roller rolls Roman roof room rooms rope roses Rouben Rough roulette round Routes Royal Rpm rub rude Rueben rule rules Run Running Rush Rusty |
sad safely safety said sake salary same Samsung Sanders Sands Saphir Saul saw Saxon say saying says scam scanner school schoolmate Scientists scoop screen screw screws Scuzi se Sean searched seat seats Second seconds secret secure security seducing see seeing seem seemed seems segment seismograph seminar Sen send sending senior sensitive sensors September sequence serios serious seriously serve served server set sets settle settling sewer shadow shaft shafts Shake shaken shall share Shataki she sheets Shelden Shields shill | shirt Shit shock shocked shoe shook shoot short shot should show showboat shows Shuffle shut shuts Si side sidewalls sign signed signing signore signori silverwear Since Singapore sir Six sixes skirts slack sleep sleeve slice slots small smaller smart smell smells smiling Snake snap So sober socket soft soil Solid solvent some somebody somehow someone something sometimes somewhere son soon sophisticated sorry sort sound sounds south sparkling specifically specs spending spin spirits spitting spoke Sponder spooky spot spread | Staff stages stain stakes Stalled stamped Stan standard standards standbys standing start starters starting state statement states stay steal stealing steel step stepped sticky still stimulate stolen stop stopping Store stories story straight straighten straightened strategy streak street strength stress strike Strip stroke strongly structure stuck stuff Stunning stunt stunts stupid style subtle success such suddenly suggestion suiting suits sun super supply support supposed sure surprise surprises surveillance survival Susan suspicion swear sweetheart swimsuit Switch switched switching system |
table tables Tahiti take taken takes taking talk talked talkin talking tap tapped tardy targets taste tasteful tea team teams technical technology Teddy tell tells temperature temperatures ten tension terabyte terabytes term terrible Terry Tess test testing than thank Thanks that the | their theirs them then there these they thick thicker thickness thievery thing things think thinking Third This those though thought threat three thrill through Throw throwing Tianjin tie Tiffany tight time timing Timmy tip tips tired tivo to together told tomorrow tomorrows | tonight too took top torsion torture total tough Toulour toward towards towel tower town Tracker train transfer trapdoor Travis treating trees tremendous tremor Tricode tried Trilby trip trust trusted try trying Tulico tuning tunnel Turk Turn twelve twice twisted Two |
ultrasonic unconstitutional under underneath underpaid understand understands unfortunately Ungettable unified uniform Unimportant unless unorthodox until unusual up upcoming Upon upsets us use used usually |
valid valuable variations Vegas very vessel vice victory viewing views villa villas VIP Virgil virtually visas visit volume Vorbesc |
Wait waiting waitress waitresses wake walk walked walking wanna want wanted wants war warehouse warm warmth was Washington watch watching water waters way ways We weak weakness wearing week | weekenders weight Welcome Well Wells Weng went were wet whales what wheels when whenever Where whether Which while whispering white who whole Whoops why wife Will Willie willing win | wine winner winning winnings wins wired wires with within without wobble woman women won wondering words work worked workers working world worried worth would Wow wowser Wright wrong |
yank Yawn Yeah Yes yet You young your yours yourself |
Zapata zice |
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