Красотка / Pretty Woman (1990) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Молодой и амбициозный миллионер Эдвард Льюис возвращался поздно ночью домой, и к своему стыду заблудился по пути. Но пустые улицы, кажется не оставили надежду на возвращение в родной Беверли-Хилз. Эдвард решает узнать дорогу у девушки легкого поведения. Вивьен на редкость оказывается милой и привлекательной. Пока Вивьен с искренним порывом помочь страннику дает ориентиры в местности, он проникается к незнакомке симпатией. Не долго думая, Эдвард приглашает девушку к себе в отель. Неожиданно, партнеры по бизнесу предлагают мужчине крупную сделку, но на приеме необходимо появится в сопровождении спутницы. Так как Эдвард одинок, он предлагает Вивьен составить ему компанию, за отдельную плату, разумеется. За шесть проведенных дней вместе, девушка начинает испытывать к мужчине то чувство, которое за деньги не купить.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 274 966
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
226 1137.1
306 035
- Название:
- Красотка / Pretty Woman (1990) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 1990
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Комедии / Мелодрамы / 1990-1999 / Фильмы со словарем на английском / Фильмы на английском с бесплатным доступом
- Режиссер:
- Гэрри Маршалл / Garry Marshall.
- В ролях:
- Ричард Гир / Richard Gere, Джулия Робертс / Julia Roberts, Ральф Беллами / Ralph Bellamy, Джейсон Александер / Jason Alexander, Лора Сан Джакомо / Laura San Giacomo, Алекс Хайд-Вайт / Alex Hyde-White, Эми Ясбек / Amy Yasbeck, Элинор Донахью / Elinor Donahue, Гектор Элизондо / Hector Elizondo, Джудит Болдуин / Judith Baldwin.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Фильм Красотка на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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able about Absolutely acceptable accompany accompanying acquisition across act actually Adam Adams additional address advice aerobics affection afford afraid after afternoon again ago agree Ah ain't air airport Al Albertson Alex All allow | allowed almost alone along already also always Am American amount An and Angel Angeles angry Anne another answer ants any anybody anyhow anyone Anything Anyway anywhere apart apartment appealing appears appointment appreciate appropriate | appropriately Appropriations appйtit are aren't arm around arranged arrangements arrested art As ashamed aside ask asked asking ass Asshole assume assuming Astaire at attached attention attic attorney attracted audience authority Avoid away Awful |
babe Baby bachelor Back bad ball Ballpark Banana band bank banks bar bargain bargain-basement Barnard Barney basically bastard bathroom be Beach beat beautiful beauty because beck beck and call beck-and-call become becoming bed bedroom been before Beg being believe believes bell | bellboy belong belt Bermuda Besides best Bet better Between Bev Beverly Bider Big bigger Bill billion billion-dollar bird birthday bit Black Blair block blocks blondie blow blue bluffed Boardwalk Bob body bogged Bon bone boot boots Boring borrow both bought | Boulevard box Boys brain Bravo Break bridesmaids Bridge Bridget bright bringing brings broccoli broke broken Brothers Bryan bucks buff buffet build Building built bullshit bum bummed buried burn burned bus business bust busy But buy buying by Bye |
cab Call called calling Calm came Can Can't capable Capades car card cardboard cards care careful Carlos Carol carpet carry cars Carter carved case cases Cash Catch caterer caving chairs Champagne champions chance change changed Channing charge charging charity charming chat cheap checking cheek cheques chica | chick child childhood choice chose chukker Circle cities city classy clean clear climate climb climbed Close clothes clothing club clue coat Cocaine cocktail coffee Coin cold collect colour colours Come comes coming commission commit Committee companies company completely concentrate concept concerned condescending condition condom confusing Congratulations | connection Conservative consider consultation continue contract contracts control convenient cool cop cops corner corners Corvettes cost couch Could couldn't count countering country couple course court crack crackhead crackheads crazy create creatures credit cried cries crown cruel cry cup cured curse customer customers cut Cute cylinders |
dad Damn dance dark Darryl date dating David day days De dead deal deals dear debate decide decision deep Definitely delayed delegate delicacy delicious Dennis dental | desk destiny destroyers details Detective devoted diamonds Did die died difference differences different difficult difficulty digs dinner directions dirty disappear discuss Distributors divine divorced divot divots do | Does dog doing dollars Dominic Don Done door dopey Doris doubt down downstairs downtown dramatic draw Dream dreams dress dressed drink drive driven drove drugs Dumpster |
each ear easier Easy eat Ebersol Eddie Edward Edward's either elbow Elbows Elegant elevator Eli eligible Elizabeth Ella else em emotionally employee | employees encourage end ended endless engagements enjoy enough Enterprises entire episode Erector escargot Especially espionage Esprit establishment estate Esther eternal even evening | evenings event ever every everybody everything Evidently Exactly example Except excited Excuse expect expected expecting expensive explode exposed extra extremely eye eyes |
face fact fairy Falcons fall fallen familiar family fantasy far Fasten fate father favour favourite fax Feel feels feet feisty fell Fellas felt few fidget fidgeting Fifty fight | fighting figure finally financial Find finding Fine fines Finish fireball First fit Fitzgerald five fixed flake flashy flavour flight flirty floor floss flower fly by the seat of my pants flying foggy folks followed | fool for forever forget Forgive forgiven Forgot fork form forward Four franchise Francis Francisco freaking Fred free freebie freeze French Fricker friend friends from front fuck full fun Fund |
gal game garage garbage gather gave gentleman Gentlemen gently genuine geography geologicals Georgia get getting gift gifts ginger girl girls Give | giving glad glamorous Glamour glasses Go goal God Goddam goes going Gold gone Gonna Good Goodbye goodbyes Got Gotta grab grade | grades grandfather Grandpa grandson grass Great green Gretchen grew grooming groovy grouch ground guaranteed Guess guest guests gum gums guy guys Gwen |
H ha had halfway Hall hand handing handle hands handsome hang happen happened happening happens happy hard hardball hardly has hassles hat hate Have Having hazard hazy He hear Heard | heart heavy heights hell Hello Help helpful helping Her Here herself Hey Hi hide hiding high hill Hills him hire hired his hit Hmm Hold holding Hollister Hollywood Holy home | honest honey honour hooker hope hoped hopeless hopper horse hose hospital hostess hot hotel hotels hour hourly hours house Housekeeping How Howard however hug Huge huh Hundred hungry hurry hurt |
I Ice idea If imagine important Impossible impress Impressed In inches industrial Industries infamous information insane inside intense | intentions interests interrupt into Intriguing introduced invented investors involved irrelevant irritate Irritate you Is Island issue It Italian its itself |
Jacobs Jake James Jessica Jesus jewel jewellery Jim job Joe join joined joke joking jugular just |
Kate Keenan Keep key keys kid kidding kill kind kinda king Kings Kiss kissed kissing Kit knew knight knock knocked know knowing known knows |
l LA ladies lady land lap Last late later lawyer lawyers Lay lean learn least Leave leaves leaving led left leg legal less Let level Lewis liberty life Lights Like liked likely | limo limousine Listen listening little live lives load loan lobby lock London lonely Long longer Look looked looking Los lose losing lost lot Lotus lounge love loved lovely Luca luck lucky |
Ma made magnet Maintenance major Make makes making mama Man manager maniac many Maps Marie Marjorie Mark marriage licence married marrying marvellous Mary match matter May Maybe me meal | Mean means meant meet meeting member Men mention menu mess message messages messed met metal middle Might Millageville million millionaire millions Mind Mine mingling minute minutes Miss missed | missing mistake mister mom Moment Monday money Monopoly month months Monty more Morning Morse mortgaged Most mother mouth move movies moving Mr Mrs much music Must Mustangs my myself |
name named napkin Naturally Navy near necessary need needed needing needs neglect Neither nervous never new news next nice Niece | night nights Nikkei nine Ninety Nino No Nobody Norrell nose Not nothing notice noticed Now nowhere numb number numbers nuts |
obscene obvious obviously Occupational ocean of off offensive offer office officer often Oh Ohhh Okay Old Olsen on once one only Ooh open opened | Opening opera options or order ordered ordering Orlando other others our ourself ourselves out outfit outside outta over overlook Ow owes Own owns |
packed pages paid pal panic pants panty paper paranoid Pardon Park Parked part particular parts party pass passed passes Pat pay paying pedals peed Penalty Penny Penthouse penthouses Penzance People perfect person personal Phil Philip phone | photographing Pick picked picnic piece pieces pillow pimp pin Pirates pissed pizza Place places plan plane planned planner plans platinum play played playing Plays Please pleased pleasure pledged Plymouth pockets point police polished politicians polo pool | Pops port position possibilities possibility possible possibly potential powerful prepared president press pressure pretend Pretty Price Prime Prince Princess prior probably Problem problems profane profession professional Programme project projection property proposition prostitute proud public pull pulled purple put |
Quarter queen queens question questions quite |
race Rachel radius rails Rainey raise ran rate rather reactions Read ready Real realize really reason recap reckon recognizes reconsidered Red refuse refusing Reg Regent regret regulars relationships relax remain | remember rent rented rents replace reports rescue rescued rescues rest restaurant return rich rid ride Ridiculous Right Ritz Road robot Rodeo romantic roof Room roommate rooms rumours run runner running |
Saddlery safe safety said salad sale Sales San Saturday saving savings saw say saying says scene scheduled Scholarship school screw screwed seat seats second secret secretary secure seduction See seeds seem seems seen self sell selling Senate Senator send sending seniority sensing sentence serious service set sets Seven several sex sexy shade Shall shallow shares sharp She Sherlock shift shifting ships shipyard shit shock shoes shop shopping should | Show Shrimp shrink side sidewalk sign signed silence silver silverware similar simple since singing sinking Sir sisters sit sitting Six size Skinny sleep sleeping sleeps Slippery slouch slow smart smile smooth Snack snails snap So social sofa sold some somebody Somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere soon Sorry sort soul sound sounding space speak speaking special specific spend spending sphincter split spoke spoken sponsor spy squat stalled stand | Standard stare stars start started starts starving statements stationery Stay stayed staying stealing steaming step stick stiff still stock stocks Stolen stomping stone stop stopped storage store Stores straddling straighten strange strangers strawberries strawberry street streets streetwalker Stuckey stuff stunning stupid subject such suck sucker suckers sucking suddenly sugar suggested suits sun Sunday Sundays suntan supposed Sure surprise surprised Susan swear sweater sweet swim sword Sylvester system |
table tailgaters Take taken taking tale Talk talking tall Tate taxis teach teacher team tear tell temperamental ten terrific territory testy than Thank Thanks That the their them Then therapy There These they thing things | think thinking third This Thompson Those though thought thousand Three thrilled through throwing tickets tie ties Til time tines Tip to today together Tokyo told toll Tomorrow Tonight too took top Toquenee total totally Touch | touched tough tour tourists Tovah tower town toy Track tradition transmission transportation trapped treat treated tree tricks tried trivia trouble true Trust truth Try trying tub Tuesday turf turn turning TV twenty twisted Two |
Ugly Uh Uhhh Um unavailable uncle uncles under understand underwear underwrite undress unfamiliar unpredictable until up update upon Upstairs us use used useful useless using |
valuable Vance variety Veg vegetables veins vendor very Via view visit Viv Vivian vocational Voltaire vulnerable |
Wait waiting Wake walk Walk away walked walking Wallington wanna want wanted wanting wants Ward was washer Watch watching wave way We wealthy wear wearing weather week weepy Welcome Well went were Wh | Wham What whatever When where Wherever whether which while whisper white Whitley Who Whoa whole whore whose Why wicked wide wife Wil Wild will Williams willing Wilshire Wilson win wind window winter | wish wishes wishful with within without woman women wonder Wonderful wondering Woof word Work worked working Workout works world worry worrying worse worth would Wow wrapped wrestling wrinkle wrist Write writing wrong |
ya yard Yeah year years yellow Yes yesterday yet Yo York you young your Yours yourself |
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