Барби и три мушкетера / Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Сюжет мультфильма необычен тем, что Барби предстает в не свойственном для принцессы амплуа. Она сменила застенчивость и сентиментальность на более мужественные качества. Теперь она отважная и решительная. Вместе со своими верными подружками она отправляется в Париж ради осуществления заветной мечты. Она хочет стать мушкетером. Пока девочки обучаются боевым искусствам и манерам, Барби подмечает весьма важный разговор, где разрабатывают план по захвату принца Луи. Вооружившись необходимой информацией, Барби вместе с подругами готова воспрепятствовать ходу злых замыслов изменников. Вместе они бросают вызов сговорщикам, дабы защитить принца.
- Рейтинг:
- Просмотров: 31 101
- Рейтинг кинокритиков:
2 741
- Название:
- Барби и три мушкетера / Barbie and the Three Musketeers (2009) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
- Год выпуска:
- 2009
- Страна:
- Жанр:
- Мультфильмы / Семейные / 2009 / Фильмы со словарем на английском
- Режиссер:
- Уильям Лау / William Lau.
- Перевод:
- Профессиональный (полное дублирование) +оригинальная английская дорожка, и английские субтитры.
Мультфильм Барби и три мушкетера на английском с английскими субтитрами
- Плеер 1 (с рекламой)
- Трейлер
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Abbie able about accept accessory accident Accidents acts Actually advised afford afraid after again against ago agreed ahead air | alerted Alexander All allow alone along already always Amateurs And angle announcing another Answering any anybody anyone anything anyway | anywhere Apparently appear appears appoint Aramina are around Arrest arrested arrived as Ascend ask asked attitudes away |
baby back bad Ball balloon ballroom banished banned Barb barely battle be bearing beasts beautiful because become becoming bed been before begin | behind Being believe believes believing belong best bested bet better between big birthday bit black blades blend blondie blow blue book boots | borrow Bossy Bossй bow boy boys bracing brave breaker Breaking breaks bring brings broken Brutus built burden business But By bye-bye |
cables call came can cannot cantilevered captain care castle cat Catch cats celebrate celebration ceremonial ceremony certain certainly challenge chance chances chandelier charge | chased chasing chateau Check chic China choice choose city clean cleaned cleaning Clear clouds Come comes Coming company concern Constance contraire contraption control | conversation Corinne coronation costumes could count Counter-parry Countess country couple courage course courtesy Cousin cousins coworkers crash crates crazy crime crowns Cue cut |
damsels dance dancer dancey danciest dancing danger dangerous date day days de dead dear Decided decorations defeat Definitely delusional | demand demise desire details determined developed Did different Dinner disbelief discovery disguise distress divided do Does dog Doing done | door double doubt doubting down downtown dramatic draperies dream dreamed dreamer dreamiest dreams dreamy dress Duchess dungeon dust dutiful duty |
ears easier eat elements else end ending enough ensure enter entering | entrance envision escape Escort even evening ever every everyone everything everywhere | exactly exceedingly except Excuse exile exist exit experience extended extra eyes |
faces fail fails fair familiar family fancy fantastic far farm Fascinating fashion Faster father fault favors feet female few fierce Fighting final | finally find fine finesse finest finish finished fire fired fireworks firmly first flair flat flies flight floating floats floor fluviatilis fly flying | follow fool fooled foolishness foot for forbid forever Forget forgotten Forward found four France freak friend friends from fuel functional Future |
garbage garde Gascony gem gentlemen get getting girl Girls Give | giving Glorious go going gone gonna Good Goodbye Goodness got | Gotcha Gotta gowns grace graceful grave ground grown guards guy |
had handle hands handsome happen happened happy hard Hardly harmless has have having | He heard heart hearts heat Hedda height Hello help her here Hey Highness | him his hit Hmm Hold home homes honor hoped horse hot hour how |
if immediately impossible in inch increasing incredible Indeed inflating Inside insist | instead into introduction inventing inventor invited is it Italy itty-bitty |
job jobs Jumping just |
keep key king kings kitty knew knife know knows |
laces lack Ladies lady land landing large last late later laugh launch learn leave | leaving left let letter Lettuce library life light lightly like line listen little live | living long longer look looking Looks lose lost lot loyal luck lunged |
machine Madam madame made Magnifique make makes making man Mangy many Masquerade master matches matter may Maybe maze me | mean meaning means meddling meet member men mention mercy mess messy met Miette might miles mind minds mine minute | Miss missed Mom money Monsieur More morning most Mother Mountain move moved much musketeer musketeering musketeers must my myself |
name names ne near necessary need needed needs Never new | next nice night No noble nobody nonsense not nothing now |
oblique observe of off offense office Oh Okay old on once one ones only open opened opening or order other our out outside over overthrow Ow owe own |
Pardon Paris parried Parry Partee party passageway passageways People Pepperonis perfect perform Perhaps persistence Phew Philippe place placing | planning plans Please Pleased pleasure plenty plot plotting points poor positions possess Power pray Prepare prepared pretend prettiest | Prime prince privilege problems Promise proof proper protect protecting protection prototype proud prove punch Pure pursue pursuing pushing |
Quarte questions quicker Quinte quite |
reaching reacts ready real realized Really reason received recognize recognized regent Remarkable | Remember reply requires rescuers rescuing Return returning ride rigging right rightful roam | rock roguish romantic roof room rope ropes rose royal rude run running |
Sabotage safety said sais same save saved saw say says scare Scarecrow scaredy season Seconde secret security see seeing seems send sent Serge serious serve settled shall Sharing She | shoe Shoo shoot Should show sifted silk since sir Sire Sixte skills sky sleeping small smell sneak So some Someone something sometimes somewhere Soon sorry sparkle speak speck spend | spot stable stand started stationed stay stays step stick still stole Stop story strangers streets strong stuck style such suddenly suggesting suppose supposed sure suspended suspension sweet sword swords |
take taken taking tales talk talking task taught Teach team Tell telling test tests tethered than thank Thanks that the their them Then there | these they thing things think thinks this those though thought throne through throughout throw thrown thrust tied Tierce time to Today together told tomorrow | too tossed touchй town tragic train trained training Tree Treville trims trouble true truly trust trusted Try Trying tunics Turn turned turning turret Two |
unbelievable Unfortunately United untie untied until up us use used useful useless |
very Vienna villain visit Viveca voila |
Wait waiting walk wall want wanted wants warn warned was wash watch watching way we weapons wearing week weight | Well went were what Whatever when where which while who Whoa whole whom Whoops Why will window windows Winter | wish with without wonderful Wonderfully Wondering word work working works world worlds worry worst would Wow wrong |
yeah year years Yes Yesterday yet yonder you Young your yours |
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