12 лет рабства / 12 Years a Slave (2013) HD 720 (RU, ENG)
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Соломон Нортап родом из нью-йоркского штата, где он вполне счастливо живет со своей семьей. У него прекрасная беззаботная жизнь. Приятели приглашают его в Вашингтон на гастроли. После успешного выступления Соломон вместе с новыми знакомыми решает отпраздновать. В процессе посиделок он теряет сознание. Очнувшись, мужчина оказывается закованным в цепи. Чуть позже он узнает, что новоиспеченные друзья сдали его в рабство под именем Платт. Ему предстоит забыть свое происхождение, свое прошлое, свое имя. Нортапа перевозят в Новый Орлеан, и он попадает во владение к хозяину плантаций Форду. Относительно снисходительно он относится к Соломону и вознаграждает его за труды скрипкой. Тонкая натура и вычурная интеллигентность Нортапа приводят в бешенство остальных рабочих, что влечет за собой целую цепь событий.
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about Abraham Abram accept accompany according accusations accuse acquaintance acquainting Acrobats across act action acts add addition adequate admit affections afraid Africa After again against agitation ago Ah aide
alike All allowed along Alonzo already always am amazing Amen among amount amused an and animals Anne anniversary Another answer any anybody anyone anything apologize appearance APPLAUDING approach APPROACHING
are area argue Armsby around arrangement arrive art artists as ask asked asking assist assisted assure assuredly astonished at attacks attention authority authorized average awake aware away
baboon back baked band bankrupt Baptist baptized bare barely BARKING Bartholomew BASS bastard bayou be beast beat beaten beautiful beauty became Because bed been befall before beg begging beguile
behind being beings belief believe believed believes BELL BELLS belong beseeching best Better between beyond Bible biblical bitch bite black bless blessed blind blood bloods BLOWING boards boat Bob
body boot bore Born BOTH bottom bought boy boys brawny breaker BREATHING bred bring brings broadcasting brought Brown brung brute bullet-heated BURCH Bury bushel business but buy by
call called calling came Can Canada canal CANDLES Candy cane cannot Cape captain care careful carpenter carry carryall carrying cart case cast catch catches caught cause celebrates certain CHAINS Champlain change Chapin charge charged Cheer Cheers Cheneyville chief child CHILDREN CHOKING Choose chore Christian CHUCKLES CHUCKLING circumstances
circus city civilized claim claims clap clapboards CLAPPING class CLATTERING CLATTERS Clean Clear cleared Clemens CLICKS climb CLOSES cloth clothes coat COCKS coin Collect Come comes comfort coming commence commune company comparing compensation compiling concede concern concerns condition confounding CONGRATULATING conscious consequence considerable consideration consign constant consternation
constricting CONTINUE CONTINUES contort contracts contradict conversation CONVERSATIONS converse cook cooking corn cost cotton cotton-picking COUGHING COUGHS could countenance counting country course Courthouse courts covetousness CRACKING CRACKS cravat creature Creatures credit creek crew critters crops cry crying cultivate CUP current currently curse custom customer Cut cutting
damn damnation damned dance dancing dare dark darkest Darling daughter dawdle day daybreak days dead deaf dear death debt decent deceptions decision deep deeply delivering dependent
deposit depression depth describe description despair detail detain develop Devil Did die died difference differently difficult diminished direction discuss DISHES dishonorable disrespect distance distinguished distressed divide
do doctrine documentation does dog dogs doing dollar dollars Done DOOR doubt doubts down Draw Drink Drive DRIVER drown drowned drunkard drunken dumb duty dying
each ear earn earnings earns earth easy eat educated EDWARD Edwin efficient effort either ELIZA Emily employee employment empty end
ended ENDS engineer engineers England enjoying enough enquiries entered entertainments Epps equal equally estimation eternal eunuch Even eventually ever every
Everybody everything evil example excellent exceptional Excuse excuses executed exhibitions existence expense expert explain expose extends extraordinary eye eyes
face fact factual FADES failed Fair fairest fairly faithful fall false family fancy far fast father favor fear fearful feel feeling feet fellas Fellow felt fester Fetch
few fewer fiddle fiddling fidelity field fields fight Fill filled filthy final find finds fine finish First fit Fix flesh flew flow flush folk Follow following fool
FOOTSTEPS for Ford forever forgive forgotten forward foul found frankly free freedom freely FREEMAN French frequency fresh friends frighten from fruit full funny further fuss
gag gained gang GASPING GASPS gave generosity gentlemen George Georgia Get GIGGLING girl Give given Go God Goddamn goddamned godless going gone
gonna good goods gory gossip Got gracious graciousness grandson grant gratitude great greatest GROANING GROANS grow GRUNTING GRUNTS guess guilty GUN gut
had half halfway Halleluiah Hallelujah Hamilton HAMMERING Hampton hand hands hang hanged happiness hard has haste hate hated hateful hates have having He head
health heaps hear heard heart hearty heat heathen heathens heaven HEAVILY held hell Help helped her here Hey high Higher Hill him himself hire
hired his Hit Hmm hold holds holy home honor hope horrid HORSE HORSES hot household how huh human humble HUMMING hung hurry husband Hush
I idle If ignorant ill immediately impressed in Incredibly indeed INDISTINCT
interesting interfere internationally Into intrusion inviolable Is Isaac it itself
James Jasper Jew jewels job John Johnny JONUS Jordan journeyed joy Joyous Judge judgment jump just justice
keep keeping keg kidnapped kidnappers kill kind kindly kindness kingdom Kingston kiss knew knife know knowed known knows
labor labored laborers lad Lake land large lash lashes late later latter LAUGHING LAUGHS law Laws lawyer Lay learn learned least leave led left leisure length less
lessened lesson Let Lethe letter letters letting liar libation liberation liberty lie lies life lifted lighten like likely liking limbs Line list Listen little live lived LIVELY
livestock living load LOCK lonely long longer Look looked looking Lord lose loss lost lot lothario LOUD LOUDLY love low lower lowly lusty luxuriate luxury lying
ma Madam made maid mail Make makes making MALE MALES mama man manage manless manners many Margaret margin market Marksville marriage Martha marvel marvelous Master masters materially matter may
me meal mean meant meat meet melancholia Men menfolk merciful mercy merely merriment merry middle might miles mill millstone mind mindful mine minute misbegotten misdeeds miserable misfortune misguided mistaken
Mister Misters MISTRESS moderation modesty moment money Montreal mood MOON more morning mortgage most mother mountain mouth Move moves Mrs much mule multitude Murder MUSIC must MUTTERING my myself
nails name names narrow nation naturally nature neck need needed negress negro
NEIGHING neither nest never new nice nigger niggers night nine no noise
none nonsense nor north Northup Nortwick not note nothing now nowhere
obey object observant Observe occur occurs of off offend offer offered office official OFF-KEY Oh Okay old on once one ones only Open OPENING
OPENS opportune opportunity or ordered Oren Orient originate Orleans other others otherwise Ouch our out outcome outcomes out-pick over overcome overly overseeing owed own
pa paid PAIN PANTING pantomime pantomimes paper papers pardon Parker part particular pass passed passes passive past pastry patron Pats Patsey pattyroller pay peck peculiarities people performances performers perspective persuade pharaohs Phebe Phebs picayunes Pick
picker picking piece PIGS pile piles pity place places plague plagues plain plainly planned plantation planter planting Platt Play played player PLAYING please pleases pleasure plenty point Poor porch possible post pounds power practitioner pray
prayer preacher predilections premises prepared prestidigitation pretense previous previously price pride Prides prized proceeds procure procuring Produce profit profitable profound promise proper property prosperity protect protesting prove provide proving Pull purchased Pure put putting
Queen Queenston question quick Quiet quite
RADBURN rafts rags RANDALL rather RATTLING raw Ray read Ready real reality really reason reasonable recall receive received reckon reckoning redeemed refer reflect refreshed refreshments regard
returned rewards RHYTHMIC rid ride right righteous righteousness ripe rise risk River roam role roll room rope round rubs RUMBLING Run runaway running Rush
Sabbath saddened safe safely safety said sail sake Sam same sample Sandy Saratoga satisfaction save saw say saying says scares scars scheme schemed SCOFFS scorn SCREAMING SCREAMS scripture Scrub sea season seasons secret secreted section see seeing seemingly seems seen self sell sensations senses sensibilities Sent sentimental sentimentality separate Separated servant servants serve served services serving set settled several shade shall shalt shame share Shaw She
SHERIFF shingles shirt shock Shop SHOPKEEPER short should SHOUTS shredding shucks SHUSHING shut shy sick SIGHING SIGHS sight signifies silent silk Silks similarly simple simply sin since sing SINGING sir Sit situation skin skulking SLAMS SLAVE slaver slavery SLAVES Sleep slick small smite smooth sniveling SNORING snow So soap SOBBING SOFT Sold solicitor SOLOMON Some Somebody somehow something Sometimes somewhere soon Sooner sorrow sorry soul sound
sounds southward speak spectacle spirit SPITS Splendid spoiled spoken SQUEALING STABS stairs Stand standing start state station Staunton stay steal stick still stink stir stomach stood Stop stopped STOPS story Stove strength Strike Strip stripes strong strong-armed STRUMMING sturdy style subs Such sufficient suggest suit Sun Sunday sundown sundries Sunshine Superb superintendent supply supposable suppose supposed supposition sure survive swamp swear sweet swung sympathetic
tag take takes taking talent talented talents tales talk talking tall tatters tea team Tell telling tempting terraforming than Thank thanks That the their them themselves then there therefore these They thick thievery thing
things think this thither those Thou thought thousand Three throat Throw THUNDER Tibeats tight timber time timely times tired to today told TOLLING tomorrow tongue tonight too took tops tore touch towards tragedy trample
trampled transferred transport transportation transported Travel traveled travelers traveling travels traverse TREACH tree tried Tries trip trouble trough Troy truckle true truly truth truthfully truths trying tub TUNE TUNING turn Turner two
Unless unlike unseen unspeakable until up UPBEAT upon upset URGING us use using usual
valor van venture verifying Very vigor violin visit visitation
wage wages wagon wailing wait waits waked walk wallet wanna want wanted wants was wash Washington wasted watching water waterway way ways we wealth wear week weeks weep Welcome
well welt wench Went were what Whatever whatsoever when Where which WHIMPERING whip whipping whiskey WHISPERS white who Whoa whoever whole Whoo WHOOPING whose Whosoever Why Wide wider wife
will Willard William wish wishes witch with within without witnessed woke woman WOMEN wonder word words work worked working world worm worry would write writes written wrong wrongly
Yankees yard Yarner year years YELLING YELLS Yes yesterday yet York you young your yours yourself yourselves
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