
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / Удивительный Волшебник из страны Оз (audiobook)

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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / Удивительный Волшебник из страны Оз (audiobook)

Аудиокнига The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

Это детская сказка американского писателя Лаймена Фрэнка Баума, вышедшая в свет в 1900 году, одна из самых знаменитых, самых читаемых сказочных сериалов. Персонажи этой сказки девочка Дороти, Железный Дровосек, Страшила, Трусливый Лев по своей известности могут составить достойную конкуренцию таким известным персонажам сказок как хоббиты и Питер Пэн. Сказка о том как дом Дорати унесло ураганом в страну Оз, где она нашла для себя друзей среди гномов и странных обезьян, которые ей помогали вернуться домой в Канзас.
Просмотров: 72 982
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz / Удивительный Волшебник из страны Оз (audiobook)
Год выпуска аудиокниги:
2012 г.
Аудиокниги на английском языке / Аудиокниги жанра детская литература на английском / Английский для детей онлайн бесплатно / Аудиокниги уровня elementary на английском
Уровень сложности:
Битрейт аудио:
128 kbps

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Скачать текст книги в формате .pdf по прямой ссылке the_wonderful_wizard_of_oz.pdf [2.06 Mb] (cкачиваний: 2734) .
Скачать audiobook (MP3) по прямой ссылке the_wonderful_wizard_oz.mp3 [7.55 Mb] (cкачиваний: 3095) .

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Dorothy lives in Arizona with her Aunt Em, her Uncle Henry and her dog, Toto. One day Dorothy and Toto are in house when suddenly . WHOOOOSH! The house, Dorothy and Toto, go up up up in the air and fly away. Dorothy! Come back! Aunt Em, Uncle Henry Help! Dorothy is in a magic land! The land of the Munchkins. The Munchkins are very happy because the Bad Witch of the East is under the house! But Dorothy wants to go home. She asks the Good Witch of the North for help. The witch tells her to find the Wizard of OZ. Go along the yellow road. Where is the Wizard of OZ? The witch gives Dorothy the silver shoes of the Bad Witch of the East. Dorothy and Toto go along the yellow road to look for the Wizard 0^ OZ. They talk to a scarecrow. He is sad. He tells Dorothy he isn’t clever because he doesn’t have a brain in his head. I want a brain. I want to be clever. Come with us to find the Wizard of OZ. I want a heart. I want to love. Come with us to find The Wizard of OZ. Dorothy,Toto and the scarecrow go along the yellow road to look for the Wizard of OZ. They talk to a tin woodman. He can’t move! He needs some oil. The tin woodman is sad. He tells Dorothy he can’t love because he doesn’t have a heart. I want to be brave. Come with us to find „ the Wizard of OZ. Dorothy, Toto, the scarecrow and the tin woodman go along the yellow road to look for the Wizard of OZ. They talk to a very big lion. The lion is sad. He tells Dorothy he isn’t brave. The five friends see the Emerald City. This is where the Wizard of OZ lives! They go to see the Wizard of OZ. He looks different to each one! I want to be clever. I want to go home to Kansas. But the Wizard of OZ says the same thing to all of them, first they must kill the Bad Witch of the West! I want to love. I want to be brave. The friends go to find the Bad Witch of the West. She lives in the land of the Winkies. She only has one eye but she can see everything! She puts on a magic hat. With this she can call the Winged Monkeys. She tells the monkeys they must kill the scarecrow and the tin woodman. And bring the girl and the lion to me! So the Winged Monkeys drop the tin woodman on some rocks and take all the straw out of the scarecrow and pick up Dorothy and the lion and take them to the Bad Witch of the West. The BadWitdi of the West puts the lion in a cage and Dorothy has to do the housework. TheWinkies are very sad! One day she takes! Dorothy’s silver shoe. Dorothy is so angry she throws some water on the witch and . Call the Winged Monkeys. They can help us. . the water melts the Wicked Witch like brown sugar! Dorothy and the lion are very happy! The Winkies are very happy too! The lion gives the magic hat to Dorothy. Dorothy asks the Winged Monkeys to go and get the tin woodman and the scarecrow. We can help! The Winkies mend the tin woodman and the scarecrow. The Winged Monkeys take them to the Emerald City. They go to see the Wizard of OZ. But . oh dear! He isn’t a real wizard! I’m sorry. I’m not really a wizard. The Wizard of OZ isn’t a real wizard but he helps the scarecrow and the tin woodman. Oh! Now I have a brain! Oh! Now T I Now I have a heart! And the lion. Oh! Now I am brave. He tries to help Dorothy too. He wants to take her home in a balloon but Hurry up Dorothy! Quick Toto! … too late. Dorothy is very sad! A soldier tells her to go and ask the Good Witch of the South. She lives in the land of the Quadlings.The lion gives Dorothy the magic hat to call the Winged Monkeys. The Winged Monkeys carry Dorothy and her friends to the Good Witch of the South. The Good witch of the South points to Dorothy’s silver shoes. She tells her to tap the shoes three times and say where she wants to go. Dorothy says goodbye to her friends. Your shoes can take you home! She taps her shoes 3 times and … Hello Aunt Em. Hello Uncle Henry. I’m back from the land of OZ. From where? Never mind, I am so happy to see you!

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