
The Importance of Being Earnest / Как важно быть серьёзным (by Oscar Wilde, 2011) - аудиокнига на английском

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The Importance of Being Earnest / Как важно быть серьёзным  (by Oscar Wilde, 2011) - аудиокнига на английском

The Importance of Being Earnest / Как важно быть серьёзным (by Oscar Wilde, 2011) - аудиокнига на английском

Размеренная жизнь слишком уж скучна и однообразна. Она может удовлетворить пожилых людей, но не тех, у кого в венах кровь так и бурлит. Джек и Алджи решают порезвится. Они одновременно, под именем Эрнест предлагают двум девушкам руку и сердце. Конечно же все тайное становится явным и дамы думают, что к ним сватается один и тот же человек. Все зашло очень далеко, а ведь не зря говорят - «важно быть серьезным»!

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The Importance of Being Earnest / Как важно быть серьёзным (by Oscar Wilde, 2011) - аудиокнига на английском
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[The living room of Algerno?lfoncrieffs flat in Mayfair, London. Lane is arranging afternoon tea on a table. Algernon enters] Algernon: Lane, have you made the cucumber sandwiches for Lady Bracknell's tea? Lane: Yes, sir. [Handing them to Algernon on a silver tray] Algernon: [Looking carefully at them, taking two and sitting down on the sofa] Oh, by the way P, Lane, I looked at your notebook. I noticed that when Lord Shoreman and Mr Worthing dined with me on Thursday night, eight bottles of champagne were drunk. Lane: Yes, sir; eight bottles. Algernon: Why is it that, in a bachelor's home, the servants always drink the champagne? I just ask because I am interested, Lane. Lane: I think that it is because the champagne is better in a bachelor's home. I have noticed that the champagne in married people's homes is rarely very good. Algernon: Good heavens P ! Is marriage so depressing? Lane: I believe marriage is very pleasant, sir. I haven't had much experience of it myself. I have only been married once, and that was because of a misunderstanding30 between myself and a young person. Algernon: [Lazily, without interest] I am not very interested in your family life, Lane. Lane: No, sir; it is not a very interesting subject. I never think of it myself. Algernon: That is very understandable. Well, thank you, Lane. [Lane goes off] Algernon: [To himself] Lane's views on marriage seem very casual. Really, if the servants don't set us a good example, what on earth is the use of them? They seem to have no morals31 [Lane enters] Lane: Mr Ernest Worthing is here, sir. 11 [Jack enters. Lane goes off] Algernon: I thought you had come to town for pleasure. I call a Algernon: How are you, my dear Ernest? What brings you to marriage proposal business. town? Jack: How very unromantic you are! Jack: Oh, pleasure brings me, pleasure, of course! What else Algernon: I really don't think proposing is romantic. It is very should bring one anywhere? You're eating as usual, I see, Algy! romantic to be in love. But there is nothing romantic about a Algernon: [Very formally] I believe it is normal in good society proposal. Someone might accept. They usually do, I believe. to have some light refreshment at five o'clock. [In a normal voice] Then the exciting time is over. The most important thing about Where have you been since last Thursday? romance is the uncertainty. If I ever marry, I'll certainly try to Jack: [Sitting down on the sofa] In the country. forget that I am married. Algernon: What on earth do you do in the country? Jack: I believe you, dear Algy. The Divorce Court was especially Jack: [Taking off his gloves] When one is in town one entertains invented for people with memories like yours. oneself. When one is in the country one entertains other people. [Jack puts out his hand to take a cucumber sandwich; Algernon It is very boring.immediately stops him] Algernon: And who are the people you entertain? Algernon: Oh, there is no point in thinking about that. Divorces Jack: Oh, neighbours, neighbours! are made in Heaven. Please don't touch the cucumber sandwiches. Algernon: Have you got nice neighbours in your part of They were ordered specially for Aunt Augusta. [Taking a sandwich Shropshire32?himself and eating it] Jack: No, they're all horrid. I never speak to any of them.Jack: Well, you have been eating them all the time. Algernon: You must entertain them very much, then! [Going Algernon: That is different. She is my aunt. [Offering Jack a over to the table and taking a sandwich] By the way, Shropshire is different platel Have some bread and butter. The bread and butter where you come from, is it not? is for Gwendolen. Gwendolen loves bread and butter. Jack: Shropshire? Yes, of course. My dear fellow33 ! Why are all Jack: [Helping himself to bread and butter] And very good bread these cups here? Why cucumber sandwiches? Why are you being and butter it is too. so extravagant34 ? Who is coming to tea? Algernon: Well, my dear fellow, you don't need to eat it all. You Algernon: Oh, just Aunt Augusta and Gwendolen. are behaving as if you are married to her already. But you are not Jack: How perfectly delightful!married to her and I don't think you ever will be. Algernon: Yes, but I am afraid Aunt Augusta won't be happy Jack: Why on earth do you say that? that you're here.Algernon: Well, firstly, girls never marry the men they flirt with. Jack: And why is that? They don't think it's the right thing to do. Algernon: My dear fellow, the way that you flirt35 withJack: Oh, that is nonsense! Gwendolen is perfectly disgraceful. It is almost as bad as the way Algernon: It isn't. It's true. [Taking two more sandwiches] That's Gwendolen flirts with you. why one sees such a large number of bachelors all over the place. Jack: I am in love with Gwendolen. I have come to town in And secondly, I don't give my consent36. order to propose marriage to her. Jack: Your consent! 1213 Algernon: Gwendolen is my cousin. And before I allow you to marry her, you will have to gl$ar up37 the matter of Cecily. [Algernon rings a bell] Jack: Cecily? What on earth do you mean, Algy? I don't know anyone called Cecily. [Lane enters] Algernon: Lane, bring me the cigarette case which Mr Worthing left last time he dined here. Lane: Yes, sir. [Lane goes off. Algernon takes the last of the cucumber sandwiches] Jack; Have you had my cigarette case all this time? I wish you had told me. I have been writing letters to the police about it. I nearly offered a large reward. Algernon: Well, I wish you would offer a large reward. I am very poor at the moment. Jack: There is no point in offering a large reward now that you've found it. [Lane enters with the cigarette case on a silver tray. Algernon takes it immediately. Lane goes off] Algernon: I think that is mean of you, Ernest, I must say P. [Opening the case and examining it] However, it doesn't matter. Now I look at the inscription38 inside, I see that this isn't yours. Jack: Of course it's mine. [Moving towards Algernon] You have seen me with it a hundred times, and you shouldn't be reading what is written inside it. It is very impolite to read a private cigarette case. Algernon: Oh! It is ridiculous to have rules about what one should read and what one shouldn't. Most of modern culture depends on reading what one shouldn't read. Jack: I know that, and I am not going to discuss modern culture. I simply want my cigarette case back. Algernon: Yes; but this isn't your cigarette case. This cigarette case is a present from someone called Cecily. And you said you don't know anyone called Cecily. 15 Jack: Well, if you want to know, Cecily is my aunt. Algernon: Your aunt? Jack: Yes. She is a charming old lady. Just give it back to me, Algy. Algernon: [Going behind the sofa] But why does she call herself 'little Cecily' if she is your aunt? [Reading] 'From little Cecily, with all her love.' Jack: [Going to the front of the sofa and kneeling on it] My dear fellow, some aunts are tall. Some aunts are not tall. My aunt should be allowed to decide her height for herself. You seem to think that every aunt should be like your aunt, Lady Bracknell! That is ridiculous. Now, give me back my cigarette case. [Following Algernon all around the room] Algernon: Yes. But why does your aunt call you her uncle? [Reading] 'From little Cecily, with all her love to her dear Uncle Jack.' I don't object to an aunt being a small aunt. But why does an aunt, whatever her size, call her own nephew 'uncle'? I don't understand. And your name isn't Jack; it is Ernest. Jack: It isn't Ernest; it's Jack. Algernon: You have always told me that your name is Ernest. I have introduced you to everyone as Ernest. You answer to the name Ernest. You look as if your name is Ernest. You are the most earnest-looking person I have ever seen in my life. It is perfectly ridiculous to tell me your name isn't Ernest. It is on your visiting cards39. Here is one of them. [Taking it from a case] 'Mr Ernest Worthing, B.4, The Albany, London.' I'll keep this as proof that your name is Ernest. Don't ever try to deny it to me or to Gwendolen or to anyone else. [Putting the card in his pocket] Jack: Well, my name is Ernest in town and Jack in the country, and the cigarette case was given to me in the country. Algernon: That does not explain why your small Aunt Cecily calls you her dear uncle. My dear fellow, you had better tell me everything. Go on! I have always suspected that you were a secret Bunburyist and now I am quite40 sure. 16 Jack: Bunburyist? What on earth do you mean by a Bunburyist? Algernon: I'll tell you the meaning of Bunburyist when you tell me why you are Ernest in town and Jack in the country. Jack: Well, give me my cigarette case first. Algernon: Here it is. [Handing Jack the cigarette case] Now give me your explanation and please make it unbelievable. [Sitting on the sofa] Jack: My dear fellow, there is nothing unbelievable about my explanation. In fact, it's perfectly ordinary. I was brought up by an old gentleman called Thomas Cardew. He adopted me when I was a little boy and he made me the guardian of his granddaughter, Miss Cecily Cardew, in his wi1141 . Cecily is my ward and calls me uncle because she respects me, although you wouldn't understand that! You don't understand respect. Cecily lives in my house in the country and is looked after by her excellent governess, Miss Prism. Algernon: Where is your house in the country, by the way? Jack: That is nothing to do with you, my dear fellow. I am not going to invite you there . . . but I will tell you honestly that the house is not in Shropshire. Algernon: I guessed that, my dear fellow! I have Bunburyed all over Shropshire twice. Now, go on. Why are you Ernest in town and Jack in the country? Jack: My dear Algy, I don't know whether you will understand. You are not a very serious person. I will try to explain it to you. I am a responsible guardian and I have to behave well all the time in the country. It is my duty. But it is not very good for my health or my happiness. So, when I want to leave the country and come to town, I pretend to have a younger brother called Ernest. I tell everyone that he lives in The Albany and that he gets into the most terrible trouble. That, my dear Algy, is the truth. Algernon: You are a Bunburyist! I was right to say you were a Bunburyist. You are one of the most advanced Bunburyists I know. 17 Jack: What on earth do you mean? Algernon: You have invented a younger brother called Ernest so that you can come to town as often as you like. I have invented an invalid42 called Bunbury so that I can go to the country as often as I like. When I pretend to visit him, I call it Bunburying. And I call someone who visits imaginary people a Bunburyist. Bunbury is very valuable. For example, if it wasn't for Bunbury's very bad health, I wouldn't be able to dine with you tonight. I should be dining with Aunt Augusta. Jack: I haven't asked you to dine with me tonight. Algernon: I know. You are very careless about sending out invitations. It is very foolish of you. Nothing annoys people more than not receiving invitations. Jack: You ought to dine with your Aunt Augusta. Algernon: I don't have any intention of dining with Aunt Augusta. Firstly, I dined there on Monday and once a week is enough time to spend with one's relations. Secondly, Aunt Augusta will either give me two women to talk to at dinner or none. And thirdly, I know that tonight she will make me sit next to Mary Farquhar, who always flirts with her own husband across the dinner table. It is not very pleasant. In fact, respectable women should not behave like that and more and more women are doing it. The number of women in London who flirt with their own husbands is terrible. It looks so bad. Well, now I know that you are a Bunburyist, I want to talk to you about Bunburying. I want to tell you the rules. Jack: I am not a Bunburyist. If Gwendolen agrees to marry me, I am going to kill my brother. In fact, I think I will kill him anyway. Cecily is a little too interested in him. So I am going to get rid of Ernest. And I think you should kill Mr . . . your invalid friend with the ridiculous name. Algernon: Nothing will make me kill Bunbury, and, if you ever get married, you will be glad to know Bunbury. A man who marries without knowing Bunbury will have a very boring marriage. 18 Jack: That is nonsense. If I marry a charming girl like Gwendolen, I certainly won't want to know Bunbury. Algernon: Then your wife will want to know him. You don't understand that in married life three is company and two is none. Jack: Don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. Algernon: My dear fellow, it isn't easy to be anything these days. There is so much competition. [There is the sound of a doorbell being rung for a long time] Ah! That must be Aunt Augusta. Only relatives ring like that. Now, I will take her out of the room for ten minutes so that you can propose to Gwendolen. So I can dine with you tonight, can't I? Jack: I suppose so, if you want to. Algernon: Good. [Lane enters] Lane: Lady Bracknell and Miss Fairfax are here, sir. [Algernon goes forward to meet them. Lady Bracknell and Gwendolen enter] Lady Bracknell: Good afternoon, dear Algernon. I hope you are behaving very well. Algernon: I'm feeling very well, Aunt Augusta. Lady Bracknell; Feeling very well is not the same as behaving very well. In fact, the two things rarely go together. Algernon: [To Gwendolen] Good heavens, you are smart! Gwendolen: I am always smart! Aren't I, Mr Worthing? Jack: You're quite perfect, Miss Fairfax. Gwendolen: Oh! I hope I am not perfect. There would be no room for development and I intend to develop in every direction. [Gwendolen and Jack sit down together in a comer of the room] Lady Bracknell: I am sorry if we are a little late, Algernon, but I had to visit Lady Harbury. I hadn't seen her since her poor husband died. She has changed very much; she looks quite twenty years younger. And now I'll have a cup of tea and one of those nice cucumber sandwiches you promised me. Algernon: Certainly, Aunt Augusta. [Going over to the tea table] 19 Lady Bracknell: Will you come and sit here, Gwendolen? Gwendolen: Thanks, Mama, I'm quite comfortable over here. Algernon: [Picking up the empty plate of sandwiches in horror] Good heavens! Lane! Why are•Ehere no cucumber sandwiches? I ordered them specially. Lane: [Seriously] There were no cucumbers in the market this morning, sir. I went there twice. Algernon: No cucumbers? Lane: No, sir. Algernon: Thank you, Lane. You may go. Lane: Thank you, sir. [Goes off] Algernon: I am very upset that there were no cucumbers, Aunt Augusta. Lady Bracknell: It doesn't matter, Algernon. I had some crumpets with Lady Harbury. Algernon: I hear that her hair has turned quite blonde from grief. Lady Bracknell: It certainly has changed its colour. I do not know why, of course. [Algemon takes her a cup of teal Thank you. I've got quite a treat for you at dinner tonight, Algernon. I am going to seat you next to Mary Farquhar. She is such a nice woman and she is so sweet to her husband. It's delightful to watch them. Algernon: I am afraid, Aunt Augusta, I cannot dine with you tonight after all. Lady Bracknell: [Frowning43] I hope you can, Algernon. There will be thirteen people at the dining table if you aren't there. That is unlucky. Your uncle will have to eat upstairs. Fortunately, he often has to do that. Algernon: It is terribly disappointing to me, but I've had a telegram44 to say that my poor friend Bunbury is very ill again. [Smiling quickly at Jack] They think I should be with him. Lady Bracknell: It is very strange. Mr Bunbury seems to suffer from very bad health. Algernon: Yes, indeed. He is a permanent invalid. Lady Bracknell: Well, Algernon, I think it's about time P that It is very strange. Mr Bunbury seems to suffer from very bad health. 20 Mr Bunbury decides whether he is going to live or die. I don't sympathize with invalids. Illness should not be encouraged in others. One should be healthy. Could you ask Mr Bunbury not to be ill on Saturday? I am holding a reception45 and I want you to organize the music. People talk during performances of music and I want to encourage them to talk, particularly since it is the end of the London season and they have nearly run out of things to say. Algernon: I'll speak to Bunbury, Aunt Augusta, if he is still conscious. I think I can promise you that he will be well by Saturday. Of course, the music is a problem. You see, if one plays good music, people don't listen and if one plays bad music, people don't talk. But I will show you the programme of music I have chosen if you will come into the music room for a moment. Lady Bracknell: Thank you, Algernon. It is very thoughtful of you. [Lady Bracknell and Algernon go into the music room, Gwendolen remains behind] Jack: It's been a charming day, Miss Fairfax. Gwendolen: Please don't talk about the weather, Mr Worthing. When people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain they mean something else and I get nervous. Jack: I do mean something else. Gwendolen: I thought so. In fact, I am never wrong. Jack: I would like to talk to you about the 'something else' while Lady Bracknell is out of the room. Gwendolen: Then talk about it quickly. Mama often comes back into a room suddenly. Jack: [Nervously] Miss Fairfax, ever since I met you, I have admired you more than any girl . . . I have met ever since I met you. Gwendolen: Yes, I am quite well aware of that. I was always fascinated by you — even before I met you. [Jack looks at her in amazement] We live in an age of ideals46 — any expensive monthly magazine will tell you that — and my ideal has always been to 22 love someone called Ernest. When Algernon mentioned he had a friend called Ernest, I knew I would love you. Jack: Do you really love me, Gwendolen? Gwendolen: Very much! Jack: Darling! You don't know how happy you have made me. Gwendolen: My own Ernest! Jack: But could you love me if my name wasn't Ernest? Gwendolen: But your name is Ernest. Jack: Yes, I know it is. But what if it was something else? Couldn't you love me then? Gwendolen: [Cleverly] Ah! But you are called Ernest, so there is no reason to think about you not being called Ernest. Jack: Personally, darling, I don't really like the name Ernest . . . 1 don't think the name suits me. Gwendolen: It suits you perfectly. It is a wonderful name. It is musical. Jack: Well, really, Gwendolen, I think there are a lot of nicer names. I think that Jack, for instance, is a charming name. Gwendolen: Jack? . . . No, there is very little music in the name Jack. It does not excite me. I have known several Jacks and they all were very ordinary. I feel pity for any woman who is married to a man called Jack. I think the only really good name is Ernest. Jack: Gwendolen, I must get baptized47 at once I mean we must get married at once. There is no time to lose. Gwendolen: [Shocked] Married, Mr Worthing? Jack: Well . . . you know that I love you and you told me, Miss Fairfax, that you love me. Gwendolen: I do love you. But you haven't proposed to me yet. Nothing has been said about marriage. Jack: Well . . . may I propose to you now? Gwendolen: I think that this would be an excellent time to propose to me. And I will tell you now that I will accept you so that you aren't worried. Jack: Gwendolen! 23 Gwendolen: Yes, Mr Worthing? What are you going to say to Jack: You know what I am going to say to you. Gwendolen: Yes, but you h?gen't said it. Jack: Gwendolen, will you marry me? [Going down on his knees] Gwendolen: Yes, of course I will. You have taken a long time to ask. I am afraid you have had very little experience of proposing. Jack: My dear, I have never loved anyone in the world but you. Gwendolen: Yes, but men often practise proposing. My brother, Gerald, often proposes to people. All my friends tell me. What wonderful blue eyes you have, Ernest! They are quite, quite blue. I hope you will always look at me like that, especially when there are other people in the room. [Lady Bracknell enters] Lady Bracknell: Mr Worthing! Get up from that position. It is not respectable to behave like that. Gwendolen: Mama! [Jack tries to stand up but Gwendolen makes him stay in a kneeling position] Please go away. Mr Worthing has not finished yet. Lady Bracknell: Finished what, may I ask? Gwendolen: I am engaged to be married to Mr Worthing, Mama. [Jack stands up] Lady Bracknell: Pardon me, you are not engaged to anyone, Gwendolen. When you are engaged to someone, I, or your father, will inform you of the fact. An engagement should come as a surprise to a young girl. A pleasant surprise or an unpleasant surprise. It is not something that she is allowed to arrange for herself. . . . And now, I have a few questions to ask you, Mr Worthing. While I am asking these questions, you, Gwendolen, will wait for me in the carriage48 Gwendolen: Mama! looks around for the cause of the noise. Finally she turns round and sees them. Frowning] Gwendolen, I said wait for me in the carriage! Gwendolen: Yes, Mama. [Going off, looking back at Jack] Lady Bracknell: You can sit down, Mr Worthing. [Looks in her pocket for a notebook and pencil] Jack: Thank you, Lady Bracknell, I prefer to stand. Lady Bracknell: [Notebook and pencil in hand] I must tell you that you are not on my list of eligible young men, although I have the same list as the Duchess of Bolton. We work together during the season. However, I am quite ready to add your name to the list if your answers are satisfactory. Do you smoke? Jack: Well, yes, I do smoke. Lady Bracknell: I am glad to hear it. A man should always have an occupation49. There are far too many men in London who don't have an occupation. How old are you? Jack: Twenty-nine. Lady Bracknell: That's a very good age to get married. I have always believed that a man who wants to get married should know everything or nothing. Which do you know? Jack: [After hesitating] I know nothing, Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell: I am pleased to hear it. I approve of ignorance. I don't approve of modern education. Fortunately, in England at least, education has no effect at all. What is your income? Jack: It's between seven and eight thousand pounds a year. Lady Bracknell: [Making a note in her book] Do you earn this income from land that you own or from investments50 ? Jack: From investments. Lady Bracknell: Wait in the carriage, Gwendolen! [Gwendolen I can say about land. goes to the door. She and Jack kiss their hands and pretend to blowJack: I have a country house with some land, but I don't depend the kisses to each other behind Lady Bracknell's back. Lady Bracknell upon it for my income. 2425 Wady Bracknell: That is satisfactory. Owning land is neither profitable nor pleasurable — it costs money to look after it when one is alive and then there are taxes when one is dead. That's all Lady Bracknell: A country house! How many bedrooms? Well, that doesn't matter. I hope you have a house in town. Gwendolen must have a house in town. Jack: Well, I do have a town house in Belgrave Square but it is rented to Lady Bloxham. Lady Bracknell: Lady Bloxham? I don't know her. Jack: Oh, she doesn't go out very much; she's very old. Lady Bracknell: She's not necessarily respectable even if she is old. What number Belgrave Square? Jack: 149. Lady Bracknell: [Shaking her head disapprovingly] But that is the unfashionable side of the street. However, that could easily be changed. Jack: Do you mean the fashion or the side? Lady Bracknell: [Very disapprovingly] Both, if necessary. Now, let us discuss less important details. Are your parents living? Jack: I have lost both my parents. Lady Bracknell: To lose one parent, MrWorthing, is unfortunate; to lose both seems like carelessness. Who was your father? He must have been a wealthy man. Was he a businessman or an aristocrat? Jack: I am afraid I don't know. Lady Bracknell, I said that I had lost my parents. In fact, my parents lost me . . . I don't know who I am. I was . . . well, I was found. Lady Bracknell: Found? Jack: The late51 Mr Thomas Cardew, a very kind and charitable old gentleman, found me and called me 'Worthing' because he had a train ticket for Worthing in his pocket at the time. Worthing is a seaside town. Lady Bracknell: Where did the kind gentleman who had a train ticket for this seaside town find you? Jack: [Seriously] In a handbag. Lady Bracknell: Where did Mr Thomas Cardew find this ordinary handbag? Jack: In the cloakroom52 at V?toria Station, here in London. It was a mistake. It was given to him instead of his own bag. Lady Bracknell: In the cloakroom at Victoria Station? Jack: Yes. Lady Bracknell: Mr Worthing, I am shocked by what you have just told me. I do not think it is right to be born in a handbag, even if it has handles. And I do not think it is right to be found in a handbag in a cloakroom at a railway station. It is not the way to become a respectable gentleman with a good position in society. Jack: What is your advice, Lady Bracknell? I would, of course, do anything to make Gwendolen happy. Lady Bracknell: My advice to you, Mr Worthing, is this — try to find some relations as soon as possible. And try to find at least one parent. Jack: Well, I don't see how I could possibly do that. I can show you the handbag. It is in a wardrobe at home. I really think that should satisfy you, Lady Bracknell. Lady Bracknell: Me, sir! It has nothing to do with me! Do you really think that Lord Bracknell would allow our only daughter to marry the son of a cloakroom and form a relationship with a piece of luggage? Goodbye, Mr Worthing! [Lady Bracknell leaves the room with great dignity 53] Jack: Goodbye! [Algernon starts singing a Wedding March54 in the music room. Jack looks very angry and goes to the door] Stop singing that awful tune, Algy! [The singing stops and Algernon enters cheerfully] Algernon: Didn't everything work out all right, old fellow? Did Gwendolen refuse to marry you? Jack: Oh, Gwendolen was fine. She believes we are engaged. Her mother is awful. I've never met such a monster. Oh, I beg your Lady Bracknell: A handbag? Jack: [Very seriously] Yes, Lady Bracknell. I was in a handbag — a pardon, Algy, I suppose I shouldn't talk about your own aunt in large, black leather handbag — an ordinary handbag with handles. that way in front of you. 2627 Algernon: My dear fellow, I love hearing people being rude Jack: Oh, I shall have got rid of him before the end of the week. about my relations. Relations are simply a boring group of people I'll say he died in Paris of a heart attack. Lots of people die of a who don't know how to live and don't know when to die. heart attack quite suddenly, don't they? Jack: Oh, that is nonsens? Algernon: Yes, but it's hereditary", my dear fellow. It's the sort Algernon: It isn't! of thing that runs in families p. You had better say that he died of Jack: Well, I won't argue about it. You always want to argue a bad cold. about things.Jack: Are you sure that a bad cold isn't hereditary? Algernon: Things were made for arguing about.Algernon: Of course it isn't. Jack: If I believed that, I'd shoot myself . . . [A pause] You don't Jack: Very well, then. My poor brother Ernest will die suddenly, think Gwendolen will become like her mother in a hundred and in Paris, of a bad cold. That gets rid of him. fifty years, do you, Algy? Algernon: But you said that your ward . . . Miss Cardew . . . was Algernon: All women become like their mothers. That is their a little too interested in your poor brother Ernest. Won't she be tragedy. No men become like theirs. That is their tragedy. very distressed? Jack: Have you said something clever? Jack: Oh, that's not a problem. Cecily is not a silly romantic girl, Algernon: They were very fine sentences and they are very true. I am pleased to say. She eats big meals, goes for long walks and Jack: I'm tired of cleverness. Everybody is clever nowadays. You doesn't pay attention to her lessons. meet clever people everywhere. I wish that there were a few fools Algernon: I would like to meet Cecily. left in the world.Jack: I will make sure that you never meet her. She is extremely Algernon: There are.pretty and she is just eighteen. Jack: I should like to meet them. What do they talk about? Algernon: Have you told Gwendolen that you have an extremely Algernon: The fools? They talk about the clever people, of pretty ward who is just eighteen? course.Jack: Oh, one mustn't tell people everything all at once. Cecily Jack: What fools! and Gwendolen will be great friends, I'm sure. They will be calling Algernon: By the way, did you tell Gwendolen the truth about each other sister half an hour after they meet. being Ernest in town and Jack in the country? Algernon: Women only call each other sister after they have Jack: My dear fellow, one does not tell the truth to a nice, sweet called each other lots of other things first. Now, my dear fellow, girl. You have extraordinary ideas about how to behave to a if we want to get a good table at the restaurant, we must go and woman!change our clothes now. It's nearly seven. I'm hungry. Algernon: The only way to behave to a woman is to flirt with her Jack: [Irritably] I never knew a time when you weren't hungry. if she is pretty. And if she isn't pretty, you must flirt with someone Algernon: What shall we do after dinner? Go to a theatre? else.Jack: Oh no! One has to listen at the theatre. I hate listening. Jack: Oh, that is nonsense. Algernon: Well, let us go to the Club56 Algernon: What about your badly behaved brother Ernest? DidJack: Oh no! One has to talk at the Club. I hate talking. you tell her about him?Algernon: Well, we could go to the Empire Music Ha1157 at ten. 2829 Act One Jack: The Music Hall? Oh no! I hate looking at things. Algernon: Well, what shall we do? Jack: Nothing! Algernon: Doing nothing•is very hard work. However, I don't mind very hard work if there is nothing definite to do. [Lane enters] Lane: Miss Fairfax has returned, sir. [Gwendolen enters. Lane goes off] Algernon: Gwendolen. Hello! Gwendolen: Algy, please go away. I have something which I want to say to Mr Worthing in private. Algernon; Really, Gwendolen. I don't think I can allow you to do that. Gwendolen: Algy, you are not quite old enough to say things like that. [Algernon goes to the other side of the room near the fireplace and stands with his back to them] Jack: My own darling! Gwendolen: Ernest, we may never be married. I saw the frown on Mama's face. Few parents these days pay attention to what their children say to them. I was three years old the last time I had any influence over my mother. Ernest, she may stop us from getting married. I may get married to someone else, I may get married again and again — but nothing will ever change my love for you. Jack: Dear Gwendolen! Gwendolen: Mama told me the romantic story of your birth. She is displeased about it, but I love it. Your name — Ernest — fascinates me. You are so simple and good-natured and that makes you wonderfully complicated. I've got your town address at The Albany. What is your address in the country? Jack: The Manor House, Woolton, Hertfordshire. [Algernon, who has turned round and has been carefully listening, smiles to himself and writes the address on the cuff8 of his shirt. Then he picks up a railway timetable from a shelf] 30 The Manor House, Woolton, Hertfordshire. ? One Gwendolen: It may be necessary to do something impetuous59 Algernon: I love trouble. It's the only thing which is never We will have to think carefully about this. I will write to you serious. every day. Jack: Oh, that's nonsense, Algy. You never talk anything but Jack: My own one! nonsense. Gwendolen: How long will you be in town?Algernon: Nobody ever does. Jack: Till Monday. [Jack shakes his head at him and leaves the room. Algernon lights a Gwendolen: Good! Algy, you may turn round now. cigarette, looks at his shirt-cuff and smiles] Algernon: Thanks, I have turned round already. Gwendolen: You may also ring the bell for Lane to take me to the door. [Algernon rings the bell] Jack: Let me take you to the door, my own darling. Gwendolen: Certainly. Jack: [To Lane, who now enters] I will take Miss Fairfax to the door. Lane: Yes, sir. [Jack and Gwendolen go off] Algernon: Bring me a glass of wine, Lane. Lane: Yes, sir. Algernon: Tomorrow, Lane, I'm going Bunburying. Lane: Yes, sir. Algernon: I shall probably not be back till Monday. Pack my evening clothes, some casual clothes and all my Bunbury suits . Lane: Yes, sir. [Handing Algernon his glass of wine] Algernon: I hope that tomorrow is a fine day, Lane. Lane: It never is, sir. Algernon: Lane, you are a pessimist. Lane: I do my best, sir. [Jack enters. Lane goes off] Jack: What a sensible, intelligent girl! The only girl I've ever cared for in my life. [Algernon is laughing loudly] What on earth are you laughing at? Algernon: Oh, I'm a bit worried about poor Bunbury, that is all. Jack: Your friend Bunbury will get you into trouble one day, you know. 3233 Act Two [The garden at the Manor House in Woolton, Hertfordshire, Jack Worthing's country home. Miss Prism is sitting at a table. Cecily is watering flowers] Miss Prism: [Calling] Cecily, Cecily! I think that watering flowers is a servant's occupation rather than yours, especially at a moment when the pleasures of education are waiting for you. Your German grammar book is on the table. Please open it at page fifteen. We will do yesterday's lesson again. Cecily: [Coming over to the table very slowly] But I don't like German. It isn't a very pretty language. I know that I look quite ugly after my German lesson. Miss Prism: Child, your guardian is anxious that you improve yourself in every way. As he was leaving for town yesterday, he reminded me how important your German is. Indeed he always reminds me how important your German is when he is leaving for town. Cecily: Dear Uncle Jack is so very serious! Sometimes he is so serious that I think he must be ill. Miss Prism: [Sitting up very straight in her chair] Your guardian's health is excellent and his seriousness — indeed his earnestness — is very admirable in such a young man. I do not know anyone else who has such a good sense of duty and responsibility. Cecily: I suppose that is why he often seems a little bored when we three are together. Miss Prism: Cecily! I am surprised at you. Mr Worthing has many troubles in his life. You must remember that he is always worried about that unfortunate young man, his brother Ernest. Cecily: I wish Uncle Jack would allow that unfortunate young man, his brother Ernest, to come here sometimes. We might have a good influence on him, Miss Prism. I am sure that you would. You know German and geology and all kinds of things that influence a man very much. [Cecily begins to write in her diary] 34 Miss Prism: [Shaking her head] I do not think that even I could have a good influence on his character. Mr Worthing himself says that his brother's character IS weak and indecisive. Indeed, I wouldn't want to have a good influence on him. I do not approve of this modern desire to turn bad people into good people at a moment's notice P. I think he should suffer because of his misbehaviour. You must put away your diary, Cecily. I really don't understand why you keep a diary at all. Cecily: I keep a diary in order to write down the wonderful secrets of my life. If I didn't write them down, I should probably forget all about them. Miss Prism: Our memory is the diary that we all have with us. Cecily: Yes, but our memory usually remembers things that have never happened and couldn't possibly have happened. I believe that memory is responsible for all the three-volume novels people write. Miss Prism: Do not be dismissive60 of the three-volume novel, Cecily. I wrote one myself a long time ago. Cecily: Did you really, Miss Prism? How wonderfully clever you are! I hope it did not end happily! I don't like novels that end happily. They depress me so much. Miss Prism: The good people ended happily. The bad people ended unhappily. That is fiction. Cecily: I suppose so. But it seems very unfair. And was your novel ever published? Miss Prism: I am sad to say it was not. The manuscript, unfortunately, was lost. Now, start work, child. There is no point in thinking about these things. C Cecily: [Smiling] But I see dear Canon Chasuble coming towards us through the garden. Miss Prism: [Standing up and going towards Canon Chasuble] Canon Chasuble! It is indeed a pleasure to see you. Chasuble: And how are we today? Miss Prism, you are, I hope, well? 35 Cecily: Miss Prism has just been complaining of a slight headache. I think that it would do her good to have a short walk with you in the park, Canon Chasuble. Miss Prism: Cecily, I haye not mentioned anything about a headache. Cecily: No, dear Miss Prism, I know that, but I felt that you had a headache. Indeed, I was thinking about that, and not about my German lesson, when Canon Chasuble arrived. Chasuble: I hope, Cecily, that you pay attention to your lessons. Cecily: Oh, I am afraid I do not! Chasuble: That is strange. If I were Miss Prism's pupil, I would always pay attention. Has Mr Worthing returned from town yet? Miss Prism: We expect him on Monday afternoon. Chasuble: Ah, yes, he usually likes to spend his Sundays in London. He is an earnest young man who does not always look for pleasure as, I believe, his younger brother does. I will see you both at church later, shall I? Miss Prism: I think, dear canon, I will have a walk with you. I find I have a headache after all and a walk might do it good. Canon Chasuble: It would be a pleasure, Miss Prism, a pleasure. Let us go to the end of the garden and back. Miss Prism: That would be delightful. Cecily, you will read your Political Economy in my absence. [Miss Prism goes down the garden with Canon Chasuble] Cecily: Oh horrid Political Economy! Horrid German! [Men•iman enters with a visiting card on a silver tray] Merriman: Mr Ernest Worthing has just arrived from the station. He has brought his luggage with him. Cecily: [Taking the card and reading it] 'Mr Ernest Worthing, B.4, The Albany, London.' He must be Uncle Jack's brother! Have you told him Uncle Jack is in town? Merriman: Yes, miss. He seemed very disappointed. I told him that you and Miss Prism were in the garden. He said he was anxious to speak to you privately for a moment. 36 Cecily: Ask Mr Ernest Worthing to come here. And you had better talk to the housekeeper61 about a bedroom for him. Merriman: Yes, miss. [Merriman goes offl Cecily: [To herself] I have never met a really wicked person before. I feel rather frightened. I am so afraid that he will look just like everyone else. [Algernon enters looking very handsome and fashionable] Oh dear, he does! Algernon: [Raising his hat] You are my little cousin, Cecily, I'm sure. Cecily: You are making a strange mistake. I am not little. In fact, I believe I am quite tall for my age. [Algernon is rather surPrised] But I am your cousin, Cecily. You, I see from your card, are Uncle Jack's brother, my cousin Ernest, my wicked cousin Ernest. Algernon: Oh! I am not really wicked at all, Cousin Cecily. You mustn't think that I am wicked. Cecily: If you are not wicked, then I think you have been deceiving us all. I hope that you have not been leading a double life. I hope you have not been pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time. That would be hypocrisy62. Algernon: [Looking at her in amazement] Oh! Of course, I have been rather bad. Cecily: I'm glad to hear it. Algernon: In fact, I think that I have been very wicked in my own way. Cecily: I don't think you should be so proud of that, though I'm sure it must have been very pleasant. Algernon: It is much pleasanter being here with you. Cecily: I can't understand why you are here at all. Uncle Jack won't be back from town till Monday afternoon. Algernon: That is a great disappointment to me. I have to leave for London by the first train on Monday morning. I have a business meeting that I am anxious . . . to miss! Cecily: Couldn't you miss it anywhere but in London? 37 Algernon: No. The appointment is in London. Algernon: Because you are like a pink rose, Cousin Cecily. Cecily: Well, of course, I know that it is important not to attend Cecily: I don't think that it is right for you to talk to me like a business meeting. That is what makes life interesting. But I that. Miss Prism doesn't say such things to me. think you should wait till Vncle Jack arrives. I know he wants to Algernon: Miss Prism must be a very short-sighted old lady. speak to you about your emigration. [Cecily puts the flower in his buttonhole] You are the prettiest girl I Algernon: He wants to speak to me about . . . I don't understand! have ever seen. Cecily: About your emigration. He has gone to town to buy yourCecily: Miss Prism says that good looks are a trap. clothes.Algernon: They are a trap that every sensible man would like to Algernon: I certainly wouldn't let Jack buy my clothes. He has be caught in. no taste in ties at all.Cecily: Oh, I don't think I would like to catch a sensible man. I Cecily: I don't think you will require ties. Uncle Jack is sendingwouldn't know what to talk to him about. you to Australia. [They go into the house. Miss Prism and Canon Chasuble enter] Algernon: Australia! I'd rather die. Miss Prism: You are on your own too much, Canon Chasuble. Cecily: Well, at dinner on Wednesday he said that you would You should get married. have to choose between this world, the next world and Australia.Chasuble: The Early Church was very much against marriage. Algernon: Oh well! I don't believe Australia and the next world Miss Prism: That is obviously the reason why the Early Church are very nice. This world is good enough for me, Cousin Cecily. has not lasted to the present day. And you do not seem to realize, Cecily: Ah, but are you good enough for it? dear sir, that a man who remains single becomes a permanent Algernon: I'm afraid I'm not. That is why I want you to reform63 temptation. me. Please will you do this, Cousin Cecily. Chasuble: But isn't a man equally attractive when he is married? Cecily: I'm afraid I don't have time this afternoon. Miss Prism: No married man is ever attractive except to his wife. Algernon: Well, would you mind if I reformed myself this Chasuble: And often, I've been told, he is not even attractive afternoon?to her. Cecily: It is rather ambitious of you. But I think you should try. Miss Prism: That depends on the woman. If she is a mature Algernon: I will. I feel better already. woman, she can be relied upon. You cannot rely upon a young Cecily: You are looking a little worse. woman. But where is Cecily? Algernon: That is because I am hungry.Chasuble: Perhaps she followed us. Cecily: How thoughtless of me. I should have remembered that [Jack enters from the back of the garden. He is wearing black mourning someone who is going to reform himself needs regular meals. clothes641 Please come in.Miss Prism: Mr Worthing! Algernon: Thank you. May I have a flower for my buttonholeChasuble: Mr Worthing! first? I never have any appetite unless I have a flower for my Miss Prism: This is a surprise. We did not expect you till Monday buttonhole. I'd like a pink rose.afternoon. Cecily: [Picking up scissors] Why? [Cutting a flower]Jack: [Shaking Miss Prism's hand in a tragic way] I have returned 3839 sooner than I expected to. Canon Chasuble, I hope you are well? Jack: Ah! That reminds me. You mentioned baptisms, I think, Chasuble: Dear Mr Worthing, I hope these black clothes do not Canon Chasuble? You know how to baptize people, I suppose? mean that something dreadful has happened? [Canon Chasuble looks very surprised] I mean you often baptize Jack: My brother.people, don't you? Miss Prism: More shameful debts and bad behaviour? Miss Prism: It is, I am sorry to say, one of the canon's most Chasuble: Is he still leading his wicked life? frequent duties. I have often spoken to the poorer classes about it. Jack: [Shaking his head] Dead! But they don't take any notice. Chasuble: Your brother Ernest is dead? Chasuble: But is there any particular child in whom you are Jack: Quite dead. interested, Mr Worthing? Your brother was, I believe, unmarried? Miss Prism: What a lesson for him! I hope he will learn from Jack: Oh yes. this.Miss Prism: [Bitterly70J People who live just for pleasure are Chasuble: Mr Worthing, I offer you my sincere condolences". usually unmarried. At least you know that you have always been most generous and Jack: But it is not for any child, dear canon. No! The fact is that forgiving to him. I would like to be baptized myself, this afternoon, if you have Jack: Poor Ernest! He had many faults, but it is very, very sad. nothing better to do. Chasuble: Very sad indeed. Were you with him at the end? Chasuble: But surely, Mr Worthing, you have been baptized Jack: No. He died abroad; in Paris, in fact. I had a telegram last already? night from the manager of the Grand Hotel in Paris. Jack: I don't remember anything about it. Of course, I don't Chasuble: Did the telegram mention the cause of death? know if you think I am a little too old now. Jack: A bad cold, it seems.Chasuble: Not at all. At what time would you like the ceremony Miss Prism: As a man sows, so shall he reap P.performed? Chasuble: Charity66, dear Miss Prism, charity! None of us are Jack: Oh, I'll come about five o'clock if that would suit you. perfect. I myself am particularly sensitive to draughts67. Will the Chasuble: Perfectly, perfectly! In fact I have two similar funeral take place here? ceremonies to perform at that time — twins who were born in one Jack: No. It seems he wanted to be buried in Paris. of the cottages on your estate. Chasuble: In Paris! [Shaking his head] I don't think he was being Jack: Oh! I don't think it would be much fun to be baptized very serious even at the end. You will want me to mention this sad along with other babies. It would be childish. Would half-past event in church next Sunday. [Jack Presses Canon Chasuble's hand five be all right? very hard and looks very sad] My sermon68 on the mercy of God Chasuble: Of course, of course! [Taking out his watch from his can be used on any occasion, happy or sad. [They all sigh] I have pocket] And now, dear Mr Worthing, I will not stay any longer in preached it at baptisms, weddings and funerals. The last time I this house of grief. I ask you not to grieve too much. Bitter trials P preached it was to the Society for the Prevention of Discontent69 are often blessings in disguise P. among the Upper Classes. The Bishop, who was present, liked it Miss Prism: This seems to me to be an extremely obvious blessing. very much.[Cecily enters from the house] 4041 Cecily: Uncle Jack! Oh, I am pleased to see you. But what horrible clothes you are wearing. Please go and change them. Miss Prism: Cecily! Chasuble: My child! My ?bild! [Cecily goes towards Jack, who kisses her forehead in a tragic way] Cecily: What is the matter, Uncle Jack? Please look happy! You look as if you have toothache, and I have got such a surprise for you. Who do you think is in the dining room? Your brother! Jack: Who? Cecily: Your brother Ernest. He arrived about half an hour ago. Jack: What nonsense! I haven't got a brother. Cecily: Oh, don't say that. He is still your brother even though he has behaved badly in the past. You mustn't be so heartless. I'll tell him to come out. And you will shake hands with him, won't you, Uncle Jack? [Cecily runs back into the house] Chasuble: This is very happy news. Miss Prism: Since we were just getting used to his departure, his sudden return seems very distressing. Jack: My brother is in the dining room? I don't know what it means. I think it is perfectly ridiculous. [Algernon and Cecily enter holding hands. They come slowly towards Jack] Good heavens! [He waves his hand to try to make Algernon go away] Algernon: [Holding his hand out to Jack] Brother Jack, I have come from town to tell you that I am very sorry for all the trouble I have given you and that I will behave myself better in future. [Jack glares71 at him and doesn't take his hand] Cecily: Uncle Jack, are you going to refuse to shake your brother's hand? Jack: Nothing will make me shake his hand. I think it is disgraceful that he has come here. He knows perfectly well why. Cecily: Uncle Jack, do be nice. There is some good in everyone. Ernest has just been telling me about his poor invalid friend, MrJack: His luggage? Bunbury, whom he goes to visit very often. There must be much Merriman: Yes, sir. Three large suitcases, a small suitcase, two good in Ernest if he leaves London to sit by the bed of an invalid. hat boxes and a large picnic Tasket. Jack: Oh! He has been talking about Bunbury, has he? Algernon: I'm afraid I can only stay for a week this time. Cecily: Yes, he has told me all about poor Mr Bunbury and his Jack: Merriman, order the carriage at once. Mr Ernest has very bad health.suddenly been called back to town. Jack: Bunbury! Well, I don't want him to talk to you aboutMerriman: Yes, sir. Bunbury or about anything else. It makes me furious.[Men-iman goes off] Algernon: Of course, I agree that I used to behave very badly. Algernon: What a liar you are, Jack. I have not been called back But I must say that I think Brother Jack's coldness towards me is to town at all. very unkind. I expected a better welcome, especially since it is the Jack: Yes, you have. first time I have come here. Algernon: I haven't heard anyone call me. Cecily: Uncle Jack, if you don't shake hands with Ernest, I will Jack: Your duty as a gentleman calls you back. never forgive you. Algernon: My duty as a gentleman has never interfered with my Jack: You will never forgive me?pleasure at all. Cecily: Never, never, never! Jack: Yes, I quite understand that! Jack: Well, this is the last time I shall ever do it. [Shaking hands Algernon: Well, Cecily is a darling. with Algernon and glaring at him] Jack: You are not to talk of Miss Cardew like that. I don't like it. Chasuble: It is pleasant to see a perfect reconciliation72, is it not? Algernon: Well, I don't like your clothes. You look perfectly I think we should leave the brothers together. ridiculous in them. Why don't you go upstairs and change? It is Miss Prism: Cecily, you will come with us. perfectly childish to be wearing black clothes for a man who is Cecily: Certainly, Miss Prism. My task of reconciliation is over. going to stay in your house for a whole week as a guest. Chasuble: You have done something beautiful today, dear child. Jack: You are certainly not staying with me for a whole week. Miss Prism: We must not say these things too soon. You have got to leave . . . by the four o'clock train. Cecily: I feel very happy. Algernon: I certainly won't leave you while you are in black [They all go off except Jack and Algernon] clothes. That would be very unfriendly. Jack: You young scoundre173, Algy, you must get out of this place Jack: Well, will you go if I change my clothes? as soon as possible. I don't allow any Bunburying here. Algernon: Yes, if you are not too long. I never saw anybody else [Men•iman enters] who took so long to get dressed, and with such uninteresting Merriman: I have put Mr Ernest's things in the room next to results. yours, sir.Jack: Well, at least that is better than always being overdressed Jack: What? like you. Merriman: Mr Ernest's luggage, sir. I have unpacked it and put it Algernon: If I am occasionally overdressed, I make up for it by in the room next to your own. being extremely overeducated. 4445 Jack: Your vanity is silly, your behaviour is outrageous and your presence in my garden is ridiculous. However, you have got to catch the four o'clock train and I hope you will have a pleasant journey back to town. This Bunburying has not been a success for you. [Jack goes into the house] Algernon: [To himself] I think it has been a great success. I'm in love with Cecily and that is wonderful. [Cecily enters at the back of the garden. She picks up a can and starts watering the flowers] But I must see her before I go and make arrangements for some more Bunburying. Ah, there she is. Cecily: Oh, I came back to water the roses. I thought you were with Uncle Jack. Algernon: He's gone to order the carriage for me. Cecily: Oh, is he going to take you for a nice drive? Algernon: He's going to send me away. Cecily: Then we have to part? Algernon: I am afraid so. It's a very painful parting. Cecily: It is always painful to part with new friends. It is easy to bear the absence of old friends, but even a short parting from someone whom one has just met is extremely painful. Algernon: Thank you. [Men-iman enters] Merriman: The carriage is at the door, sir. [Algernon looks sadly at Cecily] Cecily: It can wait, Merriman . . . for . . . five minutes. Merriman: Yes, miss. [Men-iman goes off] Algernon: I hope, Cecily, I shall not offend you if I tell you that you seem to me to be perfect in every way. Cecily: I think that it is very good that you are so honest. If you will allow me, I will copy your words into my diary. [Going over to a table and starting to write in her diary] 46 Algernon: Do you really keep a diary? I'd love to look at it. May I look at it? Cecily: Oh, no. [Putting her?nd over it] You see, it is just a young girl's record of her thoughts and impressions, and of course, it is going to be published. When it appears in the form of a book, I hope you will buy a copy. But please don't stop, Ernest. I enjoy writing things down from dictation. I have got to 'perfect in every way'. You can go on. I am quite ready to write down more. Algernon: [Rather surprised, coughing] Ahem! Ahem! Cecily: Oh, don't cough, Ernest. When one is dictating, one should speak clearly and not cough. Besides, I can't spell a cough. [Writing as Algernon speaks] Algernon: ISPeaking very quickly] Cecily, ever since I first looked at your wonderful beauty, I have loved you wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly. Cecily: I don't think that you should tell me you love me wildly, passionately, devotedly, hopelessly. Hopelessly doesn't make much sense, does it? Algernon: Cecily. [Men-iman enters] Merriman: The carriage is waiting at the door, sir. Algernon: Tell it to come to the door next week at the same time. Merriman: [Looking at Cecily, who doesn't say anything] Yes, sir. [Men-iman goes off] Cecily: Uncle Jack would be very annoyed if he knew you were staying till next week at the same time. Algernon: Oh, I don't care about Jack. I don't care about anybody in the whole world except you. I love you, Cecily. You will marry me, won't you? Cecily: You silly boy! Of course. We have been engaged for the last three months. Algernon: For the last three months? Cecily: Yes, it will have been three months on Thursday. 47 Algernon: But how did we become engaged? Cecily: Well, ever since Uncle Jack told us he had a very wicked younger brother, you, of course, have been the main topic of conversation between myself and Miss Prism. And a man who is talked about all the time is very attractive. And I fell in love with you, which is probably a bit silly of me. Algernon: Darling! And when did we become engaged? Cecily: On the fourteenth of February. I was unhappy that you didn't know I existed, so I made up my mind to decide the matter, one way or the other. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to accept your proposal of marriage. I decided that we were engaged. And so the next day I bought this little ring for you to give me and I promised you that I would always wear it. Algernon: Did I give you this? It's very pretty, isn't it? Cecily: Yes, you've got wonderfully good taste, Ernest. It's the excuse I've given you for leading such a bad life. And this is the box in which I keep all your dear letters. [Putting a box on the table. Opening the box and bringing out a bundle of letters tied up with a blue ribbon] Algernon: [Sitting beside her] My letters! But, my own sweet Cecily, I have never written you any letters. Cecily: You needn't remind me, Ernest. I remember very well that I had to write your letters for you. I always wrote three times a week and sometimes more often. Algernon: Oh, do let me read them, Cecily. Cecily: Oh, I couldn't possibly let you do that. They would make you far too conceited74. [Replacing the box] The three that you wrote me after I had broken off the engagement are so beautiful and so badly spelt that even now they make me cry a little when I read them. Algernon: But was our engagement ever broken off? Cecily: Of course it was. On the twenty-second of March. You can see the diary entry if you like. [Showing her diary] 'Today I broke off my engagement with Ernest. I feel it is better to do so. I have got to 'perfect in every way' 49 The weather continues to be very pleasant.' Algernon: But why on earth did you break it off? What had I done? I had done nothing at all. Cecily, I am very hurt indeed to hear that you broke it off. Particularly when the weather was so pleasant. Cecily: It wouldn't have been a very serious engagement if it hadn't been broken off at least once. But I forgave you before the end of the week. Algernon: What a perfect angel you are, Cecily. Cecily: You dear romantic boy. [He kisses her] Algernon: Do you promise that you'll never break off our engagement again, Cecily? Cecily: I don't think I could break it off now that I have actually met you. Besides, of course, there is your name. Algernon: [Sounding nervous] Yes, of course. Cecily: You must not laugh at me, darling, but it had always been a dream of mine to love someone called Ernest. [Algernon stands up and then Cecily does also] There is something about that name which inspires confidence. I pity any poor married woman whose husband is not called Ernest. Algernon: But, my dear child, couldn't you love me if I had another name? Cecily: But what name? Algernon: Oh, any name you like — Algernon — for instance . Cecily: But I don't like the name Algernon. Algernon: Well, my own dear, sweet, loving little darling, I can't see why you don't like the name Algernon. It is not a bad name. In fact, it is rather an aristocratic name. Half the fellows who get into the Bankruptcy Court75 are called Algernon. But seriously, Cecily . . . [Moving to her and making her sit down with him] if my name was Algy, couldn't you love me? Cecily: [Standing up] I might respect you, Ernest. I might admire your character, but I would not really want to spend very much time with you. 50 Algernon: Ahem! Cecily! [Picking up his hat] The clergyman here is, I suppose, a very experienced man? Cecily: Oh, yes. Canon Chasuble is a very learned man. He has never written a single book, so you can imagine how much he knows. Algernon: I must see him at once about an important baptism . I mean . on important business. Cecily: Oh! Algernon: I shan't be away for more than half an hour. Cecily: We have been engaged since the fourteenth of February and I only met you today for the first time, so I think it is rather hard that you should leave me for as long as half an hour. Couldn't you make it twenty minutes? Algernon: I'll be back in no time. [He kisses her and runs down the garden] Cecily: What an impetuous boy he is! I must write about his proposal in my diary. [She sits down and writes in her diary] [Meneiman enters] Merriman: A Miss Fairfax has just called to see Mr Worthing. She says it is on very important business. Cecily: Isn't Mr Worthing in his library? Merriman: Mr Worthing went to Canon Chasuble's house some time ago. Cecily: Please ask the lady to come out into the garden and join me. Mr Worthing is sure to be back soon. And you can bring tea. Merriman: Yes, miss. [Mer?man goes off] Cecily: [To herself] Miss Fairfax! I suppose she is one of the many good women who help Uncle Jack with his charitable work in London. I don't really like women who are interested in charitable work. I think it is so presumptuous76 of them. [Meneiman enters] Merriman: Miss Fairfax. [Gwendolen enters. Men•iman goes offl 51 Cecily: [Standing up and going to meet her] Let me introduce myself to you. My name is Cecily Cardew. Gwendolen: Cecily Cardew? [Moving to her and shaking hands] What a very sweet name! I think we are going to be great friends. I like you already more than I can say. My first impressions of people are never wrong. Cecily: How nice of you to like me so much when we have known each other for such a short time. Please sit down. Gwendolen: [Still standing up] I may call you Cecily, may I not? Cecily: Of course, with pleasure. Gwendolen: And you will always call me Gwendolen, won't you? Cecily: If you wish. Gwendolen: Then that is all quite settled, is it not? Cecily: I hope so. [A pause. Then they both sit down together] Gwendolen: Perhaps this is a good opportunity to tell you who I am. My father is Lord Bracknell. You have never heard of Papa, I suppose? Cecily: I don't think so. Gwendolen: Outside the family circle, Papa, I am glad to say, is completely unknown. I think that is quite right. The home seems to me to be the proper place for a man. Certainly once a man begins to neglect his duties at home, it makes him very attractive. Cecily, Mama, whose views on education are very strict, has brought me up to be extremely short-sighted; it is part of her system. So do you mind me looking at you through my glasses? Cecily: Oh! Not at all, Gwendolen. I like being looked at. Gwendolen: [After looking at Cecily carefully through a lorgnette?7] You are here on a short visit, I suppose? Cecily: Oh no! I live here. Gwendolen: [Severely] Really? Your mother, or an elderly female relation, lives here also? Cecily: Oh no! I have no mother, nor, in fact, any relations. Gwendolen: Indeed? 52 Cecily: My dear guardian, with the help of Miss Prism, has the difficult task of looking after me. Gwendolen: Your guardian? Cecily: Yes, I am Mr Worthing's ward. Gwendolen: Oh! It is strange that he never mentioned to me that he had a ward. How secretive of him! He is becoming more interesting every hour. However, I am not sure that I am delighted by this news. [Standing up and going to Cecily] I have liked you ever since I met you, Cecily. But, now that I know you are Mr Worthing's ward, I must say that I wish you were — well — a bit older than you seem to be — and not quite so pretty. In fact, if I may speak candidly78 Cecily: Please do! I think that when one has anything unpleasant to say, one should always be quite candid. Gwendolen: Well, to be quite candid, Cecily, I wish that you were at least forty-two years old and extremely plain. Ernest has an honourable, truthful nature. He would never be deceitful. But the most honourable men can be influenced by the beauty of others. Modern history, and indeed ancient history, give us many painful examples of what I refer to. Indeed, history would be quite unreadable if it were not so. Cecily: I beg your pardon, Gwendolen, did you say 'Ernest'? Gwendolen: Yes. Cecily: Oh, but it is not Mr Ernest Worthing who is my guardian. It is his brother — his elder brother. Gwendolen: [Sitting down again] Ernest never mentioned to me that he had a brother. Cecily: I am sorry to say that they have not got on well with each other for a long time. Gwendolen: Ah! I see. And now I think about it, I have never heard any man mention his brother. Most men don't seem to like the subject. Cecily, you have lifted a weight from my mind. I was becoming almost anxious. It would have been awful if any cloud had come across such a special friendship, would it not? Are you 53 quite, quite sure that it is not Mr Ernest Worthing who is your guardian? Cecily: Quite sure. [A pause] In fact, I am going to be his guardian. Gwendolen: I beg your pabdon? Cecily: [Shyly] Dearest Gwendolen, there is no reason why I should keep it a secret from you. It will be in the local newspaper next week. Mr Ernest Worthing and I are engaged to be married. Gwendolen: [Politely, standing up] My darling Cecily, I think that there must be some small mistake. Mr Ernest Worthing is engaged to me. The announcement will appear in the newspapers on Saturday at the latest. Cecily: [Very politely, standing up] I am afraid that you are mistaken. Ernest proposed to me exactly ten minutes ago. [Showing her diary to Gwendolen] Gwendolen: [Looking at the diary very carefully through her lorgnette] It is very strange because he asked me to be his wife yesterday afternoon at half-past five. Please check for yourself. [Producing a diary of her own] I never travel without my diary. One should always have something exciting to read on the train. I am so sorry, dear Cecily, if it is any disappointment to you, but I am afraid that I was his first choice. Cecily: It would make me very sad, dear Gwendolen, to cause you any pain, but I feel I must point out that since Ernest proposed to you he has clearly changed his mind. Gwendolen: [Thoughtfully] If the poor fellow has been trapped into making a foolish promise, it is my duty to rescue him at once — and firmly. Cecily: [Thoughtfully and sadly] If my dear boy has got into an unfortunate entanglement79, I will never reproach80 him for it when we are married. Gwendolen: Are you calling me an entanglement, Miss Cardew? You are presumptuous. On an occasion of this kind, it becomes more than a duty to speak one's mind. It becomes a pleasure. Cecily: Do you suggest, Miss Fairfax, that I trapped Ernest into It is very strange because he asked me to be 54 his wife yesterday aftemoon. an engagement? How dare you! This is no time to pretend to have Gwendolen: No, thank you. Sugar is not fashionable anymore. good manners. When I see a spade, I call it a spade p. [Cecily looks angrily at her, picks up the sugar tongs82 and puts four Gwendolen: I am glad to say that I have never seen a spade. It is lumps of sugar into the cup] obvious we do not live in the same social circle. Cecily: [Severely] Cake or bread and butter? [Men-iman enters, pushing a small trolley. It holds a tablecloth, a Gwendolen: [In a bored way] Bread and butter, please. Cake is tea?ot, some milk, sugar, plates of cakes, muffins, teacake, bread and not seen in the best houses nowadays. butter, and some plates. Cecily is about to reply but doesn't while the Cecily: [Cutting a very large slice of cake and Putting it on the tray which Merriman is holding] Give that to Miss Fairfax. servant is there] Merriman: Shall I set the table for afternoon tea here as usual, [Merriman gives Gwendolen the cake and goes off. Gwendolen drinks miss?some tea and makes a face. She puts down her cup, reaches out her Cecily: [Sternly, in a calm voice] Yes, as usual. [Men-iman begins to hand for the bread and butter, looks at it and finds that it is cake. She lay the cloth on the table. There is a long pause. Cecily and Gwendolen stands up angrily] look angrily at each other] Gwendolen: You have filled my tea with lumps of sugar. And, Gwendolen: Are there many interesting walks near here, Miss though I asked for bread and butter, you have given me cake. I am Cardew ?known to be sweet-tempered, but I warn you, Miss Cardew, you From the top of one of the hills may go too far. Cecily: Oh, yes, a great many. one can see five counties. Cecily: [Standing up] I would go any distance to save my poor, Gwendolen: Five counties! I don't think I should like that; I innocent, trusting boy from being trapped by a girl like you. hate crowds. Gwendolen: I have distrusted you from the moment I saw you. I Cecily: [Sweetly] I suppose that is why you live in town. felt you were false and deceitful. I am never wrong in such matters. [Gwendolen doesn't answer and taps her foot nervously on the ground] My first impressions of people are always right. Gwendolen: [Looking around] This is quite a well-kept garden, Cecily: It seems to me that I am keeping you from other Miss Cardew. appointments. No doubt you have many other similar calls to Cecily: I'm glad you like it, Miss Fairfax.make in the area. Gwendolen: I had no idea there were any flowers in the country.[Jack enters] Cecily: Oh, flowers are as common here, Miss Fairfax, as people Gwendolen: [Seeing him] Ernest! My own Ernest! are in London.Jack: Gwendolen! Darling! [Offering to kiss her] Gwendolen: Personally, I cannot imagine how anyone manages Gwendolen: [Drawing away from Jack] Wait a moment! May I to live in the country — if anybody who is anybody P does. Theask if you are engaged to be married to this young lady? [Pointing country always bores me to deathP.to Cecily] Cecily: Would you like some tea, Miss Fairfax? Jack: [Laughing] To dear little Cecily? Of course not! What could Gwendolen: [Extremely politely] Yes, thank you. [To herself] have put such an idea into your pretty little head? Hatefu181 girl! But I want some tea!Gwendolen: Thank you. You may kiss me. [Offering her cheek] Cecily: [Sweetly] Sugar?Cecily: [Very sweetly] I knew there must be some kind of 5657 Act Two misunderstanding, Miss Fairfax. The gentleman whose arm is at present around your waist is my guardian, Mr Jack Worthing. Gwendolen: I beg your pardon? Cecily: This is Uncle Jack. Gwendolen: [Pulling away from Jack] Jack! Oh! [Algernon enters] Cecily: Here is Ernest. Algernon: [Going straight to Cecily without noticing anyone else] My own love! [Offering to kiss her] Cecily: [Drawing away from Algernon] Wait a moment, Ernest! May I ask you — are you engaged to be married to this young lady? Algernon: [Looking around] To what young lady? Good heavens! Gwendolen! Of course not! What could have put such an idea into your pretty little head? Cecily: Thank you. [Offering her cheek] You may kiss me. [Algernon kisses her] Gwendolen: I felt there was some slight error, Miss Cardew. The gentleman whose arm is at present around your waist is my cousin, Mr Algernon Moncrieff. Cecily: [Breaking away from Algernon] Algernon Moncrieff! Oh! [The two girls move towards each other and put their arms around each other's waists as iffor Protection] Are you called Algernon? Algernon: I cannot deny it. Cecily: Oh! Gwendolen: Is your name really Jack? Jack: [Standing rather proudly] I could deny it if I liked. I could deny anything if I liked. But my name certainly is Jack. It has been Jack for years. Cecily: We have both been terribly deceived. Gwendolen: My poor wounded Cecily! Cecily: My poor wronged Gwendolen! Gwendolen: [Slowly and seriously] Please will you call me 'sister'. [They embrace. Jack and Algernon groan and walk up and down] 58 Are you called Algernon? Act Two Cecily: [Rather brightly] There is just one question I would like to wants to enjoy one's life. I am serious about Bunburying. I have ask my guardian. no idea what you are serious about — I suppose you are serious Gwendolen: A very good idea! Mr Worthing, there is just one about everything. question I would like permission to ask you. Where is your brother Jack: Well, the only satisfaction I get from this awful business is Ernest? We are both engaged to be married to your brother Ernest that you won't be able to Bunbury anymore. Your friend, Bunbury, so it is important for us to know where he is at present. is quite finished. You won't be able to run away from town to the Jack: [Slowly and hesitantly] Gwendolen — Cecily — it is very country quite so often now, Algy. And that's a very good thing. painful for me but I must speak the truth. It is the first time in Algernon: Your brother isn't very well, is he, Jack? Dead, in fact. my life that I have been in such a painful position and I am quite You won't be able to run away to town from the country quite so inexperienced at doing this. However, I will tell you honestly that often now. And that's a very good thing too. I have no brother Ernest. I have no brother at all. I have never Jack: And you have behaved very badly towards Miss Cardew. had a brother in my life and I don't intend ever to have a brotherI must say that deceiving a sweet, simple girl like Cecily is very in the future. wicked of you. To say nothing of the factp that she is my ward. Cecily: [Surprised] No brother at all? Algernon: I must say that deceiving a brilliant, clever young lady Jack: [Cheerfully] None! like Miss Fairfax is very wicked of you. To say nothing of the fact Gwendolen: [Severely] Did you ever have a brother of any kind? that she is my cousin. Jack: [Pleasantly] Never. Not of any kind. Jack: I wanted to be engaged to Gwendolen, that is all. I love Gwendolen: I am afraid, Cecily, that neither of us is engaged to her. be married to anyone. Algernon: Well, I simply wanted to be engaged to Cecily. I adore Cecily: It is not a very pleasant position for a young girl suddenly her. to find herself in, is it? Jack: There is certainly no chance of you marrying Miss Cardew. Gwendolen: Let us go into the house. They will not follow us Algernon: I don't think there is much chance of you marrying into the house, will they? Miss Fairfax, Jack. [Sitting at the table and beginning to eat muffins] Cecily: No, men are so cowardly83 , aren't they? Jack: I can't understand how you can sit there calmly eating [They go into the house, after Looking scornfully84 at the men] muffins when we are in this awful trouble. You seem to me to be Jack: I suppose that this awful business is what you call perfectly heartless. Bunburying, is it? Algernon: Well, I can't eat muffins in an agitated86 manner. The Algernon: [Laughingl Yes, and it's the best Bunburying I have butter would probably get on my cuffs. One should always eat ever done in my life. muffins calmly. It is the only way to eat them. Jack: Well, you have no right to Bunbury here. Jack: I think that it is perfectly heartless to be eating muffins at Algernon: That is absurd85. One has a right to Bunbury wherever all in the circumstances. one chooses. Every serious Bunburyist knows that. Algernon: When I am in trouble, eating is the only thing which Jack: What are you saying? Serious Bunburyist? Good heavens! makes me feel better. Indeed, when I am in very great trouble, I Algernon: Well, one must be serious about something if onerefuse everything except food and drink. At present, I am eating 6061 Two muffins because I am unhappy. Besides, I like muffins. [Standing up] Jack: [Standing up] Well, that is no reason why you should eat them all. [Taking the plate oftmuffins from Algernon] Algernon: [Offering Jack teacake] Please will you have teacake instead. I don't like teacake. Jack: Good heavens! I think a man may eat his own muffins in his own garden. Algernon: But you just said that it was perfectly heartless to eat muffins. Jack: I said it was perfectly heartless of you to eat muffins. That is very different. Algernon: Maybe. But the muffins are the same. [Taking the plate of muffins from Jack] Jack: Algy, I wish you would go. Algernon: You can't ask me to go without giving me some dinner. I never go without my dinner. Besides I have just arranged with Canon Chasuble to be baptized at a quarter to six. I am going to be baptized with the name of Ernest. Jack: My dear fellow, no you aren't. That is nonsense. I arranged with Canon Chasuble to be baptized myself at half-past five. I will, of course, take the name Ernest. Gwendolen would want me to. We cannot both be baptized with the name Ernest. It's absurd. Besides, I have a right to be baptized if I like. There is no evidence that I have ever been baptized. I think it very likely that I never was and so does Canon Chasuble. It is different for you. You have been baptized already. Algernon: Yes, but that was years ago. Jack: Yes, but you have been baptized. That is the important thing. Algernon: Yes indeed. So I know my health can bear it. I must say I think that it is rather dangerous for you to be baptized now. It might make you very unwell. You can't have forgotten that a close relative very nearly died in Paris this week of a bad cold. 62 Act Two Jack: Yes, but you said yourself that a bad cold was not hereditary. Algernon: I know it didn't use to be — but it probably is now. Science is always making wond

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